A tough choice

"Shush! There is no reason for you to be this loud! You know Ashton, and he's his boyfriend. It's that simple! Why did you panic?" I whispered quickly and took a glance around us, no one should hear this, from me! I'm not their friend in college, and outsiders don't know something this private!

"I didn't panic! I'm...surprised? Ashton is so lively and loud and Luke... I swear...except when he's talking to Zayn, you can hear more words from a wall, than him "he defended himself quickly and I nodded with a smile. I was surprised too when they first told me about their relationship!

"I know! But they're so cute together and you can't deny that! And Calum is his younger brother. Exactly on the night of their first day, we got to know each other and our relationship got better, but because Luke and Calum like to have Collins's support like many other newbies, in front of Collins they just pretend that they don't know me, so it's a win-win situation for all of us ... I know them, Liam. .. You don't have to worry anymore!" I explained and he rolled his eyes for me!

"If you had told me this the day you found out, I wouldn't be so angry all this time...fat ass!" he glared at me again and I grinned like a happy cat!

"You're just jealous! You have a flat ass and no one will make love to you with that teeny tiny ass!" I laughed loudly at my own jock but he just shook his head with disappointment and checked his watch! Grinch!

"Shit! We're going to be late, let's go!"

He panicked, and my smile faded when I remembered our super strict professor, and I was gone in a blink of an eye, sprinting towards our class, with Liam right on my tail! In the end, we were able to enter the class with sheer humiliation and begging, AND to everyone's surprise...Zayn was glaring at us, SO intensely!

The professor was so angry at us for disturbing the order of his class that we didn't dare to raise our heads until the class was over! When it was over, we finally took a deep breath and looked at each other with a laugh.

I gathered my belongings to go when Zayn passed me and hit me harshly whit his shoulder...ouch! I was falling to the ground when Liam grabbed my arm and helped me regain my balance. The laughter of his group and another group of students rose and Liam growled with anger!

Furious, he was going to charge at him but I grabbed his arm tightly and shook my head with a smile. "Let him go, Lee...it was nothing, I'm ok!"


"Let him go, love!"

"Fucking faggots...I hope you burn in hell together!" Zayn snarled with bitterness and Liam snickered just to get under his skin!

"Don't worry mate! I will make sure to reserve our lovely, romantic place right next to yours so that we can be together ... I know you will miss us!"

Liam said with an annoying smile and he just showed us his middle finger and walked away with his minions. As soon as he left, my energy ran out! I knelt on the floor and grabbed my shoulder with pain, which freaked Liam out and made him kneel next to me in fear...

"Louie? Are you ok? Does your shoulder hurt? Look at me, Louie! Do you think the bone is dislocated?"

"It's not dislocated! Its brok…"

Before I could think about why Luke came back and what he was saying, I tilted my shoulder and with my good hand I pulled my shoulder firmly to the opposite side, which made a bad sound and I shouted out in pain ...

Liam and Luke were shocked for a few moments and when they realized what I've done, they started screaming angrily!

"You idiot! What the hell is wrong with you? What was that? Did you go mad?" Liam shouted angrily and kicked my backpack and sent it across the row furiously! Shit...he was sooo angry that I could easily see the thick blood veins on his forehead!

"Let me see ...sit straight, Louis ...sit straight. I think you shattered your bone ..." Luke murmured worriedly and Liam smirked mockingly!

"What? Are you a damn doctor?"

"No, but I broke enough bones to be able to diagnose a fracture ... Would you move a little? I need to check his shoulder!" He replied angrily and Liam moved out of his way without saying anything...oh boy I was so fucked!

I wiped my sweaty forehead with the palm of my hand and gently moved my shoulder and Luke, who was carefully examining my shoulder, grabbed my arm in terror and gaped at me horrified!

"Are you crazy? What are you doing? Wait a minute and let me see what have you done to yourself!"

"It was nothing! It was just a simple dislocation...don't worr..." I tried to comfort my frightened friends but I preferred to shut my mouth when I saw the way they were staring at me!

I leaned against the seat behind me with a smile and let him examine my bone to peace of his mind and Liam was staring at his hands with a thick frown, just like a dark sky minutes before a storm!

"Well ... it was a simple dislocation! But it was so dangerous ... you could have easily broken your shoulder if your angle or amount of pressure were a little off, you blockhead!" Luke nagged and I just had a smile to defend myself! I knew it wasn't that serious!

"See? I told you it was nothing, don't worry! You were overreacting!" I tried to lighten the awkward situation with a smile and a joke, but I regretted it immediately when I saw Liam's face ... damn! I shouldn't have used the term "I told you!"

