♡ I nurture. Not an unknown ageless dance that I dance for nothing but something ♡

SIGN: Ami_yaye.


No, really, pain. Many versions of pain. Who knew blinking can bring such hurt?

Pain, help from unfamiliar faces that until then, did not exist. Not just in the general but with everything. Physical and mental pain that is the perfect description.

But she. No them. Old and young kin. The former first he beheld, later talked his brains confused but they helped him when he thought...

Those sons of - in time. Healing first.

So soft! If he- no, when. When he is well to leave they must share the secret to this bedding.

"I'm sorry, marry you!"

She was not unpleasant looking but she was too young, he was too young!

"Only said... was to bring you back" was all he could make between heavals. Her palms high fiving smooth floor of brown.

Her laughter was not unpleasant either but his wounded heart could take less stress. He said as much to her amusement.

"Just remain in this world then! And grandmother said I'll make the best wife". Aaa....must be important if she is poignant.

"Reason? You already have the young prince". Surviving, he wondered how he could thank her, her grandmother, enough until he became her personal unsolicited therapist. Always seeking him, talking as her grandmother work on his wound or herself. Now he felt he had lived here this long. With eyes closed, he saw the big market, which days to get the best, freshest of foodstuff. Where so and so lived, the structure of their dwelling and so on and so on.

One thing. Each tale must one or another way trace back to... the young prince.

"Kaka says you will be alright. Thou-"

"Nothing is a guarantee. I thought-"

Her frowning face was warmth to his dreaded near death. Didn't know her, she didn't know him. Yet. Ignorant of her feelings for the young prince as well.

Her confused curious face made his smile grew. He'll just watch them tell their own story.


His mother. Yes she was indeed, and every mother should know her child. Held him when he was born, suckled from her whilst holding her eyes with the look of worship, ageless goddess.

Crawling, stumbling, then walking, he would always turn around with that look, back to her. Grew so suddenly, then she was a mother again but he was her first and her his only.

She knew her son.

She knew her husband too.

He watched her son. At first as a father would a son but slowly as a progenitor and now more of the latter.

So hard on her first boy, his heir.

A continuous ritual he did to perfect him for leadership. The boy always watched his father, then progeny for affirmation but now he has broke bread.

He no longer watched his father, oh he never stopped watching, their strong-willed son. His eyes just shifted elsewhere.

"Mma the others and I leave for hunting". She called on the almighty for a blessed hunt.

Watching him run from her comfort. But like every time she will await his return.


If the litter of wilds grazing corners of the square accompanied with splatters of red liquid is not explanatory enough to the passersby and elderly denizens then the vibrant excited bodies causing quit a raucous should be explanation enough.

The hunt was indeed successful. Youths rejoiced displaying their catch, as expected the females were extra affectionate with the congratulatory pats. Is it not the same everywhere? boast a young man's ego, and an enchanstress struts away with more meat to her catch.

Of the age grade to conceive such thoughts, easily a victim many a youth but few exceptions.

Hafiz sort another's seduction.

Lingering hands did nothing to faze nor the inviting eyes conquer the inquiry of his searching soul. Only one will Hafiz share his toil and the stealth figure moving pass the the square with few glances at no boy but the gathering.

Never happened before but always happens these days.

It happened each time his soul recognized her closeness. He did not know of the time it began. Just that the water on her head looked too heavy now, the forest too dangerous for her to thread searching leaves alone but especially heavy logs must not dent her.

"You did good Hafiz!"

"You certainly did! And the way you tackled that....."

His posse were making important observations. He should listen.


The water dribbling from the overflowing opening of the pot to the point resting comfortably on the soaked wrapped cloth on her head touched the skin of her fore face, blinking through such welcoming but challenging eye slant to her welcome looking ..

"Diya said she is looking at the pale fellow with the talking eyes".

His gaze sort behind. He was no one to make such claims.

"They are halfway to the stream by now". Some of the retreating backs confirmed the near empty square. Nodding to the retreating girl.

"She's yet a woman. You're well above her".

What was this he felt? The fire rioting within calling for blood to put out. The blood of this imp.

He should just dare!

"Rahna you are more tolerable at best with the less you utter".

"Sorry for seeking your interest. I am joining the others".

Did he...?... was he?

