At five in the morning, Peter woke and went to the head. Then he walked to the galley and started a pot of coffee. Next, he started the engines and headed for Genoa. Katrina went below to sleep for a few short hours. The first time in months, she felt safe. She engaged in a conversation with her female friends while she covered herself with a warm blanket. They also felt safe now, and they are thankful that Peter and Franz saved them from the Arab slave traders. Finally, the sea was calm, and it promised to be a beautiful day.
Peter had no idea what Schultz will do when he meets him. He thought about the consequences while he switched to autopilot. It was peaceful on the bridge. Seagulls are circling the cruiser, shrieking. As the Seadog headed north, Peter had a chance to review the activities during the last month and one-half.
What was I involved with again?