A living mystery

The blood boiled in my veins and I grabbed his shoulder out of excitement, which made him grab my waist tighter! His lips were only touching my lips, and my God ... only a little ... only if he deepened the kiss a little more, I was sure I would have a stroke right there!

"Don't take pictures, you animal! Put your phone in your pocket and respect your brother's privacy! Do it!"

"Ok! Alright...ow! Ow...please let go of my ear! Ouch! OW!"

With the noises, that Calum made, he pulled back and I lowered my head ... I didn't know if I should thank Calum or curse him but I just wanted one thing ... to go home and sleep! For one night, it was really too much for me!

"Well...my job here is done! I'm relieved! Well ... gather your things and let's go...Ashton? Stop daydreaming, son! You can have the rest at home! Do you have your clothes with you?"

"YES! Of course! Give me a minute and I'll be back!" boss responded quickly and disappeared with the wind! Of course, he was embarrassed! When boss left, Louis turned towards us quickly and observed us carefully for a few seconds!

"Are you ok, guys? I am somehow sure that the screams I heard were from pain! Are you sure nothing happened?"

Surprised, I looked at Calum and nodded slowly...how did he know that?

"I said it before, we're ok! Maybe Ashton is right and we are just making a fuss out of nothing... who knows?!"

Calum laughed with me and we tried to brush it off with laughter and jokes, but it was clear that he didn't believe us, but he didn't say anything else either. He was so WEIRD! How the hell did he suspect our injury?

When boss returned, Louis looked at him with his usual smile ... he knew that boss had hurt us and he didn't want to cause more problems for us by frowning and fighting with him! Fuck! We were so wrong about him!

"Ok! I'm ready. Let's go!"

Louis yawned and walked ahead of us." let's go, I'm dying out of exhaustion!"

"Let's go, buddy!" Calum said happily and walked beside Louis! He was showing efforts to befriend Louis in front of boss to avoid further punishments! That sneaky bastard!

"You ok honey? Shall we go?"

I stared at him with my mouth open, like a freaking goldfish... not when it is in its water tank, all cute and shit! NO! I looked like a goldfish, OUT of its water tank, struggling to breathe and looking miserable...an ugly goldfish! Dying due to lack of oxygen!

When boss saw me in that deplorable situation, he quickly pointed at Louis with his eyes, and I nodded after giving my brain a few seconds to process his offer, and he laughed and took my hand and I clung to his back, like his tail ... hands down to the best night ever!

"What are you doing at the midnight in the middle of the jungle, boss?"

Hearing the word "Boss", I took my attention from my hand, which was locked in his, and gave it to their conversation ... It was time to find out what was going on between our boss and Louis!

"Ah! Don't poke my wound, son! When you left, I realized that Robin had left much earlier than us and she had told Joanna to tell me that I had to go home by myself, which Joanna forgot that she actually had to deliver the message! And since I come back every night with Robin, I didn't have any ride, so I had to drag my ass all the way home in the middle of the night! Then I heard a noise in the middle of the road and I came towards the sound and you know the rest of the story!"

Holy shit! He had some serious echolocation skills! We were lucky that he is a good guy and came to check on us, otherwise, we would be in so much trouble! Three broken bones in boss's punishment list, count as a win!

"Ok. We'll give you a lift. My car should be nearby!" boss suggested and he shook his head with a smile.

"Thanks, man! There are not more than 15 minutes to home and the weather is so nice, I can take a walk by myself. It is not my first time!"

When Louis rejected boss's offer seriously but with a bright smile, boss didn't push him farther and nodded with a smile and we went towards the main road...but something was going on!

A strong sense of excitement was transferring to me from boss, and more interestingly, I personally felt the same way! The feeling that you have when you return to your hometown, to your own home, and to the people that you belong to... It was like the excitement and joy you feel after seeing a beautiful scene that you had been waiting to see for a long time!

"Ok. I should go this way and I'll see you all tomorrow, take care!" He said with a big smile and waved us goodbye.

"You take care too...it's so dark out here!" Boss replied worriedly and Louis laughed loudly...cute! I mean no homo, but he was so cute and there was no way in denying it!

"Come on! Don't worry ... the darkness hasn't eaten someone yet! Oh, I almost forgot..." He came towards me and Calum, and he happily started to search in his backpack for something. After a few moments, he pulled out a few ointments and pills from his backpack!

He gave the ointments to Calum and offered me the pills, while I was looking at him with surprise! When I went to take the pills from him, boss finally let go of my hand and rubbed his neck! Everything was so strange and new that I didn't even realize that boss was still holding my hand!

