interesting events!

When the elevator's door opened on the third floor, I stepped out of it and looked around confused. There were only a few customers and two women and two man in matching black uniforms in the big hall. None of them noticed me, and that gave me time to recognize Captain Michael from behind. Captain Ashton had told me that he worked with him in the store, but seeing Captain Michael, who liked to avoid working at all cost, in a uniform, still surprised me and made me smile!

I couldn't show that I knew him too, so I start looking for Captain Ashton and after a few moments found him, busy talking and laughing with a very beautiful girl...

I was staring at him when Louis suddenly appeared next to me out of nowhere and made me jump in fear!

"Don't get angry at him! She is just a customer! It is our job to treat the customers with a permanent smile and a nice behavior! I am sure Ashton only has eyes for you! See ... I told you that he only sees you!"

Seeing Captain, who was looking at me with wide eyes, I slowly took a deep breath...Well, when he said it clearly that I shouldn't come to the store, and yet I was standing in the middle of the store...of course he only could see me!

"Luke?" "I told you that one day I'll bring him with me and that day is exactly the day when you have as much energy as three people to work!" Louis grinned happily and Captain came towards us with a big smile, which only had one meaning... (I.WAS.FUCKED!)

"What are you doing here baby? You didn't say you're coming to see me! What a nice surprise!"

It was obvious from his eyes that he wanted to rip my head off, but the only thing that I could do, was a fake smile!

Louis seemed to realize that the situation between us was heavy and awkward because he quickly tried to make the situation a little lighter with his happy and relaxing tone!

"Wow! It's obvious that you're that kind of people who don't like to show their boyfriend to anyone because they're afraid that someone might stole their lover! Calm down one dares to make a move on him as long as you're standing next to him like a lion!"

Louis winked at him with a laugh, and Captain nodded in agreement and moved closer to me with a smile...

Then he raised his head and stared into my eyes and whispered “You always read my mind, Louis...always!"

He wrapped his hands around my neck and pulled my head down a little and my heart rate increased...did he really wanted to kiss me? AGAIN?

He caressed my cheek with his thumb, and my eyes got closed unconsciously...He was so cold-hearted for doing that to me...he Knew I liked him for years!

"Is something wrong baby?"

Uncontrollably, I shook my head to the left and right, and without hesitation, I closed the Remaining distance and kissed him on the lips! It didn't matter to me if it wasn't more than a ridiculous show for him, but for me, it was all I wanted for many years!

I wrapped one of my hands around his waist and hugged him tightly, and with the other hand I pulled his chin down and finally got to what every cell of my body was begging me for it! It didn't matter if he punished me for crossing the line, because it was 100% worth it. For a deep kiss from his lips? Yeah ... I was willing to take the risk!

As the sound of laughter and whistling rose, I came back to my senses and pulled back quickly! The sound of our lips parting, shook my whole body with joy and engraved on my heart like a seal... I didn't even saw what his reaction was, I just parted from him shyly and lowered my head!

I didn't dare to even rise my head but Louis didn't let me drown in my embarrassment and patted my shoulder with a laugh!

"Do not be shy... you have one of the most beautiful relationships I have ever seen!"

Everyone was watching us and I was dying out of embarrassment! Why did I do that? Kissing my superior was something, but kissing him In front of his colleagues and their happy looking customers? That was something else! Had I gone mad?

"Ok enough! You're embarrassing my boyfriend!"

The captain tried to defend me but his defense only made things worse for me ... Boyfriend? Really? Customers smiled and went to continue their shopping with those two super polite sellers which knew their staring won't help my pride , but Captain Ashton, Captain Michael, Louis, and a their young colleague were still staring at me, and between them, the same young boy seemed very suspicious ... as if he wanted to Say something inappropriate and ...

"Ooooh! Ashton finally showed us his mysterious boyfriend! Now that I look closely, I see that you were right my friend...Your boyfriend is really attractive and lovely! I personally am willing to do anything to have him ...such a beauty is wasting with you!"

I quickly took a step back and looked at him with wide eyes...was he winking at me? What the fuck! Louis and Captain Michael were laughing, but Captain Ashton frowned and almost stood in front of me so that their colleague couldn't flirt with me anymore...

"Shut up, Sam! He's MY boyfriend. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Captain said angrily, but Sam just laughed and winked at me again! Did he said that I'm his? Was it really necessary?

"Relax buddy! He will leave you if you continue with this harsh behavior!" Sam snickered like the devil himself and Captain Ashton growled in response!

"Please shut up and take your eyes off my boyfriend, otherwise you'll be dealing with me!"

Ok! That wasn't necessary either! Our little crowd was laughing at their arguing and I was smiling softly... It would have be nice if I was like Louis, and didn't know that it was all a game!

