Chapter 6

Nathan's POV

If we told you about who and what we are, would you believe us? Accept us? Or deny our existence? Do you know how much it kills us not able to tell you the truth? I am afraid you will push us out, running away from us. I am conflicted. Which option will keep you safer? I have no idea.

You've got to help us understand, Christian. Our soul is yearning for yours. You're the one that makes us complete. Without you, we feel empty. We wanted a normal life for you, free from pain and terrors. But no, destiny likes to be a fucking bitch. Every other creature will yearn for you, seeks you for your power. It was like you're a freaking trophy on display.

The difference between them and us is the fact that we love you. We don't care about power and status. All we want is our soulmate, nothing more. To care for you, love you, and hold you in our embraces. It's a simple thing, yet it's so hard to achieve. It's so fucking twisted.

Now that you're maturing, the time of war is coming. We need to finish the preparation soon. I am grateful for our packs. They are the most loyal and understanding people I have ever met. The bond between us is unbreakable.

The moment your body become limp in my arm, I knew we would fight for you 'till the end. I'm just hoping the moment you woke up from your slumber, this all will be over. But that is like asking for the impossible, isn't it? I signaled at Matthew to the front door. He nodded. I carry Christian's body in my arms, nuzzling the crook of his neck. He smelled so divine, but he also reeks of fear and stress.

I grimaced. You shouldn't smell this way, Chris. You should smell like happiness. I wanted you to be happy. I began to walk toward the front door when Matthew's mind linked me. "Do we need to call Thalia to warded the place?" He asked. "Yes, please. We don't want anybody to track him down by his smell." I answered.

Standing in front of the car, Matthew helped me to open the back passenger seat door. I thanked him and gently lay Christian's body onto the seats. "I need to lock up the place first. I'll catch you back at the packs' house." I said to Matthew as I close the cars' door. "You should hurry. The sun is setting." He slid inside the driver's seat and drove away.

I walked back to the house and locked up all the doors and windows. After I finished, Thalia is already waiting in front of the house. "Hello, Alpha. I hear you needed me." She smiled. "Hello to you too, Thalia. Yes, I need you to warded the house, please. I don't need anyone to hunt my friend down." I smiled back at her. She nodded, her eyes twinkle. "Yes, of course! You can always count on me."

She closed her eyes and began chanting. There's a white light radiating from the ground and it slowly makes a dome-like structure around Christian's house. "Okay, I'm finished." she claps her hands. "Thank you, Thalia. You're the best." I praised her. She blushed. "Aw, don't make me blush," she punched me in a joking manner. "So, it's finally happening?" she asked, her expression turning serious.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, he's maturing. And it's going to be one hell of a war. I need your help too. Please, lend me your power." I turn my head to her. She giggled. "Stop it, Nathan. I already told you, you can count on me. We're friends since we're little. No need to be so formal with me."

I scratch my head in embarrassment. "Well, I'm an Alpha now. I need to use my manner too. But yeah, I know I can count on you, Thalia." She smirked. "Okay, time to go home. You with me?" I shake my head no. "No, I'll just run back." she looked at me in bewilderment. "In human form? Aren't you going to be exhausted? It's quite far. You sure?" She asked again. "It's getting late. The moon will be out in a moment. I'm going to shift." I grinned.

"You're unbelievable. We're still in the suburb, you know? What if anybody saw you?" She shakes her head. "Whatever. I'll meet you back at the packs' house. Be safe." Then she opens up a portal. She stepped into the portal, and she vanished. How convenient. I wasted no time and stripped down my shirt and jeans. I looked around before I shift into a midnight black wolf.

I run out of the suburban area and straight to the packs' house direction. I need to clear my mind, and my wolf is itching to run. I like to run as a wolf rather than the other form. The grass under the pad of my paws made me feel so free. Ten minutes later, I arrived at the border of my territory.

Some wolves are patrolling around the border premises. They bow at me with respect when they see me approaching. I growl at them in a friendly manner. I continue the way up to the packs' house. Matthew greeted me when I arrived at the front porch. "You're here. Took you long enough." I snort at him and shift back. "Yeah, I need a run." This time, he snorts. "I know, Thalia informed me. Need to clear your head?"

