
Chapter 13

-Narrators POV-

"What? Did you think I lost my touch?" Lisa laughed as she swung her one handed sword at Jarrod again.

"I never knew you had any idea about fighting. I thought you cared a bit more about me then to actually hit." He said as he blocked her attacks.

"Why would I ever care about you, you hated me the second you found out what I was!" She screamed pushing forwards.

"No I didn't! I loved you! I still love who you were! I don't love who you are now. Your beauty and your love. I never knew why you needed a cigarette in your hands at all times but after that day, I figured it out for myself." He continued to block himself.

"You are nothing but a lying sack of crap!" She spat at him as she swung her sword behind her back charging at him.

"NO!" Renaes voice boomed, shaking the ground. "He is not! You have no right to talk about him like that! He had no choice because of you. He may not have told me anything this last month but you never told me anything in the last seventeen years! You made me do things that I'll never be able to undo. You showed me in every possible way how much you hate me! Why are you even here? You have no right! You don't even deserve to breathe!" Renae came running in standing in front of Jarrod. His heart sank when he saw her shaking stance.

"No right? No RIGHT?! You insolent brat! I raised you by myself!" She screamed to her.

"YOU NEVER DID ANYTHING FOR ME!" Renae screamed as she ran and started swinging her wind walker, even faster then she had managed to before. Lisa was only able to block as she spoke back

"Your right. I didn't do jack shit for you, you lying little shit." She huffed "I did everything for you! I masked myself for you and your half witted sister! Your dad chose to leave and your sister left you too! It's your own damn fault for being such a disgusting little slut!" Just as that last word left her lip, Jarrod jumped in and swung full force at Lisa, knocking her twenty feet away into a tree.

"Don't you dare speak like that to my daughter! You've done worse things then I have ever done or ever will do!" Jarrod charged at her, but before he could get to her, Renae grabbed his shoulders.

"Please dad... this is my fight." Jarrod stepped aside when he saw the hurt in Renaes eyes.

Renae looked to still see Lisa pinned against the tree. Renae started walking over to her trying her best not to cry.

"You're not my mother. You may have given birth to me but that is it. You don't deserve anything to do with me or my family." Renae spoke as she walked.

Halfway to Lisa, Renae stopped. She looked at her to see her eyes were glowing. Her hair was falling short and her face was was morphing as she screamed. She screamed with all of the air in her lungs, until the scream turned into a howl. Before Renaes eyes, Lisa had turned into werewolf. Showing her teeth to Renae, she began growling.

Renaes POV

I looked towards my dad and saw how hurt he looked. Tears were forming in his eyes when he looked to the ground. I looked back at her to see her running on all fours directly at me, I swung my wind walker and hit her in her neck, making her crash into the ground. I looked her dead in the eye. I wasn't able to tell who or what she was anymore. Clearly she told some truth. Was this what my dad felt when he found out?

"I know you don't care about me so why are you still here?" I screamed at her, but she didn't hear anything.

She came at me again, I swung again but missed. As my arm was at my side, she was able to bite down onto my arm. She yanked me down to the ground. She shook her head with my arm still in it. Biting my lip, I took my free arm and jabbed her in the eye with my wind walker. It shocked her enough to make her let go and start whining giving me enough time to get to my feet.

"Renae! Are you okay?" Dad yelled keeping his eyes on that thing.

"Yeah. Just a little bite." I called out.

"Renae! We need to get you out of here now!" Braxton came running out of the brush towards me.

"Braxton! NO!" I screamed as I watched her shake her head and turn to him. I ran up to her and wrapped my arms around her neck. My arms could barely wrap around her neck but I managed to grab my hands and squeeze. I could tell she wasn't happy I got this leverage. My arm was starting to burn but I continued to hold on and squeezed as hard as I could. She started slamming her body around trying to get me off without luck. I kept my grasp, choking her for as long as it took to make her pass out from lack of oxygen. She was becoming weak so I squeezed just a little tighter, just enough to be able to grab each of my wrists. Soon she fell to the ground and landed on top of me.

Unable to move, I let go of her neck. I struggled to break free when her body somehow shifted back to normal. I pushed her off of me and looked at my arm. There was a total of six teeth marks in my arm, and half a tooth lodged in. I must not have noticed since my adrenalin was going. I was just about to grab it when my dad yelled at me.