"Calum, apply these ointments to your foot...I don't think it's more than a severe bruising! Luke, take these pills and you'll sleep through tonight like a baby, stabilize your shoulder with something too, you can even use elastic pants. I do not think there will be a problem but if the pain didn't go away, go see a doctor!"

We were stunned and looking at him with our mouths open when boss laughed as normally as he could and shook his head! "What is this, Louis? I said that they were fine!"

In response, Louis gave boss such a mean glare that made him lower his head in embarrassment!

"Work on yourself, Ashton ...try to control yourself and never use your power on your beloved ones! And you two! Don't look at me like that, the locations of your injuries were obvious! I will see you tomorrow ... bye!"

Even though he was far away, we were still looking at him when boss snapped his fingers in our faces and stood in front of us and we quickly lowered our heads...

"Sorry boss ... we did our best not to show that we were hurt... we apologize!"

Staring at the path Louis had taken, he shook his head and took a deep breath...

"Huff... don't push yourself too hard, you did good, even better than good, but...Louis isn't someone that you can hide something from. He'll figure out everything eventually and the funny part is, that he thinks everyone can do the same!"

Confused, I looked at Calum and together we followed him who was walking back towards the base. Everything was getting stranger about Louis by the minute!

"Excuse me boss, but can I ask who's monitoring Louis? We really need to talk to them!" Calum asked excitedly and I nodded quickly. He was like a living mystery and I really wanted to know more about him...There were so many questionable things about him, so I insisted on getting an answer, too!

"Exactly... Louis is much more complicated than we thought! All his behaviors and actions are questionable!"

Without turning to us, he continued on his way and took a deep breath and we were following him like a duckling, hoping that we could get our answers!

"I'm not allowed to tell you this, but you're my betas and I trust you, though you suck at following orders! But I'm going to do it anyway because it's a fucking exciting situation and I can't keep it to myself anymore! In fact Michael and I monitoring Louis! We work in a store together and I can only say that it's extraordinary! Did you feel that sense of safety and excitement?"

We nodded with joy and excitement and he laughed! He was right, we felt it when he came forward to defend us tonight! It was like the feeling that you have when your older brother rescues you from the bullies at school, no offense to boss! And I was so confused that I thought that boss was trying to calm us down!

"I can't deny the high possibility of Zayn being the alpha, but I'm sure that if Louis isn't the alpha, he sure is a tremendous beta ... much stronger than me and maybe even boss Ashford! Imagine the connection between me and you ... My connection with Louis is way much stronger than that! This is how I realized that you two screwed up again!"

Our whole being bent down in embarrassment and boss glared at us again and he was absolutely right to do so! We were just two idiots in a really strong body!

"We are sorry boss ... we just wanted to prove our place among Zayn's group ... I also don't think he was seriously injured!" Calum reasoned and I wanted to approve his opinion, when I saw boss's face...he didn't look interested in our reasoning!

"He was! His elbow was broken, but by the time he reached the store, he was perfectly healed. And in a couple of hours, there will be no trace of his bruises!"

The only thing I could think of was that I caused him so much pain and all he did was to defend me! My shoulder hurt again and I rubbed it with guilt... I was sure that Calum was thinking about the same thing because he was so quiet and glum... but there was just one question in both our minds... How?

"How's that possible? His bone was broken and he got up so relaxed and picked up his books and left?"

"I told you before...he's super strong and our main problem is that he doesn't know that! Today I came to your college, to give you some information about him, when I saw Louis near you guys so I couldn't come forward and I was afraid that he would see me there, so I hurried to the store. If you paid attention to him and his books you would notice that he's researching about supernatural... one of the undercover agents of our southern ally has forced him to do so, otherwise, he doesn't believe in us or himself, even one percent!"

I couldn't be more confused! What does it mean? That means...

"That means ... that means he doesn't know he's a werewolf?" I asked amazed and stared at his muscled back...focus you BITCH!

"Exactly! We still don't know exactly why he's not aware of these currents. He simply thinks that everyone can do the same things that he does! To put it simply ... Hmmm ... somehow his powers seem to be concealed ... either he is the one that hiding his powers unintentionally or someone else cast a spell on him! As far as we know, he thinks that everyone is capable of doing such things! He thinks it's normal! For example, tonight! Finding us through our voices in the middle of the jungle isn't something that everyone can do and his ability to easily locate your injuries? Damn, there aren't many werewolves who can do this kind of thing! I don't think he knows what he's doing!"

He doesn't know this kind of power exists in him and he can do such things? What happens when he dominates his own power? I recalled what sora said about our destined alpha...

"An unstoppable monster!"