
Vivian looked at the dress their best friend had gotten for them. Something made their gut move around with unease. They clutched their pants in a fist and held their breath. Then they looked at their best friend, who displayed a proud grin.

They looked at her. "How did you know?" Yahel shrugged. "Was I that obvious?" They were still staring at the beautiful peach dress with black details. Yahel got closer to her best friend. "You are my brother Vivi." They made a face of discomfort that immediately tried to hide. "I know you, and I noticed how you looked at the dress with dreamy eyes." They looked at her with their eyes open like plates.

Vivi knew some men liked to use dresses or what was called 'feminine clothes', but that just… didn't click with them. It felt off, but they knew they weren't female either. Yahel had talked about her experience. So they knew.

"Vivi… when do you plan on telling them?"