Hypocritical dog! He knew he watched her. But so did he.

His aboki indeed!

He'll follow his soul.



"Kaka where is he?" She had returned with water to meet his absence.

"Child, eat and rest. Pale skin fetches wood". The old chair creeked as both warn seat and woman reacquainted fully.

"He's well enough? It has been but days after his wound began sealing!

"My dear the lowest mangoes are ripe enough". Experienced eyes swing fort and fro under the breezy tree she sat.

"Pluck, wash and eat we must alright. Stop worrying and rest". It took a poited look at the pot still atop her head to get the sheepish girl retreat.

Grandmother was right Not cold and not hot either. The water was heated satisfactorily.

Who will think to be on the lookout during a daily wash? She was so immense with cleansing failing to acquiescence shadowed eyes.

They belonged to a familiar stranger.

Besides, her Kaka was in the compound entertaining a guest. A now regular guest she avoid for sometime.

"Young Prince! You visit my hut again. But this time without empty hands!"

He knew she jibbed, her tone was giving enough.

This young one. He watched her young one. The dance between them a dangerous one the eagle and kite play religiously.

"You will make a good mmijji yet!"

He would bear this torture. For her. The windy shades brought respite to hot cheeks and an idea.

"Kaka those mangoes look ripe enough to pluck!"

For an old woman her dentation would drive some young fellows to jealous shame. Her twinkling eyes more pronounced with full cheeks.

"Observant too my Prince". His being coy too entertaining melody rang from her.

Thought to divert her eh? He will soon learn.

Her in-laws did worse.

"By the fireplace in the cooking shed is a brown calabash if you wish to gather the fruit. You may leave the meat in the basket.

She watched his quick retreating strides. These young ones! Her in-laws did not spare her and it would not be the right thing to discard tradition no?

Well she awaits.

Soon her little girl will be little no more. And she was not happy to find said prince under the tree wounded.

"Kaka!" Said old woman took in her grand child's worry. She would be taken yet.

"Did you consider his safety before challenging him to collect all those ripe fruits without hitting you?"

Next to an unperturbed grandmother who watched her tend the boy the calabash was almost spilling it's contents sat.

The ground was clean enough, was her shrug. No wrong in the young man proving his deserving of her daughter's only daughter.

"Just keep the leaves pressed to the spot". He still lives.

The patient doesn't seem to mind. No he was in extreme comfort on that hard floor. Why not, he had what he desires where he desired.

Hafiz could miss his step, have his head collide with Kaka's cane chair whenever if it meant she would without hesitation take him into her arms, nurse his wound worried.

Crackling on with the ripe fruits, the old woman promising to bring some to the young ones after washing.

"Does it bother you?" She watched his wound intently.


Two times now he asked her that question. He seem to enjoy asking that of her. His only reaction to her telling him that much was a strange smile and a better spot for his head on her laps.


His many hair will cover the cut at his brow she was sure.

"Amusing how you hate the hunt but love the meat". Her attention had shifted to the cooking shed.

Bristling excited about the meat she found in the cooking shed was the catalyst to his fall. Just that instance of distraction. She felt bad then.


Is he stupid? Ordinary people should not easily kill animals, she thinks; that is. But then ordinary people are not vegetarians too.

"Yes you're quite ordinary". This sarcastic fool!

"Stop being smart". After airing her thoughts he should be in the wrong to gaze skyward as if in search of her brains.

"I'm the smartest youth! I am the son of a king". Yes that justifies it all, of his wisdom indeed.

Strange. For some time she had noticed the way he smiled at her nowadays. Offering to carry her firewood, bring her pot of water home.

Insisting he accompanies to search herbs and wood in the bush was strange enough.

"Kaka says you can stop the compress now". Too distracted to hear her grandmother.

He watched her gathering her pultice eyes ablaze. He was almost four seasons her senior but he knew this was right. She was too young. Hardly noting the difference of man and woman.

Confused at the moment yes, but not for long, she was made for him. His soul was firm on this. Kaka is not blind either and she would advance his yearning across.

His soul would follow hers for always just as he stood to help with the meat.


He will just watch but he was being watched too.


Mmijji - Husband /married spouse.

Aboki - A friend.


Have I Said How Wonderful This Year Will Be? Well It Will!

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