
The fireworks could be heard in the distance and the colorful lights added cheerfulness to the environment. All the people walking, laughing, and running around energetically. The city held a fair each year just at the end of July, it started as a way to celebrate the blooming of the central garden of the city. The Petal Shower Festival.

A pair of clear golden eyes went from stand to stand as if they were looking for something. On the other side of the place, a pair of shining blood-red eyes seemed to perform the same action. Looking for something, but not for themselves, for someone else, someone important to them.

The golden-eyed kid wandered around, while searching for that something, also admiring the beautiful flowers that had bloomed that year. They never missed a festival. The view was incredibly mesmerizing. Every once in a while they would stop, just to watch the lights, the colors, and the flowers.

Flowers… aren’t they beautiful?

Reaching a little further into the crowded festival you could start to see the differences all the people held. Vivian felt so small and insignificant amongst all those impressive and diverse people. The only thing that was outstanding from them was their eyes. Golden, shiny and clear, giving away nothing more than shyness and innocence. They could be described as average-looking, brunette, clear skin, average height.

There were people in the sky, enjoying themselves, slithering and crawling on the ground, dodging with such a dexterity you could barely see, or feel them. Everyone was so unique and peculiar, and then there was them.

Something suddenly caught their eye. They started walking towards it, they knew it was perfect.

And there it was, simple but precious. A small silver chain with a black opal hanging from it. Shiny but not too overwhelming. It was perfect for her, they were sure she would definitely like it. It just suited her so well.

“I would like to buy this ring.” Vivian turned around to see where the voice came from.

Black hair going just below the neck, light-dark skin, a scar on their cheek that could barely be seen, a plain white shirt. Another average person. The only thing that stood up was the scar and their shiny blood-red eyes. The person was clearly older than them. just for a few years but you could still see the difference between the two.

The person looked at them and Vivian’s face immediately became red. They were caught staring and there was no way they could hide it or be at the very least able to make up an excuse for it. The red of their face could be compared to the flowers around them.

The guy dedicated a smile to them. “Will you be buying the necklace?” The words caught up in Vivi’s throat and the only thing they were able to mutter was a soft and quiet “Mn.” How embarrassing! Their head was going over and over about the situation. They wanted to hide.

They took a deep breath and made a pause. “It’s for my sister,” Their face felt warm. “She doesn’t like extravagant things, so I guess this is perfect for her.” The other guy had already finished paying. He looked understanding, empathetic yet he seemed to try and keep a distance.

“I bought a ring for mine.” Suddenly the face of the black-haired guy softened. Vivi considered keeping a distance themselves but the guy seemed to need the company. There was something about him that made them feel safe somehow. So they paid for the object quickly, and without thinking, the 13-year-old said:

“Wanna eat something? Like… Together?” They, low-key, prayed they wouldn’t be rejected. Once again their face was colored with a light shade of pink. They could feel their own heart pound against their chest. They most likely wouldn’t see each other again, so what was there to lose anyways. Not much, they were still a kid, halfway through middle school, it wouldn’t be a surprise if they were rejected.

But the fear was right there nonetheless, the fear, the nervousness, and the will to run and hide from the situation they got themselves into. If you put it this way, they invited a complete stranger to eat, so the two outcomes would end up the same: most likely not seeing each other again.

So in any case- “Sure.”

The train of thought was suddenly stopped. Suddenly and abruptly.

“I know some people around so I can suggest some good stands!” Wait- What?

Vivi was thinking about the worst outcome only, and their plan didn’t go past being rejected.

They started stuttering nonsense, they weren’t sure what to do next. Inside their head, the only thing happening was rambling and overthinking, and what came out of their mouth was stupidities and gibberish. Even the speech of a 1-year-old baby would make more sense and Vivian was 100% aware of that. The guy with the red eyes giggled.

The next thing they did not expect either.

They were grabbed by the wrist. and guided around through the festival. Just as if the reason they went there in the first place didn’t matter anymore.


A ginger girl with long hair wandered around. It was the perfect opportunity to better their ability skills anyways. Lots of people, a perfect sight, the scene could seem surreal.

She allowed herself to feel the energy run through her body. Her green hazel eyes became glowy and pink. Her body felt light and she felt a shiver run down her spine. She had never seen so many red strings flow, tense, and loosen in one place. She looked down at her left hand… There was no string. There was no person fated to love her, but she shouldn't mind that, it never bothered her in the first place. It just felt wrong whenever it was mentioned at the dinner table.

Something funny about the red strings of fate is that you will rarely see a string being short. At least not when the two fated people are so young. On most occasions, if the people aren’t assisted in the matter, they can go years without meeting the other end of the string. Some even die without meeting the other person. There was a short amount of people who met their fated person young, or that were like her… who didn’t bear a string, to begin with.

Something caught her eye, she made her best to trace the string with her sight only.

Two strings, short strings. One pair was chatting like nothing was happening, the other one was one person admiring from afar, while the other had her fun soaring the skies.

A tiny smile formed on the ginger’s face… Who would have thought that what her mother had wished to be able to see her whole life, she saw in one afternoon?

Well… this will be fun.


“So… Why did you choose that ring? It’s really pretty.”

The ring was black with a red streak that went around it, forming a tiny heart at the front. When you were to move it around a bit, you would notice that the heart was hollow and that inside of the ring there was something engraved. Familia.

It was a lovely detail.

“It will be her birthday soon… so I wanted to gift her something, She isn’t much of a jewelry girl, so I thought this ring would be nice.” His expression seemed dreamy and kind. His hard features softened and seemed kind and loving.

"I just realized! We never introduced ourselves, to each other. My name is Vi"
