I finally get to my apartment and swing open the door. I go to the kitchen to put the prescription I just picked up from the pharmacy in the kitchen cabinet. I check the time. It's 12:25pm. Not time to take it yet. I've been taking this medicine since I was fifteen. My mother has always been very adamant about me taking it at the same time everyday. Probably more adamant then normal because when I didn't one day, well I don't even remember what happened. Just waking up in bed.
I used to get so shaky and have black-outs and would never remember what happened. The doctor wasn't worried he said it was normal after the accident that I was in. My father and I were on our way home from the movies, when a car swerved out through the intersection crashing into the drivers side. Our car was hit with such force it went screeching into the trees off the road. I only remember the noise of crunching and then waking up in the hospital. My father didn't make it, and that's when the blackouts started to happen. I felt lost and unable to feel.
It's been seven years since. I pull out of the memory and make my way to the bathroom. I start a steaming bath and look at my reflection in the mirror above the sink. I rinse off my makeup, and notice a mark..
It's sorta like a moon shape. That's weird. I don't remember that being there. I dismiss it for left over makeup and sink into the bath. I close my eyes and let the water consume me.