Second Season: Chapter thirteen

I was starting to panic, but on the other hand I am also relieved that it is that and that it is not that he knows that I am a mythical creature.

He was looking at me mockingly, while I had an internal collapse ...

Jck: you are redder than Anne's hair, are you okay?

"you are well?" How can you ask me something yes, after saying that you know my secret.

It probably seems like I'm exaggerating, but something like my feelings for another person ... it's something I don't like to divulge and I just like to keep it to myself.

Mk: can you stop making fun of me?

Jck: your reaction was too funny.

Mk: idiot

Jck: But why are you embarrassed?

Mk: Anne is too cool for someone like me.

Jck: listen, we don't know each other, but Anne has told me a little about you and even though it's hard for me to accept it ... I like you

Mk: really?

Jck: of course, little friend

Mk: little friend?

Jck: it's a little cute, but Anne would like us to get along

Mk: does she know?