Did you see my new friends?!

We were near the base when boss turned to us and nodded to his car that was parked on the side of the road. We were in such a hurry that we didn't even notice boss's car that was right in front of our eyes!

"Alright! Pay your full attention to Zayn and if you think you can't monitor Louis at the same time, at least don't bother him anymore...You saw that he's extremely kind and doesn't like to hold grudge against anyone, so don't be a dick! I am sure that if he sees that you need to stay away from him, in order to have Zayn's support and your position in his group, he will totally understand! He doesn't like to make trouble for others and now that he sees you as his friends, he will do anything to help you ... So did you understand what the main plan is?"

We nodded seriously and replied at the same time." Yes, boss!"

"And one last thing...ah..." he rubbed his neck and took a deep breath! Oh please don't mention it again!

"Tonight those words slipped from my mouth and now it's too late to change my words ... so, you are what I said until it's time to tell him the truth! Calum, you're my stepbrother who joined my family with your mother, six years ago and you love to annoy me all the time! And Luke, you are...

Embarrassed, I lowered my head as he laughed and patted my shoulder gently...Fuck! Why couldn't I be the other stepbrother? Why? Is there a limit to it? You can't have two stepbrothers at the same time?

"You did great! I almost believed that I'm gay and you're my boyfriend! We've been together for two years now and we met each other at a Coldplay concert for the first time! Keep this role for now until the time comes! Guys! At the moment we can't detect the alpha with confidence, so be super cautious and gather as much information as you can. Besides, don't even think about forcing him to shift by making him angry, to see whether he's the alpha or not! The risk is too high! If he turns out to be the alpha you would be in so much trouble ...Luke, you're in charge! Do you understand me?"

"Yes, boss!"

"God! Stop calling me that! You two are the only ones in the whole base that call me boss, stop it! I'm a captain, just like the other top rankings. There is only one boss and that's boss Ashford! I'm getting tired of keep telling you to stop it, one more time, and I will drown you in a pool, full of Wolfsbane!"

"Yes bos…sorry boss! Captain! Sorry captain!" Calum rambled quickly and I glared at him… this idiot!

"Roger captain!"

He looked at us one more time, shook his head, and then went towards his car." Go home and rest!"

When he left, I rolled my eyes at my stupid friend and he just gave me a big, goofy smile! "What? I panicked!"

After he left, we went back to the base and after picking our motorcycles, we returned to the apartment we had rented near the university...

I opened the door with my keys and after throwing my helmet on the couch, I went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water ... I really needed to cool down!

"By the way ... tonight we had a pretty scary beating meeting, but at least it had a benefit for you! RIGHT?"

I put my glass on the island harshly and rolled my eyes for that cheeky bastard who was laughing like a hyena! when I realized he won't let me sleep any time soon if I stay there, I left my glass where it was and went towards my room, but he didn't quit and followed me limping while laughing loudly and having the time of his life!

"Don't run away from me! I know you liked it! If it was up to you, you would be all over hi..."

I closed the door on his face angrily, threw myself on the bed, and closed my eyes...

"HEY HEY! You can't hide it anymore! I knew you have a big ass crush on our bos...captain! And you can't deny it anymore buddy! I saw your expression when he kissed you, you were dying out of joy! HA HA HA!" He laughed happily and I growled furiously...I didn't need him to remind me of my misery...it was just a fucking role!

"Would you shut up or do you need me to break your other leg for you too?"

"Ok! I will shut up but you're going to admit it someday and I'm living in hope of that day!"

I pressed my pillow on my head so I hear less of his voice, but he was still chatting and laughing to himself ... Fuck!

I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind ... everything I went through was enough for one night! I couldn't take it anymore...


I put my books in my backpack and put it on my shoulder and closed the door of her car...

"Thanks, mom. Have a nice day!"

She smiled sweetly and blew me a kiss." Take care honey, see you in the evening!"

"Bye!" I replied with a huge smile. She almost doubled her usual route so she could get me to university on time! She was a great mom!

I took a deep breath and with full energy, I walked happily towards the end of the parking lot so I could see the boys before our class starts. That gray monkey was everywhere and the only timespan that I could see my friends without him seeing us was before our morning class, he was too lazy to come to the college this early in the morning!

