My rude fans!

Stan was waiting for my signal to help him but I shook my head no and he just shrugged and went back behind his counter. I watched him carefully, he was able to regain his confidence and his behavior with the customer was great. After 20 minutes he sold two sports shirts and one lemon yellow hoodie and the customer seemed satisfied enough!

I went to him with a proud smile and softly slapped him on his shoulder. He jumped a little and quickly turned to me and smiled ear to ear when he saw me!

"I did it!

I smiled happily and gave him a high-five! "I knew you could do it! You're doing so well already. I'm sure when your internship ends, you're going to be a hell of a seller!"

He nodded with an eager smile and looked at our crowded section." this place is full of rich kids, you were right!"

I confirmed confidently and I was going to say that I'm always right when I saw every seller's nightmare of a customer!" hey... do you see that fat man? He's nagging beside Joana!"

"Yeah. She looks red! Hehe... I can see the smokes coming out of her ears! I feel sorry for her actually!" he said with a grumpy face and I approved his theory.

"Exactly! Grand is messing with her head and her patience is wearing thin, let's go!"

"Isn't he, her customer? Why should we go? I don't like him!"

he wasn't willing to come but he said nothing and followed after me .when I saw his obedience and the good reaction I felt I need to tell him my main reason, so he could understand why we were interfering with another seller's job when I clearly warned him not to!

"You have to learn how to deal with this kind of customer. Grand is rude and he's nagging most of the time but he also is one of our top shoppers!"

He said a big "AHA" and this time he walked by me without a frown.

When we almost reached them Joana noticed us first and openly took a deep breath! She said something to Grand that made him turn to us with a big smile.

"Why is he looking at you like a hyena?"

Ashton asked me slightly terrified and I had to swallow my laughter. I swear he intended to make me laugh in front of Grand!

"Just look!"

Grand...a rotund bastard. I didn't even know one single person who didn't hate his gut!

"Finally! Where were you man?"

I greeted him with a polite smile and shook his chubby hand. "I was a little busy with my intern, sir. It's a beautiful night, isn't it?"

He nodded with a dirty smile and did a full analysis of poor Ashton who was stunned! He grinned with satisfaction and turned to me so he could ogle on me some more!" it's a beautiful outfit Louis and more beautiful than that, is your incredible body. Anyway! Do you have this outfit in my size too?"

"Absolutely! We have other new goods that I'm sure would look great on you .this way please!"

He just grunted and followed me. I would've loved to turn around and pull out his dirty eyes, out of his empty head so he couldn't strip someone else with his eyes anymore, but instead, I kept my smile on my face and continued with my job. I need my job... at a very high level! Unemployment always means sheer misery!

"Fuck! I thought I couldn't breathe anymore. Why in the hell was he like that?"

We all laughed and he just stared at us dumbfounded! My baby looked so confused! Surely he couldn't figure the reason for our relaxed and smiley faces!

"You shut it Sam! Oh my god! I didn't think there would be this kind of people in a wealthy level of society too!"

Sam laughed out loud and gave me an evil look. Then turned back to Ashton who was grinning like an idiot!" I don't want to break your heart, Ashton but most of these assholes are seen among rich people! Grand is one of them... a big one! We, the poor ones, don't even have the time to waste staring at people's butt! But if he doesn't stare at Louis's ass at least for 30 minutes a day he wouldn't be able to sleep at night!"

I bent over my counter and slapped him on the back of his neck. That little shit!

"Ouch! Why did you hit me? I was telling the truth!"

Everybody laughed but Ashton was still shocked by what Sam has said! This happens every time to every single one of our newbies! At first, they get shocked at what bullshit we have to go through to be able to keep our job! Then they get used to it just like the rest of us!

"Did you guys notice it too? That he had a dirty intention?"

This time Ashton's amazed question made everyone laugh even Stan! My dear, naive friend was badly betrayed! I could have seen the dagger in his back!

"You have no idea, son! Grand comes here just to see him! Louis always sells so many things to him that he doesn't need or simply looks like shit on him, and we all know that he regrets it the second time he wears them, but he never complains! He just comes back again and asks for Louis's service!"

Joana explained and Ashton seemed both surprised and compassionate!

"And this is the power of Louis carter!" Sam said with laughter, giving Joana a high five!

"He's own power or his body's? "Stan said sarcastically and almost everyone glared at him! Someday his sharp tongue is going to get him into so much trouble!

