
"Seth! Seth wake up!" a deep voice shouted knocking at one of the bedrooms, it was the oldest among the three Collins brothers, Jonathan. Who you may ask is Seth? he is the youngest among the three brothers and a troublesome kid. Jonathan had been knocking at the youngers door for more than 10 minutes and he is very annoyed.

"Nathan Seth Collins! If you don't wake up this instance I am barging in and you are going to be in big trouble, you hear me!" shouting on the top of his lungs he can feel his trout hurting and what made it even worse, the younger did not reply. Jonathan is now pissed on his younger brother and without thinking, he kicked the door open to see his younger brother sitting on his bed looking at him blankly.

"You were awake all this time and you chose not to answer me when I kept yelling and knocking more than 10 minutes!" yelling once again as loud as he could and hitting the younger with the pillow. Jonathan was in between of anger and annoyed when his brother ignored him again.

"Seriously!?" was all that the younger told his older brother while caressing his bed hair and looked at the time on his phone. "It's fucking 6 in the morning and your yelling and kicked the bedroom door and threw a pillow in my face." Seth said with a sarcastic and irritated voice. Jonathan however just raised an eyebrow on him and rubbed the temple of his forehead.

"Just get ready and meet me downstairs, okay?" Jonathan said releasing a heavy sigh and pointed on the cloths that was hanged in front oh Seth's closet. "and those are your new uniforms so get ready, I'm going to drop you at your new schoo-" before Jonathan could finish what he was saying, Seth cut him off.

"WHAT!?" Seth screamed eyes widen and sprung up from his position on his bed. "What do you mean new uniform? and the fuck do you mean new school?" eyes fixed at his older brother waiting for an explanation. "Do you remember what happened to your last school, before the last semester ended?"

'what the fuck is he sa~' Seth paused his thoughts as he remembered everything. Last semester he got into a huge fight with one of his teachers and some of the students in his previous school, but not only that. He remembers beating the hell out of those said students and for the teacher, Seth got pissed when the teachers gave the blame on him when he was not the one who started the fight and in conclusion he sent his teacher flying across his previous classroom and for that he got kicked out. 'shit' was the last thought Seth said and buried his face in his palms out of frustration.

"I can tell you already remembered, so go get ready will leave at exactly 7 so you could meet and have an orientation with the principal of the school." Jonathan spoke seriously while leaving the younger to prepare for the day.

"This is going to be a very tiring day." Seth exclaimed while sighing and just went straight to take a bath. After 20 minutes, Seth was now done getting ready for his new school and went straight down the kitchen when he saw his second older brother drinking coffee.

"Your up early!" Seth said while placing his bag on the vacant seat and sat next to his older brother that handed him a full plate of food. "I could say the same to you." the older replied still sipping on his cup of coffee. "Well you should say that to the one who literally woke me up at 6 in the morning!" Seth said in an irritated voice eyeing his other brother who just entered the kitchen wearing suit.

"Who's death are you attending?" Seth teased at his older brother who just ignored him. "Haha very funny Seth." Jonathan replied with a sarcastic tone and joined his two younger brothers on the dining table.

While the oldest and the youngest were now bickering at each other, the second oldest, Chris, who was witnessing it laughed at how childish his older brother is and how brave and hard headed his younger brother is. The situation made Chris happy.

"Okay you two that's enough, it's already 7 you need to get going." Chris told his two bickering brother resulting them to stop and nodded at him, and with that they bid their goodbyes and left the house.

Seth wanted to ride his own car but his older brother said no, he said it was his punishment for causing trouble in his previous school and getting kicked out when he just needed to finish one more year of high school. The ride to school was not quiet at all, it was the loudest because the two was still bickering until they reached the school.

Seth finished his so called orientation with the principal and went to the admission office to get Seth's schedules, room no., and his locker no. As he got those things he needed from the admission office, the girl at the office pointed him the direction of his room and locker. The brothers thanked the girl but not before that, the girl winked at Jonathan and he just smiled and left with his brother.

"She seems into you." Seth teased his older brother which the other just sighed and looked at his wristwatch. "Will you be fine in your own? I have a meeting with a client to discuss about the case I'm holding." Jonathan asked his brother who just nodded. "Of course I am. You and Chris should stop treating me like a kid I'm fucking 19 already." Seth said raising an eyebrow on his older brother.

Before Jonathan could reply, they both heard girls squealing and screaming. When they turned to where the female students were looking they saw two male students facing each other and what looks like dissing each other. "Isn't that guy with bluish hair a Smith and the other guy with browning hair is a Curtis?" Seth said plainly still looking at the scene in front of them.

Jonathan sighed again and warned his brother before leaving, "yes you are right. Don't get associated with them Seth." Still looking at the scene in front of them. "Stop telling me what to do grandpa." Seth said while rolling his eyes and just shooed his older brother away and ignored the scene that was happening.

"This school is interesting. Let's see how this goes."