I'm always right!?

I smiled ear to ear to make my stressed out friend a little more nervous, and I got what I wanted! He kicked me in the leg!

"Forget this midget! Have my back mate, because if you don't help me to cheat, I'm going to fuck up this test because I'm too nervous to concentrate!"

I stared at Niall's craziness with a smile… it's his habit! When it's just the three of us, the volume of his voice goes to its maximum and he laughs like a rhino every 2 seconds!

I don't care at all! In my case, my list of friends at this university isn't more than the number of my fingers! For Liam? It should be important to him but it doesn't seem to be!

Liam, unlike me and Niall, comes from a big and famous family. His father is one of the richest men in New York, therefore Liam is an incredibly popular man but despite all his fame, he is our best friend and a fixed member of our small group! He has a lot of friends but he's always with us, everywhere and anytime!

It's a little odd… a short, thin boy who is a bookworm and too stupid for his own good! Stupid enough that instead of using his intelligence and going to a lucrative field, he went for archaeology! A blonde Irish boy, who is very fond of eating, and while he talks to his sandwich he shocked everyone with how he got accepted into this University! So, I mean... come on! We are weirdos !

"Ok, everyone! I hope you are ready because there isn't going to be a midterm. This is it, and no objection!"

Everyone was shocked by professor Jackman's sudden arrival and his shocking sentence! My dear and young professor! It seems that his only goal is, to torture his students and gets cursed by them for eternity, and he does everything to achieve his goal!

The whole class went into chaos and all the students began to protest in fear and anxiety! It was a very bad situation for those who didn't study enough, because the midterm was supposed to be on next week and the score of this exam has a huge impact, obviously!

Niall was no exception and he was on his book again, with fear written on his face!

"Do you have an extra pen?"

Smirking I took another pen from my bag and hand it to him. "You're the stingiest millionaire I know!"

He nodded happily and sat down to my left. Another good point! He was insult proof!

"Hey carter! You should write your answers big and readable! I don't like to annoy my eyes!" Zayn ordered and I just gave him my middle finger. Dick!

"Huh! Did your balls got bigger just by seeing your boyfriend?"

Ah... not again!

"Bother him one more time, and I will show you how crazy his boyfriend can get!"

Zayn snickered with a dirty look on his face, then rolled his eyes to Liam's words. He hates it when someone defends me, especially Liam! I think he just wants me defenseless!

"Fucking fagots! You make me..."

Before he could finish, Liam reached his limit and got up from his seat and almost started shouting!" watch your big mouth, Collins! Don't force me to destroy your perfect jaw!"

That's it! The only negative side of his character. My friend here has a really tough condition with his anger issue!

"Do we have a problem there guys?"

I felt bad, hearing the professor's serious tone, so I pulled on Liam's shirt and forced him to sit down.

"It was nothing, sir!"

I answered him quickly and pleaded Liam with my eyes to let it go. He rolled his eyes angrily and pushed my hand away…not bad?

Luckily professor didn't say anything else and went on his way to calm the others. Collins threatened me with his eyes a little more and went back to his friends, finally, everyone was calm, except Liam of course!

"I can't understand you, Louis! How could you allow that narcissistic lazy ass boy, to abuse your hard work and efforts so easily? I just want to know! I know that you can defend yourself at least verbally!"

I just looked at him sheepishly! I have my reasons! There was nothing special to mention but, of course, we shouldn't ignore the truth!

Zayn Collins was so hot and beautiful, and in addition to that Collins was rich! Not as much as Liam but still rich. But these weren't my main reason... I didn't know why but I didn't have the heart to fuck him up in our arguments!

I was still thinking about my poor life choices when the professor was finally able to calm the students down and gave out the exam papers.

I looked at the questions, and as usual, pure joy took over my whole being! Archeology always refreshes me! For the last time I checked all of my answers. my gaze paused for a few seconds on the last question, which was a free question, without a score.

Do you believe in the supernatural? Yes or no.

There was no doubt…obviously I don't believe in this nonsense! Supernatural was created by the mind and imaginations of a bunch of crazy fanatics! It can't even be studied! What kind of science is that when all of its evidence is based on superstitions and false beliefs?

When we handed over the papers, the professor finally sat down on his chair and stared at us for a few seconds.

"From my quick look at your papers, it's clear that most of you are not in a good condition. Your final exam requires more effort!"

If looks could kill, Niall would be in jail by now! He was burning inside out!" it is your fault that you suddenly say that you want to take the semester exam, you handsome jerk!"

Liam leaned towards me excitedly and nudged me with my own pen!" I did strangely well! How did you do?"

I smiled widely, making Liam and Niall laugh! Well...that was predicted! The whole class was talking about the exam but we got silent when the professor cleared his throat…

"Alright, enough! Let's start today's lesson. Somehow I'm sure you all have a basis knowledge of it! First, your last question...what do you think about the supernatural?"

All the students were full of energy and were making noise with excitement! Why? Who knows! I just put my head on the table in despair. Today's class is going to be a boring one!

Professor stood up excitedly and clapped his hands. He always loved the heat in his class! "Let me do a little voting. Supernatural is real! Let me see your hands!"

I stared with disappointment at the large number of lunatics, who thought tooth fairies were real! Their leader was my own best friend! Of course, it's not his fault, he's Irish! They're meant to be superstitious!

"Ok... Any anti-supernatural? You are up!"

As soon as the superstitious group's hands came down, I raised my hand as high as I could!

"Hey chill man! Your hand is getting ripped off!"

I looked at him suspiciously and raised my brows!" why do you raise your hand like this? Just left it up straight, so he can see you! Wait... you'll be seen in any condition buddy, don't be hard on yourself!"

Excited, I raised my hand higher so he could see me easily…if he chose me, I'm going to destroy their beliefs!

"Seven...eight… Just eight? Well, you probably have some very good reasons!"

His glance shifted among our small but determined group and finally his eyes, remained fixed on me with a small grin... it was as if he wanted to laugh!

"Looks like my golden student badly disagrees with our discussion! I want to hear your reasons… Get up and explain Carter!"

I straightened my back, and got up from my seat" Sure professor, I strongly disagree with this argument because I think this whole subject is a meaningless fantasy!"

He was silent for a moment and the whole class was filled with whispers. I knew he had no convincing reason!

"But there are so many natural phenomena's that haven't other explanation, other than supernatural force!"

Ha-ha! I got you there!" exactly! You are only guessing. You have no way to prove your beliefs. You only have a few historical writings. That's all!"

I was on the clouds with adrenaline… I was right!

"History is our field. Historical writings have always been our best help!"

I was getting Furious! He didn't seem to listen to my words! "My field of study is archaeological history. A field that always has physical evidence, not just some writings! We believe in dinosaurs because we discover fossils. Historical writings can't always be solid evidence."

The whole class was silent and stunned! Yep, I had directly challenged one of our best history professors, and I had no intention of backing off!

He stared at me with a small smile for a few seconds and then said a shocking and unholy sentence that made me feel my heartbeat with my whole being! "Ok! Why don't you prove this to me in your semester's main project? You can sit down."

I wanted to sit! I mean I really needed to sit but I was so astonished, I was so struck that Niall got up and helped me to sit down!

He wanted to start teaching but the class was full of whispers and noise. Everyone knew...everyone! I had put all of my energy into this project…He had allowed me to choose my ideal subject himself! The subject was supposed to shake the whole archaeological department and in a few seconds, all of my efforts were destroyed!