Chapter 07


I blink my eyes few times before stopping him and he raises his brows, almost surprised I did that.

"I'm sorry, I can't "

I utter and I watched his face fall.

Not that I won't like to, I would seriously especially now that those lips are so close to me but I don't have the strength to do that now.

Hugging can do for now.

And besides , I shouldn't be kissing my bodyguard anyways.

'Really? That's all he is to you? '

My inner voice mocks again and I roll my eyes unconsciously at her.

"Oh, I see my word makes no sense "

Aidan utters and I gasp. He has been talking while I zoned out and now he thinks I rolled my eyes at his words?

"no, not you. I wasn't doing that to you "

I utter and he raise his brows.

"I'm the only one here Sarah.. "

He gestures to confirm that statement.

"I know but.... "

"Forget it Sarah, let's go. It's getting late and I need to sleep "

He says, getting up and turning away.

What did he even said?

I also stand up and walk to my bench, grabbing my bag.

I bring out the bottle water and sip small then stretch it to Aidan who refuses it

I sigh and put it back into my bag then place it on my waist after bringing out the chocolate.

"You care...? "

I ask Aidan as we left the gym but he also refuses and I sigh, eating the chocolate.

It's night already. I love to watch the stars at night.

I can't wait to do that. It's the only thing I love about life.

"Sarah.. "

Garry stops in front of us and I raise my brows.

"The president is here and he's demanding to see you. You need to change and come down for dinner "

I nod at him and he smile before walking away.

Aidan walk straight to his room afterwards, what's wrong with him?

I also enter my room and move straight to the bathroom.

I need a shower .

After bathing, I come out of the bathroom and dry my body.

I stand in front of my closet, wondering what to wear.

I finally put on my ash trouser and white crop top after doing my hair in a messy bun, I moved out of the room in my white sneakers and make my way downstairs.

I am followed by two guards immediately as I stepp into the elevator which starts moving.

The elevator opens and I raise my head up, the first person my eyes lands on is Aidan.

He has changed, he is now putting on a crazed jeans and a black leather jacket.

He looks away and I scan around the area. Lots of guards are here and the president..

I slowly step out of the elevator as I move out and walk gently to them.

"Sarah! "

The president's ten years old girl squeals when she sees me and I smile at her, ruffling her hair a little.

I can't carry her, I'm not used to body contact yet except Aidan's.

She smiles broadly, normally I would ignore her and she'll cry her eyes out but I don't know what changed this time.

"Daddy daddy look. Sarah touched my hair and smiled at me.. "

She do a happy dance and I chuckle.

She's so cute.

"Hey Sarah.."

Rana smirks at me.

She's the president second child and oldest daughter and I think she hates me cause of the way she always look at me.

I've no idea why though. Not like she sees me everyday or something.

I take my seat right across Rana and in front of Aidan, who is standing behind me watching everything.

"Evening Sarah "

The president smiles warmly at me and I returne it as Zoe, the president's ten years old girl squeals beside me.

I don't know why she likes me so much? She's so cute though.

"So how are you doing? Hope the guards are not disturbing you very much? "

I smile and nod once again.

"Good.. "

He mutters as the maids drop the foods in front of us.

"I've come to tell you a important announcement.. Two actually.. "

He utter and I nod, telling him to continue.

"First, we're moving here.. So you won't feel that lonely "

I want to say it's not necessary but considering this is their mansion, I keep shut.

"Second, I got you admission into Pop institution.. "

I gasp, my mouth hanging open.

Pop high ? That's like my dream school after high school.

It's a musical, dancing and modelling institution.

I love it like crazy.

My dream then was to become the best model and dancer.

I don't know even if that dream exist anymore now but now that he's mentioned it, I'm so happy.

"Thank you sir "

I mutter lowly and he smile.

"I told you to always call me dad "

I smile and nod.

I really wish I could tell him the code but I can't.

I'm so sorry.

"Yayyy "

Zoe jumps on me, catching me unaware, making my chair fell backwards but Aidan caught it on time, placing his hands on my shoulders.

I breathe out and smile warmly at him as he pushed the chair back up.

"Zoe, manner! "

The president scold her and Zoe makes a sad face about to leave my lap but I hold her down, stopping her.

"It's okay sir.. I mean dad, I think I can manage "

I utter, feeling strange for having someone on my laps without actually freaking out.

"Yayy, wow Sarah smells so nice "

Zoe squeals and I chuckle.

"How's everything going, agent Francis? "

The president.. I mean dad says.

Feels so weird calling someone else that.

"Alright sir. Everything is good "

Aidan answers behind me.

Oh his last name is Francis?

Aidan bends to my ear level and his breath fills my ear and face making my face to feel all kind of awkward.

"You did great, Tinker Bell "

He tease and I roll my eyes.

First beauty, second baby now Tinker Bell?

I turn to look at him and he winks at me. I roll my eyes, I thought he wasn't talking to me.

I gesture for him to come and he does. "I thought you were angry, Agent Francis "

I whispere and he chuckles, bringing out the sweetest sound I suddenly now love .

His breathe covers my face again and he brings his mouth to my ear, nibbling on my earlobe as I try hard to suppress a moan.

"How can I stay mad when you're looking like that? And behave like that too? "

He whispers and moves away and I smile to myself.

My eyes meets with Ranas gaze and she shoots me a glare.

What's her problem?

I dig ito my food and couldn't stop thinking about Aidan's mouth on my ear.

Damn! But wait, is that how he'll stand behind not eating?

"Dad...? "

I call and the president look up from his food.

"Can Aidan seat with us, please? "

I beg and he smile then nods.

I smile and watch Aidan but sadly Zoe is already seating beside me so he had no choice but to seat beside Rana.

"Seems like you're close to agent Francis? "

Dad smile and I shrug.

"He's pretty good at his job and quite friendly "

I smile and Aidan shoot me a killer smile which once again shows his dimple.

I almost want to stand up and kiss him.

Forget about no kissing, only hugging. He's quite tempting right now.

I watch Rana squealed and smile at Aidan. Flipping her hair and pushing her chest forward.

That girl is crazy.

"You're starting pop high, Monday Sarah "

Dad saya and I smile then nodd before darting my eyes back to Aidan and Rana who are now talking and Rana won't stop giggling.

There's also a smile on Aidan's face as he talks to Rana who is seriously enjoying it.

I sigh, trying to calm my breathing. Why am i even worried?

He can talk to any girl he likes, none of my business.

Rana laughs, placing her hand on Aidan's chest and my eyes widen.

Aidan also keeps smiling, what's so funny?

He hasn't even looked at me since he sat down..

Wait! Why would he look at me?!

Gawd! I'm going crazy!