Fear and doubt

The damn silence was making me more and more anxious! I tried to be brave and face my fears but as soon as I took a step forward I heard a voice from behind me! I turned around at the speed of the light and threw my shoe towards the sound but it hit the glass of the window and made a loud noise!

In a blink, I gave up on my room's imaginary creature and went to check on the window! I didn't care if Satan himself wanted my blood for his morning bath! Who has the money to pay for broken glass?

When I checked the whole glass inch by inch and made sure that my wallet wasn't in a danger, I got up angrily and went straight to the light switch and turned on the light!

“Look! Do you see anything here you crazy dwarf? Huff... I'm losing my mind and it’s all William's fault! That baboon!"

I took another look at my room and shook my head...I was going crazy! I was very tired but I felt I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to, so I gave up on sleeping and changed my outfit to a more comfortable one. I sat behind my desk and picked up one of the books and started reading.

The book had a historical background and it was fairly well written. The ability of writers and their powerful imagination was the reason behind the belief of half of the people in this nonsense! If I didn't consider the main content of the book, it was a good book actually! It was scientific and had good information about the movements and different situations of the moon and...Its effects on werewolves!

Right! Werewolves! My belief in tooth fairies was much more! Among the supernatural creatures, I hated the werewolves the most! Imagine becoming a huge hairy dog with sharp teeth, every month in the full moon! It just doesn't make sense!

I closed the book with a glare and after a few moments, I felt my eyes getting heavy from sleep. I smiled with satisfaction and crawled into my bed after turning off the light. My eyes were getting warm when I felt someone staring at me. Without opening my eyes or giving a single fuck, I raised my middle finger in the air so they can see it vividly! I'm not your toy to play with! Fuckers!


“Boss! I swear it wasn't my fault...I..."

I glared at him furiously that made him shut up! I couldn't remember what a terrible thing I did in my previous life to deserve such an agonizing set of betas! I fixed my hair and took a good look at both of them... How did I think these two could be a good choice for this mission?

“What would you do if he had noticed your presence? You would be dead by now definitely because I don't have my usual patience! Can you realize what a sensitive situation we are all in?"

“Yes, boss! We’re sorry boss!" they sank deeper into themselves and bowed their heads. Now they were sorry?

“But I'm telling you the truth boss! It wasn't my fault! I think I sneezed because of the dust! Mikey was the one who slapped me in the neck!" Ashton justified himself and Mikey glared at him viciously!

“You were exposing us!"

“And your slap was supposed to help the situation?!"

I stared at their bickering in disappointment. They were leading half of my pack for eight years... they were my top betas and yet... Unfortunately, they were idiots on top of those!

When I saw that they didn't intend to end their discussion, I yelled at them so loud that they approached each other and their whole body bent down a little out of fear! My animalistic sound of breath was a good sign for my yellow eyes!

I threw my head back and tried to calm myself down with a deep breath!" enough! Information... What did you learn from him?"

"He brought home some supernatural books and read one of them a bit but he doesn't seem to have a good opinion of our kind!" Ashton said worriedly and Mikey approved.

“It looks like a project for college to me, it would be so good if my hunch... What... What did I miss?"

He stuttered when I glared at him. He was startled and tried to figure out what was going on from Ashton's eyes! Why his information always is imperfect? It seems that only half of his brain is working properly!

“Don’t tell me that you're not on the same page with our southern partners yet! Don't test my tolerance! You really don't know that his favorite professor is one of the under covers of the southern team?!"

Mikey was trying not to show how surprised he was but Ashton seemed confident and it calmed me down a little knowing that my number one group wasn't that useless!

“William jackman, one of his close friends, as well as one of the second class vampires who have very good and strong activities between vampires and humans, and that is why their senior chose him. I got him, boss, don't worry!"

“Take Mikey with you tomorrow and make sure he gets hire in the store. This guy is one of our options and we need to be sure about him. Is there any other special news? You look fishy!"