"Overreacting? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? How can I not worry? Ha?" He shouted loudly and I stared at him astonished... I never had seen Liam that angry!

"What is wrong with you Liam? Why are shouting?"

"What is wrong with me? What is wrong with YOU?! At first, that bastard pushed you in such a way that caused you a dislocated shoulder and it's still hard for me to digest the question (HOW?), and you even didn't say anything to him! And secondly, you didn't even let ME beat the shit out of him and teach him a lesson so he wouldn't dare to do something like that again ... and oh my God! How the hell were you sure that your shoulder wasn't broken? Do you know what would have happened to your shoulder if it were not just a simple dislocation you idiot? You're driving me crazy you!"

He glared at me angrily and started walking in the class to calm himself down a little bit...I was so lucky that he had made so much progress in controlling his anger!

"Your friend is right! You should not let him bully you ... I don't think there will be a problem if your friend...maybe beat him a little? That would definitely force Zayn to avoid you at least for a while! "Luke half-suggested and Liam growled while glaring at both of us!

"Your friend is right! You shouldn't let him bully you ... I don't think there will be a problem if your friend...maybe beat him a little? That would definitely force Zayn to maintain his distance with you at least for a while! "Luke half-suggested and Liam growled while glaring at both of us!

"Problem? Oh God ... I can punch the dean of the university in the face and tomorrow morning, still receive a bouquet and an apology letter from the dean himself, in my bed! If my father withdraws his investments from this university, many will lose their jobs! Of course, I can do whatever I want! Collins is nobody for me and if I held back till now, it's because this idiot wanted me to! But I had enough! I will show him why he shouldn't have set a foot in my territory!" He growled furiously and sprinted out of the class...FUCK!

I banged my head on the table behind me and closed my eyes ... that wasn't good!

"Luke! Please go after him...don't let him do something stupid! Don’t let them fight!"

"Are you ok?" He asked worriedly and I nodded quickly to assure him that I was fine.

"Just go! Don't let a fight start. I’m coming right after you, GO, NOW!"

When Luke hurried out of the classroom, I rotated my shoulder in a full circle and took a deep breath. I wasn't in any pain anymore... my pain at first was mostly because my shoulder was dislocated so suddenly, otherwise it was a simple dislocation that didn't require much worry!

I grabbed my backpack quickly and ran straight towards the second hall because from all the noise and whispers, it was clear what was going on in there!

Seeing Liam sitting on Zayn's chest and crushing his face under his clenched fists, I panicked and dropped my belongings at the entrance of the big hall and ran towards them...

"Lee...Liam that's enough...LIAM!"

When I shouted his name, the loud noises and whispering of the crowd suddenly stopped and Liam looked at me along with the others. His eyes were bloodshot and his trembling fist was frozen in the air...he was super angry but If I couldn't stop him, he would shatter Zayn's face under his fists, and that was not good at all!

"Louie...back off! I've listened to you enough! I have to put him in his place!" Liam snarled angrily and Zayn gave him a bloody grin in complete audacity!

"Yeah...Sure! Why not?"

Irritated I rolled my eyes at his bloody face and his big annoying smile! "Please shut your mouth!"

When Liam was busy glaring at a cheeky Zayn, I quickly went towards them and clung to Liam's arm and scrambled to lift him up from Zayn's chest, but he weighed twice as much as me and it was very difficult for me to move his big ass!

At first, he just glared at me, but when he saw that I wasn't going to let him go, he pulled his arm out of my hand with a swift motion. "I said back off! I need to get everything clear between the two of us!"

"Between the two of you? It's my problem! Oh, Lee...come on! It was just a damn joke! Come on...get up from his chest, you're going to break his ribs...let him go!!"

When I almost begged him, he stared at me in disbelief! He had the right to be that shocked but I had no other choice!

"What the hell?! Let him go? A damn joke? Your shoulder was dislocated! What kind of a sick joke is that?"

Before I could explain any further he punched Zayn in the face with full force! I gritted my teeth together, grabbed his arm tightly, and dragged him away from Zayn. But he ignored me and pulled his arm out of my hand and grabbed Zayn's collar and lifted him off the ground. When he rushed to beat him more, I quickly grabbed the back of Zayn's shirt and pulled him behind me, and shielded myself between him and Liam.

"Louis listen to me! This boy has hurt you and he is hurting you and he will continue to hurt you if I don't put a stop to it right now right here! Let me stop him!"

Liam asked softly and I bit my lip hard...why the choices in my damn life should be this hard?