
Sebastian & Allister

Allister always came in the evening because no one was around.

He knelt, laying the flowers down on his mother's tombstone and not bothering to hide his tears as they rolled down his cheeks. He stood, and realised how alone he was once again. Both his parents gone, he had no one...

He stayed there for an hour or so, talking to his mom. He was unsure if she could hear him but it gave him a little comfort to think she did. He told her about the small house he'd bought on the edge of the city, of the design work he was doing for the company and the pay rise he was getting for his latest work.

It was nightfall, and he'd been there for a few hours now, longer than he planned. Getting up, he wiped his dirty hands on his jeans and said his goodbyes, promising to come again next Friday.

He walked silently down the row of tombstones, mind wondering to the design of the office block he was renovating.

He was so lost in his thoughts he didn't notice the cold and dirty hand come out of the soil until it wrapped around his ankle. He cried out in alarm, falling back onto his ass. A muffled voice beneath him murmured, "your really coordinated, falling on your ass like that."

He blinked. Then blinked again. "What the hell?"

He tugged at his ankle but the hand only tightened. He frowned. "If this is someone Halloween prank, your a few months early."

There was a quiet chuckle as the earth shifted, a young man with pale skin pulling himself out of the soil. Allister frowned. "You look like hell."

The man snorted, letting go of his ankle. "And you have no manners."

Sebastian found this mortal to be very intriguing as he followed him home. "Why aren't you worshipping me, mortal?"

The mortal just shrugged. "Not interested, thanks."

Sebastian shook his head. "Then why are you not running away in fear, telling people about a dude who rose from the dead and being admitted into a psych ward."

Again, the mortal simply shrugged. "A) your not scary dude. Do have any idea how many Halloween pranks I had pulled on me in high school? And B) we don't have psych wards anymore?"

Sebastian huffed. "This new era is quite strange."

"Uh huh. Right."


Allister was so pissed at Seb. He slammed his bedroom door shut behind him and stalked over to his dresser. Yanking open the top draw, he smirked vengefully...

He silently thanked his friends bad present picking abilities, pulling out all the silver jewellery.

Sebastian tapped his foot, grumbling under his breath about his annoying mortal. Allister hadn't come out of his room since last night. Seb did not understand why Allister wouldn't want to be a vampire. They'd be able to stay together then.

The door open at 10ish and Seb practically jumped off the couch, wanting to apologise. He paused when Allister walked out wearing silver bracelets, rings and earrings. "That's low," Sebastian mumbled.

Allister stuck out his tongue, revealing a silver sterling tongue stud. Allister pouted. "babe, c'mon."

Sebastian sighed. "What are we going to have for dinner tonight?"

(insert language)

"Talk To Me," Sebastian whined.

"I'd rather be dead," Allister said dryly.

Sebastian smirked. "Then I have some good news for you."

"No," Allister growled. "I am not becoming a vampire."

Sebastian pouted but didn't push it.

Sebastian lay on the couch, not really paying attention to the TV. How did he make it up to Allister? Cheery music played and Sebastian frowned, turning his head to look at the TV. The fair was in town...

Maybe a date would help!

So Sebastian took Allister to the fair, but Allister only ate fried onion rings, and spent the whole time in the hall of mirrors. And it turned out they were all silver-backed, so Sebastian wasn't seen in any of them. "Come on Allister. Can't we go do dodgems? Or one of the shooting games?"

"Nah," Allister smirked. "I'm fine here."

Sebs shoulders slumped.

They were leaving the fair at 10:30, Seb trailing sadly after Allister. He'd hoped Allister wouldn't have been so mad at him after this, but he still was. Seb couldn't blame him really. He'd pushed the point, wanting Allister to become a vampire like him for his own selfish reasons.

He didn't want to lose Allister...

A glint of silver caught his eye. A knife. Sebastian slammed Allister out of harm's way, crushing him against the wall as the knife stabbed the back of Sebbs shoulder. "How about we don't go spilling any of your blood," he murmured against Allister's ear without thinking. "It's much too precious for that."

Alister gulped at the dangerous look on Sebastian's face as he turned towards their assailant. One drunk man was about to become a dead man.

Allister shut the door silently behind them, looking at Sebastian. "Thank you. For saving my life."

Sebastian shrugged awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head. "It's fine."

They looked at each other for a long while before Sebastian turned and quickly wandered away. "Do you have a fixer kit?"

Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "What do you need fixed?"

"Ow, just a few bumps and bruises."

Allister wandered into the kitchen where Sebastian had disappeared to find the vampire without a shirt. This might of made him blush under other circumstances, but the blood on the floor made panic spike. "Why didn't you tell me you where hurt?!"

Seb shrugged. "It's not that bad."

Allister frowned, making Seb sit on the kitchen bar stool as he grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink. He grabbed a rag and dampened it. "This is going to hurt," he explained, walking behind Sebastian.

Allister sucked in a sharp breath at the sight. "Ok," Seb murmured.

Allister was as gentle as possible as he cleaned quickly. He rinsed it with saltwater, which made Sebastian hiss. "Sorry."

Allister was nearly sick putting three stitches in to pull it closed. He rinsed the rag and cleaned his shoulder again before wrapping it in bandages. He quickly put things in the bin, packing everything away. "There. Good as new," Allister said with a smile but Sebastian only looked at the floor, refusing to meet his eyes.

"Thank you," he murmured.

Allister walked back over to him, stopping before him. "Seb, are you ok?"

He nodded, but Allister didn't believe it for a second. He sighed, knowing his vampire wasn't going to tell him. Instead, he just wrapped his arms around Sebastian and kissed his head. Sebastian sighed, arms wrapping around Allister.