"If you weren't just a bag of bones maybe you had your own admirers. Maybe this way you could have been a model too!" Sam snapped with a frown but Stan only grinned and rolled his eyes in annoyance!

"Admirers? They are a bunch of perverts! I would rather be a bag of bones than someone who attracts customers with his body and flirting!"

"I'm going to crush your..."

Stan started walking out and Sam went crazy! when I saw Sam's anger I quickly grabbed his shoulder and dragged him back beside my counter and when he opened his mouth to complain I shook my head "don't Sammy, it's not worth it. Let him be!"

Stan always was like this! He drops the bomb and disappears even before you can process his rude comments and Sam's temper was a terrifying thing!

Sam shook his head in disappointment and went towards the locker room without saying a word. It was so awkward but luckily everyone was too tired to care and went to gather their things so they could go home and sleep their exhaustion off!

"It was nonsense...don't pay attention to him!

I smiled a little at his kind gesture. He was trying to comfort me but I wasn't upset. I've known that brat for two years now and he was always like this.


He looked at me confused for a moment then his eyes widened in shock!" What? What do you mean, what?"

I raised my hands in a sign of surrender and then went towards the locker room and he followed me with a pout!" I'm just saying Stan despite being an ass, is also right about Grand and his little habit! And everyone knows that...there is no point in denying it, my friend!"

"You are talking about this in such a way as if you don't care!"

My hands froze on my backpack. I paused for a moment and then closed its zipper. He's only one night into the job and he's already questioning everything! He sure is a curious type and I love the challenging ones!

"Of course I care, it is impossible not to! It's just...I think I got kind of used to it!? But the important thing is that it stayed at the same was never more than looking!"

His brows went up and his gaze turned between me and Sam, who was still sitting in the locker room, tapping on his phone.

"What does that mean?" Ashton asked curiously and Sam grinned, still looking at his phone!

"That means everybody knows that they should know their limit in front of Louis. Nobody wants to touch him!"

Ashton was dying out of curiosity and when he saw that Sam was busy on his phone again, he turned to me with shining hopeful eyes! If curious and nosy people form a community, he would be a nobleman among them!

"Why? Why is that? Do have a phobia or something?"

"No, nothing like that! I just really hate it when someone tries to touch me. I already explained my reasons to the chief manager and he knows how to manage his customers. Besides, this law goes for everyone! Customers are not allowed to physically or sexually harass employees. It's not just me! "I explained it to him clearly so that he wouldn't think that I was any different from the others.

"The only difference here is that one special person is the favorite employee of all the top managers!"

I showed him my middle finger calmly but the cheeky bastard just grinned like a maniac and then turned to a smiling Ashton!" how was your first night? Your mentor is super strict. Isn't he?"

"Great! It was confusing at first but overall it was very good .our colleagues are very good except Stan. I must say that I don't like him at all!" he said excitedly and turned to me for approval and I nodded chuckling!

Stan was a very tough one to like!

"Don't worry buddy! When he slept in his bathroom tonight, he will realize that he shouldn't be this rude!"

"Sam usually doesn't tolerate Sam's rudeness, and this time it seems that he has gone for his laxative tablets again!" I explained with a smile and he laughed out loud when he realized what Sam has done to Stan! His laughter was so cool that he was making us laugh!

"I love your methods, Sam! I am a fan and I want to be your student!"

I shook my head with laughter and disappointment... great! Now we have two of them!

"Ok enough, gather your things. Let's go!"

They were not done gossiping about Stan, but they didn't complain and did what I told them. When Sam left, Ashton stared at me seriously... oh god, not again! I really didn't want to lose another good trainee!

"I was serious Louis. I don't like him at all, he is bad news! Trust me!"

Thank god. I thought he was going to quit! The other trainees hated him too. Even some of them quit their training course just because of him, but Ashton was different...he really could see the true nature of Stan, on his first day...that was rare!

"Don't take it seriously, everyone feels the same!" I said it calmly as if he was worried for no reason, so that he doesn't bother himself anymore but he didn't seem to want to back away easily!

"No, I'm serious! Why don't you do something about it? We can take our complaint to management separately. It should be easy for them to replace him soon!"

I frowned a little and looked around to make sure robin wasn't around to hear us...

"First! We can't take away someone's job just because of their attitude! Secondly, it will be so crude of us if we do this and thirdly... Finding a replacement isn't that easy!"

"What if I can find you one?"