Pansies and Lemmongrass

Author Says: Hey! Triggerwarning for Homophobia! Have a safe reading!


Sometimes you feel like it’s never the right moment, you are about to do it and the strings in your stomach get pulled making you feel nervous and like you wanna throw up, but in the end there's no gag reflex, so you really can't do that. Overwhelmed. Lake felt like he couldn't do it, because there are never the right words to say it. He even rehearsed. He was absolutely terrified and felt how both the back of his head and his stomach were tingling and burning.

He felt like he could throw up Aspen flowers any second.

As if it wasn't enough his throat started burning too. Where was Zayda when you needed her the most? Sadly, six feet underground, probably watching him have a panic attack over the fact that he was about to come out, and giggling because even though when she was alive she would never admit it, she enjoyed the little show Lake would put up when he was nervous.