

James Aragon's POV

I was in the gym working out when suddenly, my wife Alizia barged in.


"Shhh. Calm down dear, you're going to wake everyone with your incessant shouting"

I said but she just continued glaring at me.

I just smirked. She was so adorable when she was angry.

"Just trust me my Alizia... don't you trust me again... " I said slowly moving closer to her.

"Umm- uhh- ehh"

"Uh-huh Umm- uhh- ehh" I said and cornered her against the wall.

"Answer me..." I whispered against her ear "... Do you trust me, my love?"

"Umm of course I do - Ahhh " she moaned as I kissed her soft neck.

She's so beautiful. In our 25 years of marriage, she was still as beautiful in fact much more beautiful than before.

"B-but what about Andrea?" She said and I stopped immediately.

"What about her?" I asked looking into her beautiful blue-green eyes.

"She is the one I chose for our son- She's virtuous and beautiful and above all our son lo-"

I cut her off by kissing her fully on the mouth.

Sweet... so sweet...

"J- JAMES... I have morning breath..."

"Hmmm. But I love it."

I said and she glared at me.

She's really so adorable.

"You see love, this- " I said motioning between the two of us.

"- is what love is about. I accept you with all your flaws and you do the same for me. "

"Now tell me has Andrea ever showed any sign of affection for our son apart from brotherly love?"

"No but-"

"No buts Alizia. Our son only put up that show with Andrea so we could leave him alone "

I said and heard her gasp.

"How did you... "

"I overheard them talking one day. Besides, how did you expect him to move on so quickly after the incident."

I said and her eyes immediately glazed over meaning she was about to cry.

No. No. I don't like seeing my Alizia crying.

I hugged her tight and then carried her bridal style to our room.

"Come on dear ... let's go prepare to welcome our son and his wife... besides... I want my breakfast..."

I whispered and she smiled knowingly .


Avery's POV

"Aww. I'm gonna miss you so much " I stated on the verge of tears as I stared at Anne who looked like she was about to cry too.

I felt a small tug on my gown as I stared down at Nina, Anne's three year old daughter.

"Are you going already, Avery" She said her small cute face sad.

For a three year old, she spoke rather fluently. Though she still falters at some point, when she speaks. She's smarter than most children her age.

Nina resembles her mother very much with pale skin and short brown hair. But her most striking feature was her blue eyes, which she got from her father, Anne's husband, Moses.

Actually, I had a pretty good time here. With my husband constantly not at home, Anne , Nina and I did many fun activities. I visited many places here, I never had the opportunity to as I would only come here for short business trips.

We went to les Champs Elysées, the eiffel tower and many others.

"Aww my baby. I'm gonna miss you too. " I said as I hoisted Nina up and hugged her.

Anne teared up as she easily became emotional due to her pregnancy. Yes She was 6 weeks pregnant and her bump was starting to show.

"Shh... c'mon love don't cry." Moses said suddenly appearing behind her and engulfing her in a hug.

She turned around and cried in his chest, making him send me an apologetic look.

I shrugged and dropped Nina who ran to her mother and tugged at her skirt.

"Momy. Stop crying. " she said but Anne was far too overtaken by hormones.

"Momy. I'll buy you ice cream. Stop crying " she said and I couldn't help but chuckle. Anne too apparently, as she started chuckling.

Moses carried their baby and twirled her around making her giggle while Anne was looking at the two adoringly.

I was suddenly jealous. Why couldn't my life be so peaceful? Why did I have to have such a jerk ass husband?

I was so lost in my thoughts, I was startled when I fely my hand, forcefully almost painfully pulled on making me almost loose my balance.

"What the hell " I said and suddenly looked around to find the Jackass staring blankly at me. This man has made my vocabulary worse than a sailor's.

I glared.

"What was that for "

He shrugged.

"It's time to go" he said as he walked away while I glared at his retreating back.

I turned and sent one last smile toward the family together with a wave and walked off as they mirrored the same reaction.

The plane ride was silent as only typing noises could be heard. I made am appointment with my doctor for my cubital tunnel syndrome already and I went through some emails and kept myself updated through my secretary, Ynessa.

The other shareholders of my company, the Jones brothers, who are triplets by the way, shared 51% of the shares between themselves while I am the CEO with 49%. They all used to be in bad terms but all of a sudden they decided to join their shares and sell them.

I find it really strange that all of them suddenly wanted to give away their shares just like that and they don't want to sell it to me, even though I undoubtedly proposed higher than the mysterious stranger who made them an offer that was 50% less than what I offered!

Their excuse, they want to invest into something else.

Something was wrong and I was going to find out what it was.

Few hours later

The car pulled up in front of a gorgeous mansion and my jaw dropped, Literally. It was all glass and well lit.

I literally jumped out of the car, mostly because I couldn't stand Finn's presence any more and went to the house.

Good God. This house is gorgeous. Such a shame it belongs to this Jerk ass face.

It had a really big ball room with a magnificent chandelier at the centre, oh my God I see diamond, a dining room with a table that can take approximately 30 people, a master bedroom and 5 guest rooms which looked more like 5 apartments, a swimming pool behind the house, to which was attached a pool house and a beautiful garden. Lastly, my favorite part so far... the kitchen. That kitchen was so well equipped I could spend all day there cooking. Mostly because the kitchen looked very similar like mine, just more spacious.

Strange right, the kitchen looked so much like mine...

"Now that you have given yourself a tour, there are certain rules you should know about " Finn said startling me.

I rolled my eyes.

"You know you should stop doing that."

I ignored him, and he just continued talking.

"First, considering the fact that we are to share the same room..."

whoah! I didn't even wait for him to complete his statement

"and when did we ever agree to stay in the same room with?"

I asked in disbelief, and he did what he does best; ignore me...

"Two. Stay clear. I don't want to have to see your face everyday "

Same here buddy.

I wanted to say but kept my mouth shut. Just unbelievable, first he drags me around like his little puppy and now he wants me to stay clear...

I can't believe this guy

"And finally, get dressed. My family wants us over for dinner. Be ready at 6" And with that he left.

Darn asshole. How dare he order me around like his puppy.

I'm going to make his life miserable, I'll break every single one of his stupid rules.

Wait up buddy, you haven't seen anything yet.

I said with an evil smile on my face


Do these people have a thing for gigantic and gorgeous houses? Gosh! this house, or rather castle is gorgeous.

The fine tapestry that lined the walls, to the crystal chandeliers, and the deep brick red and brownish mixture colour of the walls, everything blended all of that produces a rustic but yet modern aura. Truly a master piece.

"Master, your family is waiting for you in the dining hall." The butler said leading us through the large hallways.

Girl, I could get lost in here. We reached in front of a huge pair of double doors which Alfred, the butler, opened, gesturing us to go in.

I was suddenly nervous. I hoped my dress was fine enough. I mean I had a long black gown which held my curves enough to show I was a woman but not a slut and a pair of silver pumps and I had my hair curled and tied in a bun with minimal makeup on.

"Ah. My son." An elderly gorgeous brunette woman with blue-green eyes, that I obviously recognised as his mother engulfed him in a hug.

I looked at the table and my eyes nearly jumped out if their sockets.

The hell!!! How many people does he have in his family. There were about 30 pairs of eyes, and all of them were directed to us, or rather to me.

I unconsciously held Finn's arm for some sort of support.

Finn's mother then turned to me with a scrutinizing gaze.

Suddenly, she scowled and said.

"Let go of my son, you slut"

The hell!!!


Hey ya lovelies. Another ( longer) chapter for you guys .

Thanks for your reading my story.

You can check my other story Sour Romance and my graphic shop.

That was Carole for you guys