Narrators POV

"Don't touch that tooth!" Jarrod ran up to Renae along with Braxton next to him.

"Why not?" Renae asked looking up at them.

"If you extract a werewolf fang from a vampire, it releases a poison to all vampires in the area. Right now it's slowly seeping into your bloodstream but it'll be that much faster after you take it out." Braxton said as quickly as he could.

"Well before this I thought werewolves and vampires were fairy tales so how was I supposed to know? Besides, I feel fine. I don't really feel it."

"Whether you feel it or not. The minute you touch it without the proper medicines, you'll get us all killed." Jarrod continued to yell in his worry. "Just hold on." He said as he pulled out his phone. "Braxton, you help Renae, I'll carry her. We need to get back to the school and lock Lisa in a cell before we take Rae to Jones." Renaes interest sparked when she heard Jones. Jarrod called Mr K on his phone and turned away for a minute while he spoke.

"Alright. Let's go." Renae said as she stood up. Just as she was about to take a step, she started to fall. She looked down and saw Lisa was chewing on her ankle. Screaming in pain, Renae took her good foot and kicked as hard as she could against Lisas head. She kicked till she heard a crack and Lisas head was completely backwards. As Renae fell to the ground, her heart pounded.

"Did I... Did I kill her?" Renae asked backing away.

Jarrod dropped his phone after hearing Renaes scream. He leaned down and checked Lisas pulse. As he checked her pulse, Braxton leaned down and held onto Renaes bleeding ankle.

"She's not dead. That's what's nice about being a mythical creature. We can take a beating." Jarrod sighed as he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder. Braxton picked up Renae as she grabbed her ankle.

"Thank you... I know this probably wouldn't have happened if you would've just gone back to your dorm so I can't even begin to explain how sorry I am." She dropped her head into his chest.

"Rae, I made a promise and I wasn't able to keep it. Look at you. If I had kept my promise, you'd be fine right now." Braxton whispered to her. Renae couldn't think of anything to say as she laid her head against his chest. Not hearing a heart beat, she confirmed that he was in fact a vampire.

As Braxton carried Renae close, he felt guilt overwhelming him. Each step she'd wince as she struggled to hold onto her ankle. Jarrod himself couldn't help but steal a glance with every groan he'd hear come from Renae. His own guilt satisfied as he made sure to knock Lisas head against most trees as they passed.

Once they reached the school, Jarrod ran into a door just around the corner of his house. This door was in the other direction then they normally walked since it was much shorter. As Jarrod took Lisa into the locked room he refused to let Renae or Braxton in, Braxton and Renae grabbed some towels before they got into the car and waited for Jarrod. He hated going down into the cells. They kept this for one reason, to lock away those who could not be taught to merge with humanity. It was four hundred feet below the school, the only way out is through eight different doors, all of which are locked with separate keys, and two guards at each door.

Once he was out, he sprinted to the car. They sped off to the hospital as fast as the car would let them. Braxton helped hold the towel tight on Renaes ankle as she passed out before Jarrod came back from the cells.

When they finally reached the hospital, Braxton held the towels against her ankle as Jarrod pulled her out of the car and carried her in.

"Just don't drop me." Renaes voice was loud enough for only Jarrod to hear. He looked down at her to see she was drenched in sweat, her eyes were closed and her whole body was beginning to shake.

"I won't." Jarrod had to clench his teeth to not let out his tears.

"What happened?" A nurse came running over once they entered the doors.

"We need Jones. She needs Jones, Get Jones!" Jarrod yelled as he laid her on a gurney. They rolled her into an emergency room as they listened for the call for Dr Jones.

"What happened?" Dr Jones asked as he opened the curtain but froze once he saw Renae, asleep on the gurney. "How many times is this going to happen?!" He yelled pushing Jarrod out of the way.

"It was her mother. She knows now." Jarrod sobbed as he watched Dr Jones pushing Braxton away from her ankle.

"She bit her. Not only that she mutilated her! Dammit... I don't know. You said she took after you right?" He looked to Jarrod.

"Y-yes. She hasn't had any signs of wolf in her that I've seen, but it's only been a little over a month?" He looked at Renae.

"We have no choice. Get me some venom extract from him." Dr Jones asked the nurse.

"Sir, come with me please." The nurse pulled Jarrod aside. "You've had this done before right?"

"Sadly yes." He squeezed his fists as he followed the nurse into another room.