New challenge

"Looks like you'll have to puke all the books you have eaten before for your project to be able to eat the new ones, or you're going to be sick!"

The sound of his and his group's laughter was lost between the laughter and the whispers of the other students! The loud laughter did not affect me. I was numb... shocked and greatly betrayed!

I was in a paralyzing haze through the whole class, and only when he ended the class, I finally able was to move my body. I abandoned my things and went straight towards the professor, that damn hypocrite!

"Looks like you finally want to talk!"

I just nodded with anger, and waited for everyone to leave the classroom .when the last person left the class, I quickly closed the door and turned towards him.

"You can't do this to me!"

He smiled charmingly and I almost lost my control! Oh god! I really wanted to rip him a new one!

"Take a deep breath and calm down! This project going to be so good and interesting!"

I fixed my hair angrily and took a deep breath but it did not affect me! How could this be relaxing?

"I can't be calm! It's been three months that all of my energy is focused on this project. William you know how hard I worked for this article, you were the one who let me choose the topic of it! Why are you doing this to me?"

He nodded understandingly, and raised his hands to show me he didn't want to argue! "You're right! But why are you so worried? Most of the students didn't even start yet!"

I gapped at him in disbelief! What the..."I'm not like others, William! I worked my ass off to prove myself to the archeology consul! Please let me focus on my project, I promise you, I'll write another article and prove my belief in it, to you. Just let me continue with my first project please!"

He thought for a few moments then he picked his bag up, from his desk and put it on his shoulder. "What do you think about completing this project and presenting the previous one as a complementary work? This way you can prove yourself to everyone. Of course, you've already been proven in my opinion!"

I pulled my hair and bent down angrily, to prevent myself from punching him in the face!


I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down... I was just beginning to understand why everyone hated him!

"Stop it! You're offering the exact opposite of what I asked you, you are ruining our friendship with this. Why?"

He rolled his eyes tiredly and folded his arms across his chest. "Don't push to change my mind, Louis! I told you to do this in front of the whole class, and I can't take back what I said before! I'm sure everyone is waiting for your wonderful article!"

I just nodded slowly and gritted my teeth together. "You won't change your mind, do you?"

He just stared at me and I got my answer. Stubborn bastard! I gave him my middle finger and stormed out of the classroom in rage! I thought he was my friend, asshole!

"What about lunch together? It's on"

What nerve he has! I cursed him angrily and went towards Niall and Liam who were waiting for me "what happened? He didn't accept it .did he?"

"Niall? Zip it!"

I looked at them for a few moments and tried not to be so disappointed...that was a new challenge, just like the others and I wasn't alone. So, suck it jackman!" you should go to eat your lunch. I have to go to the library!"

I could've easily seen the background of Niall's face, which was food obviously, but Liam seemed to have a different opinion! "We are coming. No objection, let's go!"

I smiled a little at that. Thanks to god, all of my friends weren't douchebags! Liam always was a supportive one and! After all, it was food that we were talking about, His number one priority! But he turned a blind eye on it and joined us anyway!

"Finished? This is all you need?"

I was so lucky to have them... it was so good that unlike that useless William, these two had my back otherwise I would've definitely be doomed!

I took a glance at the thick books on the table and nodded. "These should be enough. if I needed something else I can visit the library again in a few days. For now, let's go, we have another class."

Liam helped me gather the books but Niall just laid down on the table and wailed miserably! "I'm starving!"

I looked at him with guilt and wanted to apologize but Liam laughed and smirked...and that means Niall was being a sneaky shit! "Don't mind him. He ate his own sandwich and mine!"

"It's not relevant to my present state!"

I chuckled! Niall and his food obsession! It was the biggest win of his life that he had no talent for getting fat, otherwise, he would've been as big as hippo by now! After great efforts, we finally succeeded to drag Niall to the class instead of the cafeteria!

Liam was carrying most of the books and by the look on his face he was calculating something in his mind." you have to be at work at right?"

I gave him a dirty look and took my books away from him! He was treating me like a child again! "Believe it or not, I can use my legs, Liam!"

He rolled his eyes and scolded Me." it wasn't what I meant and you know that! I have a car and what is the difference between being on time and slightly late?"

My eyes widened in surprised and this time I scolded him! "Your professor is super strict, that is the difference! And being on time is important. You've helped enough, and I can take care of myself .let you go"


Without waiting for him to finish, I started walking again and I said firmly "stop worrying about me Liam, enough!"

When he saw that I'm not giving in, he shook his head in despair and entered the classroom after me.

I smiled with a better and lighter feeling. They've already helped me so many times, and that was making me feel bad about myself. I was two years older than them and being this weak made me hate my own gut! I couldn't let my physical weakness ruin my spirit. I had to work harder and being dependent on Liam and Niall didn't help my situation! Saving my own ass, from time to time without relying on them shouldn't be that hard!

The class ended much sooner than I thought, but with my mind totally occupied with my damn project it wasn't much of a surprise!

I gathered my stuff, waved my friends goodbye and without waiting for them to do the same, I picked up those disgusting books and disappeared in a blink of an eye! I didn't have enough time to chit-chat!

I raised the books a little higher so that my shoulders could feel better and I completely blocked my ranger of vision in results! William, that weasel!

I hated him so much! I was trying to balance all the books on my right shoulder so I could pull my keys out of my left pocket when the weight of half of the books was removed off of me and the rays of the sun warmed my face! I really hope that my professor dies a dreadful death. Amen!

When I was sure that I had cursed him enough to send him straight to hell, I finally looked at my savior! Messy blonde hair, tall, handsome, and incredibly happy with a huge smile transfixed on his face!

He raised his brows and smiled even bigger!" are you done? Don't you want to say anything?

I looked at him suspiciously and nodded with a small frown." I do actually! people rarely steal books these days, but if you want to do this just give them back to me when you're done with them. It took me 45 minutes to convince Mrs. Gloria to let me borrow this much, at once!"

First, he laughed his guts out, then he bent a little to be at my eye level, rude! I looked at him surly and took a step back and checked him, head to toe.

He just laughed some more... I could bet he was on something...most likely weed! No one except Niall could be this happy without a reason!

"What kind of crazy bastard steal books? Worse than that... the last vampire of the Beverly Hills? Really? Supernatural? Why books when you can watch the movie? But yes…There aren't enough good supernatural movies, I give you that!"

I really wanted to kick him in his jewels but he was right! It was disgusting and pathetic and I was furious to be caught with those embarrassing books and that made me even angrier!" it is none of your business! Who are you and what do you want for me?

"And that's a good question!"

he smiled happily and offered his hand for shaking" I am Ashton, you should be Louis, right?"

When I repeated his name in my mind I finally recognized him! He was the constantly happy freak that robin was talking about last night. She has told me already that he was a little odd but overall a great kid, so I loosened up a little and smiled back at him after like 5 minutes!

My memory always had a thing for remembering names right away, and that makes me look like an asshole to new possible friends most of the time, and that's why I don't have a lot of friends, Thanks to my fishlike memory!

And that ladies and gentleman's, was another chance for making a new friend jumping right out of the window!