I nod. "Yeah, there's a lot in my mind right now." He handed me clothes. I take them and put them on. "How's Christian?" His expression turned dark. "He has not awake, but he's having a nightmare. Probably another prophecy reveal. I hated it when they do that to him." I scrunched up my nose in distaste. "Again? We need to wake him up then."

"And what should we tell him when he's awake? If we tell him the truth, he'll have a panic attack! I don't want to see him like that." we walked into the house, the members are bowing with respect. "That's why I need a run. I've decided that he needs to know the truth. We can't possibly deceive him any longer. Especially if he dreamt another prophecy." I can hear Matthew grinding his teeth.

"Hey, we will be there for him, okay? We won't tell him the whole truth, just what he needs to know. I'll talk. You stand by beside him." He huffed. "Okay. I trust you." He leads the way to Christian's temporary room. "Ready?" He asked. "As I'll ever be," I answered. We enter the room in silence. The first thing we saw is Christian trashing on the bed.

We rushed to his side. Matthew caressed his cheek, while I roam my hand in his dark curls and whispers in his ear. "You're okay. We're here. Wake up, Christian." His trashing gradually comes to a stop. His eyes flutter, and we saw his glazy chocolate orbs. "Nathan? Matthew?" He called out, his voice trembling.

We both took his hands. "We're here, Chris," Matthew said. "And we're not going anywhere, okay?" I assured. He nodded, his eyes were still unfocused. We waited a few more minutes until he focused his attention on us. He opens his mouth like he was going to say something before he closed it again. "Chris, I wanted to tell you something." he looked at me.

"Yeah, you owe me an explanation." he huffed in annoyance. "I know. But you have to promise me. You will not freak out. But I need you to listen to me first, okay?" he stared at me for a few seconds and let out an okay. "You told me that you keep dreaming some weird shit, right? Like someone is talking to you." He nodded. "Okay, this will sound crazy, but it is the truth. I won't lie to you about this. Christian Arkyn, you're special. By special, I mean you're one of a kind." he looked at me, confusion clear in his eyes.

"Don't. I haven't finished yet. When you met that weird person in the cafeteria, it triggers you. To be exact, the prophecy within you. I can't tell you yet about that person, but all you need to know is that person is dangerous. Don't ask me why I know about him. When you tell us the prophecy, we knew it's time. It's time for war." I explained. Now his eyes are as wide as a saucer.

"You are what we called, Omega. Not just any Omega, but Supreme Omega. Supreme Omega only occurs once in a millennium. Supreme Omega held a phenomenal power with them. They can produce prodigious offsprings. Every supernatural creature will be at war to get to you. The champion will have the right to mate with the Supreme Omega. And that's where you came in." I winced at my own explanation.

"That's harsh, Nathan. It sounded like we wanted him as a trophy." Matthew mind-linked me. "Yeah, I just realized it sounded like that. Fuck, I blow up our chance. Shit, I gotta do something." I replied.

"What? Offsprings? Omega? Supernatural creatures? Are you guys joking? Cause it's not funny at all." he said, trembling. I instinctively hug him. He trashes, trying to get out of my embrace. "NO! Get away from me! What the fuck is wrong with you two?! Don't touch me! Just leave me alone!" he shouted. His breath is getting heavier and his heartbeat is increasing rapidly.

"Call Thalia!" I mind-linked Matthew. He nodded and mind-linked Thalia. A minute later, she was chanting a calming spell for Christian. "How is he? How long will he be like this?" I asked, worried for Christian. "Well, he is fine. But his condition is worrying. I can cast a calming spell for him twice a day, but I don't know how long it will last. Once he's getting used to it, the effect will decrease. I predict one month is his limit."

"I see. Thank you, Thalia. You may leave." She bowed at me and Matthew and leave the room quietly. "Fuck, I just blow our chance. I'm such an idiot." I ruffled my hair roughly. "Stop. You did the right thing. He needed to know the truth about himself. The longer he's in the dark, the greater the danger. You did the right thing. Don't blame yourself." Matthew patted me in the back.

"Let's take turns. I'll be with him tonight. You can go and rest. We have to prepare for the war at dawn. Save your energy." Matthew said. I wanted to argue, but my body said otherwise. "Okay. Mind link me if you need anything." I stumbled backward and yawn. "Yeah, I will. Goodnight, brother." And with that, I went to my room.