
Chapter 30

"So, what do you like to do for hobbies and why?" I heard her on the other end. I gathered my thoughts an answered as honestly as I could.

"I like meteorology and photography. If I want to get as deep as you did tho, I absolutely love cooking and mental challenges. Meteorology, I enjoy it because it's as wild as the creatures on earth, It's intriguing is all I can explain for that. Photography, I've loved since it was created. I've never been good with painting or drawing but I love to have photos to reminisce, when you get as old as me, you enjoy those things. As for cooking, I absolutely love the culinary world but food has just become so tasteless. I loved it because at the time, it warmed me from the inside out. As for the mental challenges, anything will do. Math, puzzles, problems, situations, etcetera etcetera." I felt somewhat ashamed having pushed away everything that makes me truly happy. The latest part of my lifetime was simply to survive and help where I'm needed.