After introducing me to his co-workers, Joanna, Clara, Sam, and Captain Michael, who was looking at me mischievously, he dragged me towards the changing rooms and gently pushed me in one of them and closed the door behind him.

He rubbed his forehead with his hand and stared at me for a few seconds..."What are you doing here, Luke? Didn't I tell you not to come here?"

I wanted to say something but I was so stressed and my heart was pounding so hard and when he saw my face his frown disappeared and smiled softly...God...why was he so beautiful?

"Relax, boy! If you can't calm yourself down, Sam can hear the sound of your heartbeat too! Be calm and explain what you are doing here!"

He tried to calm me down but that wasn't possible when he was staring at me with those gorgeous eyes, so I closed my eyes and took a deep breath!

"I think Zayn and Louis have a close relationship with each other!"

He stared at me in amazement for a few seconds and tried to gather his thoughts. He was shocked ...and he had every right to be so!

"What...what do you mean by that?"

"I'm saying that I think they have a relationship together...a close one!"

"But ... it doesn't make sense at all! You said that in college, their relationship is like a knife and cheese, and a few times when Zayn came to the store, they glared and rolled their eyes for each other the whole time! It was obvious that they don't have a good relationship with each other!"

I nodded in approval and smiled excitedly because of the news and my closeness to him. "This is exactly why I'm here. Until today, Calum and I thought that neither of them could bear to see the other one, but today something happened and everything became clearer!"

"Before you continue...tell me what happened in college today! From a few hours ago, I feel Louis is very confused and upset and very angry ... I can easily feel them right now too!"

Captain asked excitedly, and I nodded with excitement. I was counting the moments to give this news to him...I knew everything was going to change with this news!

"Exactly, your feelings are absolutely correct, Captain. This afternoon, after our last class was over, Zayn, went to tease Louis, as usual, and he hit him so hard that I could swear that I heard something break! The sound of it was so clear and loud that at first I thought his shoulder was broken, and I went to help him, but before I could say something, he relocate his shoulder in such a way, as if it was nothing!"

"This is what I'm trying to tell you! The importance of doing such things is very low for him, as if a two-year-old child can do them too! Alright... you were saying! Be quick, we can't stay here for too long!" He said excitedly, and when I saw his excited and glowing face, I forcibly restrained my smile and nodded seriously.

"Ok Captain! After that, Liam who is one of his best friends and a very powerful man with a lot of influence, went to beat up Zayn, for bullying and hurting Louis. Louis asked me to follow him and stop him from getting in trouble, but I couldn't, and by the time Louis arrived, Liam beat the shit out of him, he was really angry! And the strange part is, when Louis came, he took Zayn's side! We always saw that Louis wouldn't let Liam get involved with Zayn, and we always thought that it was because he was worry about Liam, but today he clearly supported Zayn in front of everyone, and when Liam got angry and asked him to choose between him and Zayn, Louis showed with his behavior, that his choice is Zayn and Liam ended his relationship with Louis in front of everyone!"

I explained quickly and Captain was stunned. He was so shocked that his mouth was open without any sound coming out of it! He was speechless...I was in his place, so I gave him a few moments So that he can review everything in his mind and digest the odd events!

"Are you telling me that Zayn is more important to him than his best friend?" He asked in bewilderment and confusion, and I nodded to confirm.

"Exactly! Even later, when we talked to Louis in the parking lot, he was angry and kept blaming us for not stopping their fights, and he directly said that he had to choose between his most important ones, because of me! He said that Zayn is one of the most important people in his life!"

“What does it mean? It isn't reasonable... Why should he pick his bully? I mean, what could be possibly the relationship between them?" He asked me with low voice, while rubbing his neck in sheer curiosity!

"I honestly don't know! But there must be a serious relationship between them, because when Liam left, Zayn started harassing Louis again, and although Louis was very upset, he still didn't say anything to him...he didn't even punch him!" I answered with all I could remember and he nodded with a little smile...a beautiful little smile!

"You did great, Luke ... It was a point that should have been taken into consideration, and you did a good job. I will take care of this issue myself to figure out what is going on between them and you should keep monitoring Zayn. We have little time left and we have to do our duties very carefully. Ok...we should get out of here."

I nodded quickly and he laughed softly and stared at me! Shit ... why was he staring at me? I arranged my hair and pulled my T-shirt down a little in hurry...WHY WAS HE STARING AT ME? He laughed softly at my panicking and shook his head and left the changing room, and I was finally able to breathe again!

If he do this to me one more time, I don't think I can stop myself from pulling him in my arms and kissing him as hard and deep as I can! It was very difficult to control myself ... especially after that kiss in the hall! That was a short kiss, but it was the best kiss of my life ... the best!

"What are you doing Luke? Come on, let's go!"

Would it be possible one day for me, to kiss him without any roles and for real? Yeah ... for sure! Maybe in my wildest dreams!

"I'm coming Captain!"