Chapter 12

"We did it for love...we tried and we won...we did it for's me and you against the world". The music cut. We were in the garage having band practice. Jordan and I just finished singing me and you against the world from Rags.

"Practice was awesome guys, nice work", Jake said clapping from his seat at the drum stand. "Who made you the leader, dim witt?" Justin teased. Jake smirked. "Now why ever would you think I'm trying to be leader?" He asked in a fake southern belle accent that had me giggling.

Jordan shook his head and smiled. "Jake's right guys. We sounded great". "Actually", Justin started, "I think we should get a drum machine. I mean Jo and Jordan are our lead singers but with the way Justin has to play the guitar, it kinda makes him look like back up".

I scrunched up my brows in thought. Jake quickly agreed. "Yeah, he can't move around on stage as much as Josie and people are gonna think he's backup. And since Justin and I play all instruments, we should totally get a drum machine so we won't need drums or we can add someone else to the band".

"No,no, no, we are not adding any person to our band", I wasn't having that. "We're 4J. The whole name was because we're 4 and all our names start with a J. We can't be 4J if we're gonna have a fifth member", I said folding my arms in argument.

"It's settled then. We'll get a drum machine and then Jake can play guitar", Justin said. I shrugged in agreement. So did Jake. We all turned to Jordan who hadn't said a thing. "Well?" Jake asked. He shrugged. "That's not a bad idea actually. It would be great to be able to move more on stage". We all nodded at that.

"Considering, we actually get to perform anywhere", he finished. "Of course we'll get gigs. We've got Jake", Justin said standing up to pat his brother on the back. "Yeah", Jake agreed enthusiastically. I shook my head. "Let's get outta here guys".

It's been three weeks since the party. A lot has happened, well not really. Maddy and I have become best friends. How was I not friends with her before? She's amazing. We have a lot in common. I told her about my crush on Tony. She told me she always assumed he was gay because he never really talked much to the girls on the squad. I thought of it but then I reminded her that cheerleaders may just not be his type.

I mean, just because a guy doesn't talk to some girls doesn't make him gay. She also told me that Dorian possibly likes me. I dunno how I feel about that though. I mean, yeah Dorian is hot but I dunno, he's not Tony I guess.

Speaking of Maddy, we're going shopping together. The guys are coming too. Justin invited Michelle, his girlfriend. Yup they're official. Jake is coming because he's hoping to meet chicks - eyeroll - and Jordan is coming because everyone else is. He doesn't know that Maddy will be there otherwise he'd rather stay home alone.

Jordan and Maddy hate each other. They're always arguing. Those two literally cannot stand each other. At all. I would've told him she was gonna be there but nah, I'd rather see his reaction when he sees her there.

So after rehearsal, I went upstairs to get ready. I wore a striped purple and white spaghetti hand crop top over a matching skirt. I paired it with my white wedged sandals, grabbed my brown satchel and headed out. I found the guys in the living room.

Jordan and Jake were playing a video game while Justin was smiling at his phone. Ugh, he's probably talking to Michelle. I mentally rolled my eyes. "Are you guys ready to go?" I asked.

"Not quite", Jordan replied not taking his eyes off the game. "I need to beat the crap outta Jake first". "Ha, you wish", Jake countered also not taking his eyes off the game. "Oh and we're waiting for Mitchie to meet us here", Justin said not looking up from his phone.

What is with these guys and screens? Oh and Mitchie was the nickname Justin called Michelle. Gag!

"Wait, weren't we supposed to pick her up on the way?" I asked sitting down. We weren't leaving soon. "We were but she's not home and she said she'd meet us here".

I was on my phone texting... Dorian, yeah. He got my number from Maddy and we've been talking for a while. He's actually really fun to talk to. I feel kinda comfortable with him. But there's no spark, the kind I felt when Tony touched me the first time but whatever.

Ten minutes later, the bell rang. "I'll get it", Justin yelled making a beeline for the door. I rolled my eyes. The rest of us weren't gonna stand up either way. "Hey babe", I heard him say. I turned to the boys playing a video game. "Guys Michelle is here, we're leaving".

"Almost done", Jake said. "Yeah!!" He exclaimed standing up and throwing his game pad down. "In your face". He laughed at Jordan. Jordan sat there scowling. I had to laugh at that. His face was priceless. I took out my phone and took a picture. "Oh yeah", I said in between laughs, "gold baby".

He turned to glare at me. "Delete that", he fumed. "Uh, no way", I replied in a bubble gum whiny voice. "Your face was too priceless to pass up". He rolled his eyes and pouted. "I can't believe I lost to Jake". "Awwn", I cooed pinching his cheeks, "it's alright you big baby". He swatted my hand away. I laughed.

"Guys, are we going or what?" Justin yelled from the doorway. We both looked outside simultaneously. "Last one out is a rotten apple", I said. "You're on". Then we took off. He beat me of course. I was in heels. "You lose", he smirked. "Yeah, yeah, whatever".

I texted Maddy in the car that we were on our way. She also did not know Jordan was coming. I smiled to myself. This'll be fun. Jake saw me smiling and asked what was up. I whispered to him and soon we were both cackling maniacally. Everyone in the car turned to look at us like we were crazy but we just looked away.


We arrived at the mall. "Here we are at the mall", I decided to sing. "Nice", Michelle smiled. I took a bow. "Alright let's get going", Jake said putting his arm around Michelle's shoulder. Justin gave him a cold look. "Dude get your own girlfriend", he shoved. "Ow", Jake whined, "sheesh". I texted Maddy.