A week had passed since what happened in the jungle and my relationship with Luke and Calum was getting better day by day!

It is true that they can't talk to me or look at me in college, because of their membership in Collins's group, but there was no sign of their harassment or bad behavior anymore ...they were wonderful friends!

Calum was a lot like Ashton and that made it so much easier for me to communicate with him. I just needed to call them by different names, otherwise, the rest of them was the same! Luke was a really cool kid but he was very calm and quiet, and this part of his character surprised me to death every day! How the hell this man was in a relationship with Ashton for two years? I mean... Ashton was really loud and noisy, just like a five years old!

I smiled deeply when I saw them, sitting on their motorbikes at the end of the parking lot, whispering together slowly...they were so cute, waiting for me patiently! Suddenly Luke saw me and smiled...see? Cute!

"Hey, Louis!" Luke greeted me with a gentle smile but Calum jumped off of his motorbike with excitement and gave me a huge smile! I was thinking about calling him Ashton number two!

"Where were you man? You're late!"

I shook their hands with a smile and laughed embarrassed. "I overslept and I had to carpool with my mom to get here on time! Sorry I had you waiting for me!

"Don't say such things, buddy! You're our friend and we are happy that we get to see and talk to you!" Luke said kindly and I smiled again...Ashton was a lucky fellow!

I smiled broadly and approached them who were standing next to each other and looking at me with big eyes!

"You ok buddy?" Luke asked suspiciously and I nodded quickly with a devilish smile!

"I couldn't be better!"

Before they could understand what was going on, I stood on the tip of my toes and dipped my hands in their hair, and wickedly messed up their cool hairstyle! Luke pulled his head back with a laugh, but Calum lowered his head so I could reach it better! With a laugh, I messed his hair a little more, He was literally purring like a cat!

Luke glared at him and dug his elbow in his side but Calum didn't seem to give a shit! I laughed at my happy friend and petted his head!

"Leave him alone, I don't mind! In fact, I used to love it when someone petted my head too! Having fun buddy?"

I really couldn't stop my laughing! He was about to throw himself to the ground like a puppy to convince me to keep petting him!

"Alright! That's enough...come here!"

He grabbed Calum's hand and pulled him to his side like an angry mom, while Calum was pouting like a baby tiger!

"Why are you so hard on him?" I asked with a smile, and Luke rolled his eyes for his pouting friend!

"Because we have a class in ten minutes and if you keep petting him he would never let us go! He is a spoiled brat, don't encourage him!"

"You're just jealous! What's it to you?" Calum replied with an annoying smirk and I shook my head, laughing!

"He's right, Calum! Let's go to the class first and I will pet you as much as you want when we're free! Deal?"

He nodded so quickly that made us laugh! That dork!

"Ok, I'm going to go first... see you guys later!"

"See you, bye!"

I waved them goodbye and set off to the college entrance. I was speeding towards our college when someone grabbed my backpack from the back and stopped me. I was pulled back with such force that I almost fell, but in the end, with a lot of effort, I was able to keep my balance. What the hell!? I looked back with a frown but my frown turned to a smile when I saw Liam...

"Hey, Liam! You startled me... you ok?"

He messed my hair and started walking ahead without looking at me. "You're better!"

Confused, I straightened my hair and followed him quickly." Are you sure you ok? Did something happened?"

"I don't know! You tell me!" he snapped and my eyes widened! I don't like this!

I grabbed his arm with a frown and stood in front of him ... "What is wrong with you Liam? Did I do something that upset you? What's going on! Tell me please!"

He glared at me and rubbed his forehead angrily... "You don't know? Louis, what is the matter with these two? On the first day of their arrival, they humiliated and hurt you in front of everyone, and after that day ... Boom! Suddenly, their behavior changed! Maybe Collins doesn't understand, but I do! I know that they only mock and tease you in front of Collins, and when you're alone, they get along well with you and treat you like an old friend! What is going on, Louis?"

I glanced around suspiciously to see if there was someone near us and nodded slowly. I should have told him about it from the beginning!

"Ok...you don't have to worry, Lee! They're my friends! One of them is the boyfriend and the other is the brother of one of my colleagues! You know him, Ashton!"

"What the fuck!"