Everyone Has a Tell

There are certain things that you do that may seem irrelevant, but in actuality can tell a lot about who you are. It may be the way you bounce your leg out of nervousness. It could also be the way you clutch your utensils tightly when you feel annoyed with the conversation at the dinner table. Minor details make the big picture. Nobody is perfect and someone is always hiding something. Everyone has a tell.

The royal pain in my behind, also known as Prince Leo, keeps sneaking glances at me. It’s too obvious. The way he kept looking at me was not like the other looks he’s been sending me before Father took my knives. The earlier looks were full of curiosity because of the time we had spent apart. He now had an uneasiness in his eyes and posture. As if he did not feel comfortable either with me, my ability to hide knives from his guards, or how effortlessly I pulled out said knives. Maybe it was all three.