There're consequences to being rude!

"It doesn't seem that he needs this job that much! Tonight I heard from Joana that he has his own car, so at least his financial situation is better than you and me! I don't think it would be too crude if we complain about him to the management because frankly, he is an asshole! I will find you another seller too. So what do you say?"

I rolled my eyes for him and took a deep breath. He was absolutely right but I couldn't take someone's job away from wasn't moral!

"You are hallucinating from exhaustion! It has a fair salary but you have to work your ass off every night. Except us, the poor ones nobody wants this job!"

Excitedly he jumped in front of me to prevent me from going down the stairs!" many people need this kind of job. I know one personally! We can do it. What do you say?"

"My decision doesn't matter, Ashton!" I said tiredly and he laughed in my face...rude!

"Are you kidding? Everyone, every manager, and the chief manager himself loves you. Of course, your decision matters! Promise me you will tell them!"

I pushed his face away with my hand and glared at him!" if you still have enough energy to argue, you can jog around but it's getting harder and harder every second for me to keep my eyes open! I'm starting to look like a blind mouse, Ashton. Let it go!"

"Louis please!"

Why was it so hard to ignore him? I only knew him for one day and I liked him very much already! Besides I wasn't even awake enough to feel the slightest regret from what I was about to say. Fuck it!

"If I say I would think about it will you let me go home to sleep?"

He perked up immediately and nodded rapidly! "Absolutely!"

"I will think about it. Happy?" without a word, I stared at him as he jumped in the air happily and shouted a big "YES!"

Without a doubt, he hated Stan so much that even thinking about the possibility of him leaving made him that happy! I would love to see Sam's face when he hears the possibility of him never seeing Stan's constantly dull face ever again! I was sure he would be overwhelmed with joy!

I shook my head with a small smile as he jumped on me suddenly and started squeezing me in his arms!

"You are so..."

It took me a couple of seconds to fully realize what was happening and before I could even think straight, I pushed him off of me harshly. He nearly fell but he was able to regain his balance in the last moments.

When he stared at me wide eyed I finally came back to my senses. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down..." I... I told you before... That I am... "

Before I could finish my sentence he interrupted me and rushed to apologize!" no... It was my fault. I am sorry... God! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to touch you like that, I was just so excited. I really am sorry Louis!"

Deep breathe Louie... He's not like that... He didn't mean to! I tried to smile to make him feel better. the poor thing looked very guilty!" if you promise me that you'll not repeat it, I can forget this right away and we'll be ok!"

He quickly raised his hands in a sign of surrender and regretfully nodded his head in approval!" it's not going to happen again, I promise! I was just so happy!"

He was happy! He was shining like a freaking Christmas tree!

"You hated him that much huh?"

"More than anything that you could think of! Even my devil of a cousin is incapable of this level of damage to my sanity!"

He said happily with a wide smile that made me laugh! He smiles like a quokka! He was like the sweetest kid in your neighborhood. You can't help but love him!

"Ok I can't guarantee it but I will talk to Robin tonight."

He hugged himself happily and showed me his entire set of teeth! He was very happy!

"Great! Let's go!"

I opened my mouth to tell him "let's go! I'm exhausted enough to see two versions of you at the same time!" but my answer got stuck in my throat when I heard Robins shouting for me!

"Louis! Where are you? Let me see that gorgeous ass!"

"Coming mom!" I closed my eyes and shouted! God! This woman is going to start a nasty rumor any day now!

"What was that?" Ashton said with a smirk and a devilish look on his face, but I just ignored him and went down the stairs to my embarrassing half step mom!

As soon as I saw her I shoot her a mean glare that made her astonished! "Louis? What is...?"

Her sentence was cut off when she saw him behind me! "Oh! My bad! Let's get going. It's late!"

She said sweetly, and winked at me! That's not helping the rumor mom!

"Um... I am going to go now. See you tomorrow, and Louis? Solve this problem, please! Good night."

When he left I stared at her with folded arms but she just ignored me with a small shrug!" I didn't know he was still there. What's the matter? Which problem he was referring to?"

