
“Please tell me it’s a lie…” The white haired seemed to be in a state of both shock and distress. “She couldn't have been killed! Tell me it's a lie!” In her right hand she held a crumbled piece of paper, the one Nana had hidden after the case got declared closed as murder.

No one truly finishes grieving, there’s always something that will reopen that wound, no matter how much time has passed. It breaks you down, no matter how strong you seem on the outside. It always comes back no matter how young you were.

“I’m sorry Yahya…”

One word can trigger one thousand emotions, one thousand memories at the same time, good memories, bad memories… Nostalgia.

“Please…” Yahel pleaded, “She… she died in the fire…”

Humans are people who are used to believing that older times are better than the present they are living, they are used to romanticizing the past, painting it with roses and decorating it with glitter, for the sake of calmer times. For the sake of appeasing one's mind.