Chapter 05


"Please do ..."

I blurt out without thinking, my eyes blurred with tears.

He sighs and breathe out before looking down at me again.

He moves a bit closer and his arms wraps around my waist.

He stops and stares at me; as if checking if I would lose it but I wasn't even anywhere near screaming.

I feel oddly relaxed and comfortable with him.

He moves more closer and wraps me inside him then place my head on his chest.

I sigh, silent sobs slipping through my mouth as he draws small circles round my back.

I move more closer to him, wanting to get even more closer to him.

It's odd and strange but I feel so safe in his arms.

"Shh shh, don't cry anymore. You know you look terrible when you do that and I know you want to lose beautiful for me "

He teases and I cam imagine the smirk on his lips.

I chuckle and hit his chest a little.

"Awnn, my cupcake is a beater "

He coos and my stomach does a double flip at the word ' cupcake '.

"Shut up.. "

I whisper amidst laughter and he does exactly that.

My arms automatically wrap around his waist and I think I feel his body tense a little against mine.

For a moment there, he makes me forget the reason I was frightened in the first place.

I lean further into him, wanting to push the memories away.

He smells so nice.

"Don't get angry but can I ask a question? "

He mutters, still drawing those small circles round my back which seems like with each circle he draws , my pain dissolved.

"You want to know why i blacked out? "

I ask, stating the obvious.

He nods against my head and I sigh.

"I... "

"It's alright if you don't wanna tell me though. I understand "

He utters, letting out a soft sigh.

"My mom and dad were killed when I was ten years old.. "

I blurt out before I realize what I'm doing.

"OMG! Sarah!.. "

He tries to raise me up but I tighten my arms round his waist.

"Please, stay like this "

I whisper and he nods against my body.

"I.. My dad told me the code to a secret safe before he died. He didn't told me what was in there though. Just the code and the location of the safe.

It seems every damn gangsters, Mafia's and rich people in this damn world are all after the safe.

I... I wasn't at peace anymore... "

I stop for a moment, breathing in and out.

"Everyone was after me. I became a toy being transferred from one hell to another but I wasn't gonna release the code. It was the only thing left of my father. I couldn't.

But it seems the Mafia's weren't ready to leave me either. They tortured me day and night.

Have you ever thought of how it'll feel if a hot knife was driven right through your stomach then twisting in it.

I had cause I've experienced it.

It was hell for me. Every part of me was tortured and I... I was even sexually harassed.. "

I cling unto his body tighter at that statement and as if sensing it, he pulls me even deeper into his chest.

"There was nothing I could do through. There was nobody there for me. Everybody eventually left me to my own misery.

I hated the world. I.. I hated humans cause they were just too selfish, damaging another's life just to get what they want.

I just wanted to die. Trust me, I tried but even death wasn't ready to accept me.

I hate men especially... "

'oh yeah? And you're clinging unto one right now '

My inner voice mock me but I push her away immediately.

"Sarah? "

Aidan calls and I realize I wasn't talking anymore.

"My body developed fear on its own. I would go off when made body contact expect you of course.. "

I chuckle and he also did.

"Guess I'm too hot for your body to resist "

He teases and I find myself chuckling to his words again.

"It's stupid but my life is just messed up "

"Shh, don't say that. Your life isn't messed up "

He utters and I raise my head up to meet his green grey eyes.

They are beautiful and too intimidating for me. I hate my feelings.

"I'm sorry that had to happen to you but I promise, it won't repeat itself again.. "

He stares at me and I chuckle.

"I'm still kidnapped right now "

I tease and he smiles at me, revealing his dimples that I haven't really notice.

"I won't let them touch you. I promise, I'll be right by your side "

He utters and a smile creeps t's way to my lips even when I try to stop it.

"Cuddle me.. "

I whisper and he chuckles, placing my head on his chest and wrapping his arms round my waist.

I feel SAFE.

I feel free.

But it's not gonna last, right?

How much more till I get kidnapped again?