With remembering his desperation then he was talking about Stan, I felt a little guilty for closing my eyes to what my coworkers have to endure for at least two years. None of them were comfortable with working with Stan. Ashton was alright, I can end this!

"Let's talk about it in the car!"

"Well...what was Ashton's problem?" she asked when we were on our way home and I was half asleep.

I rubbed my itching eyes and sank in my seat." like the others... Stan!"

"What do you think?"

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. Here we go again! The usual shit!" why do I always have to make the final decision? I can't make decisions for another person's life! I'm stuck in my own life decisions!"

I protested loudly and stared out of the window. She waited a few moments for me to calm down, but I knew what would happen in the end...she could always convince me!

"It's your decision, Louis! You know that the chief manager himself doesn't like him very much and he is giving him a second chance just because of you!"

She was serious and right! She was always right, but I always had a big issue with life changing decisions for as long as I could remember!

"I understand your reasons, Louis. You don't want to harm someone in any way, even if they've hurt you first! You're a good person Louis, and also one of our best employees. Damn! You're one step away from becoming your floor's manager! Your comfort is far important to us than losing an ordinary seller. If you have a problem telling the chief your request, I would do that for you! You deserve more than this, honey!"

I just stared at her without saying anything. She was the first person that thought this high of me, she was the only one that thought I deserve more. She was truly my saving angel!" thank you, mom!"

Her soft smile and caring nature reminded me of my mother. Robin never got married and she didn't have a child of her own but she always treated me like her own son! One of my biggest achievements in my whole life was finding Robin... My sweet half stepmom!

"When Ashton was applying for this job he asked me if there was another opening for his friend. What do you think?"

I nodded, thinking about what Ashton told me before his leaving and scratched my chin. It should be the same friend that he was mentioning earlier!" I kind of like him a lot, so I think we could trust him with this."

"Ok, I'm going to speak to the chief tomorrow...There is only one thing left in my mind..."

Curiously I turned to look at her who grinned and nodded to the back seat!" what is with those supernatural books? You weren't into that kind of thing. What happened?"

With remembering my brand new hell that William had made especially for me, I gritted my teeth together... that useless fucker! One day I am going to rip his head off and fill it with jelly- beans!

"My new project!" I replied with a groan and she laughed at my misery!

"A new project that you're not excited about it! Weird!"

Yes, weird! My whole life was weird!

I put the last book on the floor and got up slowly but my back still screamed in pain... I am getting old already! I was very lucky that Robin helped me to bring the books into my room, otherwise, I couldn't get out of bed tomorrow morning! I closed my bedroom door, then threw my backpack to the wall!

I am going to kill you someday you selfish worm! You bush-pig... striped rhino... Fuck! Furious, I took off my shoes and threw one of them at the books, which caused a pillar of them to fall to the ground! I immediately forgot my anger and rushed to check the books for any damage. When I was sure they were intact I took a deep breath and stepped back and sat on my bed.

Holding my head in my hands, I rubbed my temples. My three-month worth of 24/7 efforts was gone! I threw myself on my bed and stared at the big, shiny moon... I like the is nice!

"I'm going to prove it to you, I'm going to prove that supernatural is nothing more than a joke! A Nonsense handwritings of a bunch of lunatics that were on powerful drugs! I am..."

My self-praising was cut off by a sudden, sharp sound! It was like someone sneezed!? I sat on the bed and looked around in the darkness. Sounds like this, when your roommate sleeps in a soundproof room across the house isn't that normal! I stared at the darkest corner of my room without blinking, then I got goose bumps all over my body when I heard the second sound... it was like someone or something slapped someone or something!

It was as if two people were fighting! I could have heard my own heartbeat! Without looking away from the darkness I searched the bed to find a weapon. I took one of my shoes and held my hand up so that whatever it was, could see that I was armed...that was true that it was just a shoe but... fuck!

I tried to keep my composure... I took a deep, calming breath and stood up from the bed slowly, without moving my pupils even an inch!

"Who...who is there?"