Me: we're outside. Where r u?

Madds : lobby. I'll see you when you walk in.

Me: cool.

"Alright guys, we move", I lead the way. I saw Maddy and waved her over. She came with a smile that dropped as soon as she saw Jordan. "Action", Jake whispered to me. "You", Maddy said glaring at him. "You", he glared back.

She turned her glare to me. "What's he doing here?" Okay wow, I did not see her turning on me. "Listen Madds, just try to get along".

"You set me up, didn't you?" Jordan asked looking at me. This is so not going as I'd hoped. I tried to diffuse the situation. "Listen guys, we don't even have to shop together. We girls can go and you guys can go. We'll meet back at the food court for lunch".

"I don't wanna have lunch with her", he said.

She scoffed, "please like I wanna have lunch with you. Idiot".

"Don't call me names or you won't like it doll face", he retorted.

"How dare you, you meat head"



"Annabelle doll"


They kept exchanging names back and forth until Michelle broke it up. "Guys", she yelled cutting them off. "I dunno what's going on here but people are starting to stare. Let's just go".

They gave each other one last glare before both parties turned away. "See you later babe", she said waving at Justin who blew her a kiss in return.

"Man, I just can't stand that guy", Maddy said. "I wonder why", I replied, "Ooh Maddy, this is Michelle, Justin's girlfriend".

"He's just so...ugh", Maddy said still ranting about Jordan. Then it seemed to click that I introduced Michelle because she stopped abruptly and just smiled. Amazing how her mood just changed. "Hi I'm Maddy", she said extending her hand for a shake. "Nice to meet you", Michelle replied shakily, like she was expecting her to blow up again.

Maddy waved her off. "Oh it's fine. I'm not always like that. Jordan just has a way if riling me up. So, shall we?" "Let's shall", I said linking my hands with Maddy's and Michelle's. "Don't ever say that again", Maddy said to me. Michelle and I laughed.


We finished our shopping giggling. Of course all our hands were full. Michelle had six bags, I had eight and Maddy, well she had five on each hand. That girl is a shopaholic. We saw an act, on our way to the food court of a dude trying to sing but failing.

People booed but he didn't shut up. He just sang louder. People ended up having to pay him to shut up. We laughed till we got to the food court. We met the guys there. "Wow, did you guys buy the whole store?" Justin asked. "No, just a few things", Michelle said sliding in beside him and kissing his cheek.

I sat beside Jake and the only other empty seat was beside Jordan. "Oh God no", Maddy said. Jordan didn't even look at her. "Josie please switch with me", she pleaded. I thought about it but Jake replied before I could. "Actually she needs to sit here. I have something very important to tell her".

I was confused, what important thing could he have to tell me. Then it hit me. He intentionally wanted them to sit together. I played along. I honestly don't know why I did since it didn't work out well for me the last time. I did anyway. "Yeah sorry Maddy". I gave her my best patronizing look and a shrug. "He's not even looking at you. Just don't talk to him". "Ugh fine", she said reluctantly.

We ordered and our food arrived. It was pretty fun really. Jordan and Maddy went out of their way to pretend the other wasn't there. It was comical. Everything was going great until Maddy accidentally spilled her drink and it splashed on Jordan.

"Ooh", the rest of us silently chorused. "This is not going to end well", Justin whispered. "At least it's just water", I whispered back shrugging. The look on Jordan's face was priceless but I had to hold in my laugh. He looked shocked like he couldn't believe what just happened.

"I'm so sorry", Maddy said taking a towel off the table to try and clean the mess. "Sorry! You're sorry?!" Jordan yelled, "you did that on purpose!"

"Excuse me, I did not", she yelled back dropping the towel. "And at least I said I was sorry".

"Sorry isn't gonna get me dry doll face", he said giving a humorless chuckle.

"Shut up you idiot, I already apologized. Deal with it", she retorted.

The rest of us didn't even intervene, we were just enjoying the show. Justin even got it on video. "You apologized", Jordan said, "okay fine then". He put his hand on the wet table and sprinkled the water on her face. Maddy's mouth was open in shock. "Sorry", he said sarcastically.

"This should be good", I whispered to Jake. "How dare you, you oversized candlestick", she looked enraged. He rolled his eyes, "your insults aren't even creative". "Please", she scoffed, "and doll face is? How could you? I have makeup on".

"Oops, I'm sorry", Jordan said in a tone laced with sarcasm. "Did that make you feel better?" He smirked. She narrowed her eyes at him - all this while, water was still dripping on to the floor, nobody had made any effort to clean it - "That does it", Maddy said standing up to hit him. The rest of us stood up to intervene at that.

We knew it wouldn't end well if they started hitting each other. "Woah woah woah guys, take it easy", Justin said. "Madds, your makeup is still fine. Cool it", I said. "Jordan, it was clearly an accident, lay off", Jake said. They glared at each other one last time and we were all silently still standing before Michelle whispered, "uh guys, everyone's staring". That seemed to break is out of our trance.

"So is anybody else done with lunch?" Jake asked. "Yep". "Yeah". "Definitely". "Absolutely". "Yes", we all responded and headed out. Jake helped with my bags but I collected it and told him to help Maddy since hers were more. I made Jordan help me carry mine and obviously Justin helped Michelle. Maddy got in her car and drove off and so did we.

Weirdest lunch ever!

A/N : Extra long chapter. Took me a long time to type. So I hope you loved it.

Thoughts on the chapter?