Chapter 06


I sigh and lift my head up, my gaze meeting with Aidan.

"Thanks "

I smile warmly at him and his green grey eyes brightens as a smile creeps up to his lips; his dimples showing up immediately.

He has the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. So beautiful.

I wonder how many girls have melt with just a smile from him.

"Where were you planning to go before.. You know? "

He utters, trying to be careful not to remind me of that memory and I smile appreciating his effort.

"I was gonna go to the gym "

I utter and he stares at me as if I've suddenly grew two heads.

"I'm sorry, what? The gym? Do you gym? "

He smirks, making him look hotter.

I curse him for looking just damn too perfect.

I crosse my arms, pretending to be annoyed.

"What was that supposed to mean? "

I frown and he tries his best not to laugh.

"it's nothing, I swear. I'm just a little surprised you gym. I mean look at you, it looks like you can barely punch someone not to talk of gyming "

He smirks once again, which is actually beginning to get me annoyed.

"oh so because I don't have six packs like you mean i don't gym... "

Have I mentioned that he has such a mouthwatering six packs? Which is visible from the short shirt he wore and tattoos were inked round his arm trailing into his chest.. Oh, I don't even want to think about it.

"Gyming doesn't mean I need to have six packs.. Like yours "

I move forward to poke his chest and I regret it immediately as my fingers unconsciously trails his hard muscles.

I didn't even know what I'm doing.

I just keep trailing it, down, down... Down..

Aidan groans and grab my wrist, pulling me to look at him.

"You do not want to do that. "

He smirks and I smile nervously jerking my hand from his.

What the fuck is wrong with me? What was I thinking about?

What if he hasn't stop me?

What were we even talking about?

"I didn't say gyming was all about six packs, just surprised you gym "

Aidan utters and I flash him a appreciating smile.

"Uh really? Then I challenge you "

I smirk, crossing my arms and he raises his brows.

"You challenge me to what? "

"A fight! "

I squeal and he chuckles.

"Sarah, you want to fight.... Me? "

He gesture to his body and I roll my eyes.

"Yes.. You.. "

I tease and he giggle softly.

"Let's see then. I'll go put on my gym clothes. "

He winks and move out.

I breathe in and out the moment he is gone. I'm getting used to him and I don't like it but I can't control it.

Fuck me!

I groan and remove my clothes then put on my gym ones which is a armless pink crop top which showed my stomach with gym written over it chest and a pink trouser with sport written on the right leg and gym rocks written on the left leg.

I grab my white headband and use it on my hair then wore my white sneakers.

I move back into my room and grab my waist bag and shove in a bottle of water and chocolates plus mint then wear it on my waist.

Usually I hate eating cause I always want to die but since I've been kidnapped here.

They forced me to eat, not like they tortured me. They don't torture me here. They give me a little freedom, why?

Cause the one who wants the code this time is the president.

Yea, I was kidnapped by the president. It's silly that he also wants the code but he doesn't pressurise me to say it, he treats me like his child and buy me whatever I want; not like I want anything but still, I won't tell them the code.

They'll have to take it like that or leave it.

I walk to the drawer right beside my bed and pulled it open.

I pull out the brand new pack of iPhone that the president got me since I've been here but I refused to use it.

I try taking it but just sigh and pull the drawer back in and stood up.

I walk over to the door and open it, the same time Aidan was about to knock.

My eyes meets with his own and my mind drifted back to when he wanted to open the door but he ended up falling flat to the floor.

I shake my head and stare at him, he is putting on gym clothes too which is a black trouser with loose strings hugging tight to him and a black gym cloth and he has a band in his knuckles. He's looking extremely beautiful.

I gulp in and smile at her.

"Ready to get your ass beaten? "

I tease and he nods as we walk to the gym which is inside this mansion of course.

"By the way Sarah... "

I look up at him to hear him out.

"You look hot in those.. "

I blush but quickly hide it with a smile.

"Thanks.. "

I want to tell him he looks really hot too but I'm afraid I'll go overboard.

"Where are you guys going? "

Garry stands in front of us, making eye contact with me.

"The gym, isn't it obvious? "

Aidan utters and I giggle softly.

Garry smiles at me probably surprised I smiled and I smile back at him.

"Okay, don't hurt him too much Sarah "

Garry smile and I chuckle before pulling Aidan slightly by his arm towards the gym.

I withdraw my hand quickly and in no time, we are at the gym.

I turn on the lights and remove my waist bag, dropping it on one of the benches there.

"Wow, this place is cool.. "

Aidan says and I step on the rig, starring at him.

"Okay, come show me how much you've gymed "

He smirks, also stepping on the ring.

I breathe out and punch toward him but he caught it with ease.

I flip and try kicking him but he caught my leg and placed it down .

I double try to punch him but he caught it again and that sent me off the edge.

I scream kicking, flipping and punching but none even gets to him.

I yell and yell all over again, my emotions spilling all over the place as I continue to hit his chest and he grabs my hand.

I push him away and bend down, crying.

I thought I was getting better. I thought I was getting stronger.

I thought I might be able to save myself but I was just deceiving myself.

I couldn't even beat one guy, not to dream of beating a whole gang.

I hate myself! I so much hate myself!

"Sarah.. "

Aidan bends beside me.

"I thought I was getting better. I thought i could save myself this time but I was wrong .i couldn't even beat you, how on earth would I fight a whole gang when they come? "

I sob gently and he hugs me to his chest, patting my hair.

"You're good. Swears, you're really good. For only practicing yourself, you're really good. I promise. You just need a little more help and I promise I'll help you. They won't get to you this time Sarah, take my word. "

I smile against his chest and he raise up my head.

"Stop crying please. I hate it when you do... "

He whispers and my eyes locks with his.

I breathe out as my gaze goes down to his lips then back to his eyes and before I could blink again, his lips descends on mine.