
When Nana saw a scared Yahel at her door, she couldn't think of anything, her actions were made automatically, out of instinct. She hugged her and asked her what happened because the only thing the kid knew was that her mother yelled at her to go away.

The father of the albino? Out of the picture since the year before. He decided to abandon the child and her mother, and since they weren't married, to begin with, he needn't pay child support. He just left. Like the useless asshole, he is.

She dedicated her life to love and raise her own child and her best friend's kid, leaving no one behind. She loved them both so much and every time her thoughts drifted to that day, she would start crying without even realizing it.

Before having Vivian, she was a florist. And so when Vivian and Yahel came inside the house from the garden with their tiny hands full of daisies, she shed the same tears she did when she got married and held them both like her life depended on it.

Valence was the one to suggest it, and she never expected the man to do so.

"You should adopt her," they were both in bed, she was reading the notes that the teachers left about the kids, while he was reading a book, so the comment definitely came out of nowhere. Knowing her husband, that's something he would never say. So what he said had taken her by surprise.

"W-what?" She wanted to be sure of what she heard.

"Vivian likes the girl like she's a sister, they adore her", he paused trying to make sure he worded what he said correctly, "you should adopt her". His face was serious. "The man is out of the picture, isn't he?"

Nana just stared at him. He was right, there was no denying it, but the process might take a while to make. She loved the kid as her own child, and she could still remember how heartbroken she felt when she had to explain to a literal 5-year-old what happened to her mother. That's a topic a child shouldn't know of…

"Are you sure?" She looked directly into her husband's eyes. As much as she wanted to, her husband's consent was important too, plus one thing was suggesting it and another is actually wanting it. "I know how much you love her, she was your best friend's kid, after all, you would love her as your own even if she was still alive. Nana….it's ok, I fully support this"

He placed his book down and scooted closer to his wife. He caressed her cheek as she leaned into the touch. He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and nodded.

"Alright then"


The sizzling of the oil could be heard in the kitchen and the smell of the food impregnated the house. It smelled like bread and meat with vegetables. A sudden aroma drowned the kitchen, the chopping sound of the knife made itself present right away. Ginger… fresh, a bit spicy, and cleansing flavor and aroma.

“Mama! Are you making ginger rice?” a little kid with kinky hair asked the woman who was cooking. The wings of the kid spread with excitement alerting the woman immediately. “Dada!! Wings down in the kitchen!” She demanded as she rushed to her daughter. She patted the wings and tried to cover them from any danger that there could be. “Sorry…” the girl apologized and lowered her wings. “It's okay honey, could you please help me with setting the table and calling your siblings?"

The little girl nodded. Kanene directed herself to check on the rice, it was her children's favorite. Afterward, she went and placed the gyozas she made on the pan. She adored to create different dishes, when she was younger she wished to study Gastronomy, yet someone tiny and lovely came into her life. Maybe she couldn't cook for the world… but she could cook for HER world.

She did not wish to sound like a generic housewife… but she under no circumstances regretted her life. Seeing the shining eyes full of dreams and how her children carried made her feel like the happiest woman alive.

The littlest things they made were gigantic in her eyes.

By the smell, she knew the rice was cooked. She turned off the stove and retired the rice out of the fire.

A tiny argument ensued in the garden, Theodosia and her younger brother, probably discussing again who was the fastest one. She called the eldest. "Dada! Table and food first, we can go to the park later!"

The children's faces lit up at the hearing of those words. They rushed to the dining room, almost racing to see who would catch up first to Dodo. "Kids! Wings down!" The two eldest, being the ones who bore the wings, put their wings down. The third child simply smiled.


At the park, Dodo and her brother were prepared and in position to race. Determination filling their eyes, and pride being what filled their mother.

A pink-haired woman approached them, walking like she owned the place. She ain't going to… Kanene thought to herself, she wasn't going to allow anyone to come and ruin her children's fun. And there it was… that typical starting phrase:

"Excuse me! Don't you think it is dangerous for your children to use their abilities here?" Surprisingly, this woman has gone straight to the point.

The park allowed the use of abilities there… so there was no reason for the stranger to complain. "What?" Kanene asked. "You heard me. Don't you think it is dangerous?"

"Uhm… I don't think so, my children know perfectly how to fly. " She wasn't even defensive. She was telling the truth, she had taught her children how to properly use their wings from a young age.

The heated argument kept going while the two winged kids kept flapping their wings. The youngest looked at his siblings.

The last thing you could see was the two children, forgetting about their race and lifting their youngest brother in the air. Playing with him.

Kanene noticed and smiled.

Just as the pink-haired woman threatened to call the authorities, a hard and try slap crossed her face.

"Don't. You. Dare"

She wouldn't allow whoever this woman thought she was to mess with her children.

She would give them the world if she could. Because in the end. Once again, they were her world.