I looked at them suspiciously... they always loved to keep the main event for the end of the party! Their heartbeats increased and they looked at each other with shining eyes...as if they had to wait a long time to tell me this news!

" well, boss...we got close to him with doubts and a very strong hesitation from the beginning because we couldn't see any sign in him and we started this only based on one prediction...right?"

A prophecy that I didn't like to think about at all! I could never fully trust that old prophet and her promises and the only reason I was willing to walk into pure darkness was my extreme desperation... We needed an alpha!

I nodded for him to continue and they looked at each other with excitement!

“In fact, we have something to show you , boss!" Mikey said thrilled and stared at Ashton with wide eyes! Today he was just a viewer and like always, a drama queen!

“Today I found out that he doesn't like it when someone touches him, he hates it actually! I couldn't understand why, but tonight when he agreed to talk to his boss about hiring Mikey, I got excited and hugged him. Did you see him a few moments ago right?"

I took a glance at his overly large window and nodded. I've seen him before and the only thing that I could remember about him was...short?

“Partly... I was busy cleaning up your mess, but I saw his picture before. How come?"

He looked at Mikey excitedly and then took off his hoodie and held out his arms in front of me. I bent my head a little and stared at the hand-shaped bruises on his arms. I checked his hands carefully... The injuries were not that serious but an ordinary person can’t hurt a werewolf this much just by pushing them off! It has to be more!

“This is the trace of his hands. I also had fractures in both of my arms. It took me almost an hour to heal! While he just grabbed my arms and pushed me a little! Isn't it strange for a normal human with such a small frame to have this kind of power? His power gets multiple when he gets angry... Boss, I think it is him!"

Mikey handed Ashton his hoodie back and happily approved his friend's conclusion! He only saw him till now and already likes him a lot. That was a good sign!

“It’s possible boss! It has happened before. When someone conceals their power behind their anger for a long time and tries to control it in the wrong way, the pressure stops their brain from working properly and deactivates their power! It even gets very hard for them to change into their wolf form!"

Ashton smiled brightly and put his backpack on his shoulder and as soon as Mikey was done, he rushed to offer me more evidence!

“Changing would be so hard that it causes constant tiredness and confusion. Just like when we prevent omegas from changing and it drives them crazy! It has to be it! Right boss?"

When I was finally able to see the missing part, a gentle smile formed on my lips. We were looking for the wrong clue! I took a deep breath with joy and stared at the moon...thanking the moon goddess, I finally felt that the path I was walking in wasn't so dark!

“partly, but you are wrong about a big part of him!"

When I saw them waiting for my reply, I looked away from the clear sky and stared at the window of his room, which was reflecting a beautiful picture of the moon from across the street!

“You got the first part correctly but the rest of your theory was wrong! It's true that he conceals his power behind his anger but this doesn't weaken him! Exactly the opposite of your imagination, with this amount of power and anger he is getting stronger day by day! I think changing to his wolf form is much easier for him, even easier than your shifting. He’s much stronger than we thought!"

They were excited and stunned and in extreme need of further explanation but I needed more time to gather information, but frankly... I was considering believing in that prediction!

“So, he's the one that we are looking for. Right boss?"

I considered his words for a few moments then I shook my head. It could have been the right choice or the exact opposite! Taking sides in this situation was a bad risk that I didn't want to take!

“Nothing is clear yet, we have to be sure. We don't need an ordinary alpha so even he is an alpha, we have to make sure that we got our hands on the right one...the true alpha! We have to try our luck with the other one too. Most importantly...he might be a beta...we are not looking for a beta, no matter how strong he might be!"

"I will take Mikey with me tomorrow morning for the interview. I'm sure they will accept him, they need a replacement! It will probably be easier this way to find out if he is the one we need or not." Ashton said seriously and Mikey agreed.

It looked like a good plan and we didn't have another choice so I confirmed it too and reminded them of the basic rules for one last time.

“Just watch your behavior. Respect him and do some research about the other one too. I would like to have only one option to think about by the end of this month!"