A Not So Peaceful Day

Seth's Pov.

After shooing my brother and completely ignoring the scene earlier, I made my way to find my locker and I did. I entered the code to my locker to see so many and thick books. 'shit', I breathed out, I don't like carrying so many books, heck I don't even like carrying anything! I just sighed and eyed my schedule for the day and took the books I need for the morning class.

I was quite happy that I only have three classes in the morning and two in the afternoon today. Now I was on my way to find my room when someone spoke to me.

"Hi! you must be new here, are you lost?" A boy with black hair approached me with a fake smile. I raised an eyebrow at him, I already know who he is, he is Mike Dauson, heir of the Dauson enterprise and also a fucked up kid, like I think his psychopath, not that I'm judging which I am.

"No. I'm good," I said to him plainly and woke to pass through him. "How rude can you be, Nathan Seth Collins.", yup he is getting in my nerves, again!

I turned around to face him seeing him with a lunatic grin in his face, 'this kid is full of himself.' I thought to myself forcing myself not to him. This guy has no respect! He is younger than me but not that young that I can't hit him.

I gave a soft chuckle and approached him my hands are on the pockets of my pants. "You know kid, your really something, you know that." I trailed off circling him before continuing talking. "You should learn to be careful of what comes out your mouth when you talking to me, because I don't give a damn of what you and your daddy say!" I was already pissed at him just by looking at him.

I don't get it actually, I met him before at a party where a lot of well known and rich came to the party and talked about business stuff. I and my brothers were invited and I did not want to go, but no my two brothers freaking dragged me to that stupid party and they didn't even allow me to drink!

As I was saying, I met this Mike kid at the party and boy was I pissed, he was a very immature and spoiled brat. A waiter accidentally tripped causing some drinks to spill in his shoes, and the thing that pissed me was, he literally made the waiter wipe his shoes with the waiters' clothes. When the waiter was about to wipe it he kicked the waiter causing it to stumble and fall.

I hated the situation and stopped the kid from hurting the waiter that continued to apologize when the younger was the one that should apologize. We argued and he threatened me that he will tell his father about it but I don't care. He walked away and I went to make sure the waiter was okay, I let my brother, Chris, threaten the wounds of the waiter.

"Now, move your spoiled ass and go away before I let YOU wipe MY shoes!" I raised my voice to him and I could swear he went running away. "pfft, wimp!" I told to myself and went back in finding my room.

As I reached my room, the teacher was already there, instead of knocking I just threw the door open because, again, I don't care!

"Who might you be?" the teacher asked like he has seen a ghost or something. 'please don't tell me I have to put up with someone like him' I internally prayed that he was not my homeroom adviser. "I am sorry for the sudden intruding, I am the newly transferred student and I encounter some problems while I was finding this room," I said giving the teacher one of my innocent smiles, and he bought it.

"Oh, I see, well I am Mr. Samson and I am your homeroom adviser. And you're just in time, please introduce yourself." I think this teacher has a brain problem because he looked really stupid while talking to me. But I ended up nodding and introducing myself.

"Hi my name is Nathan Seth Collins, but I prefer to be called Seth, don't ask why if you don't want a broken arm for the whole school year. Not nice to meet you all." I said blankly with a firm voice because I actually really don't like people calling me Nathan. I hate it!

After the introduction, the teacher clapped startling me, and motioned me to take a sit. When I was about to sit, I saw that guy, one of the guys from earlier, Xander Smith. He and his friends, I think was goofing around so I just ignored them and sat at the back of the class near the window.

>>Time skipped: Lunch time<<

It was now lunchtime, but I wasn't angry so I went straight up at the school rooftop, it wasn't hard to find actually. When I was about to reach for the door, I heard weird noises coming from the other side, I opened the door a little and pipped to see what was going on. I wish I didn't do that! People were making out at the school rooftop, I closed the door and went straight down the hallway trying to forget what I just saw.

"Prestigious school my ass! more like a shitty school!" I mumbled under my breath trying to find another place to kill the time. I reached the door of the school cafeteria and I saw people gathered around and I heard screaming.


It was from a girl but I stopped when I recognized that voice, 'Samantha!?' I looked again, And what I saw made my head hurt. I was right, it was from my cousin, it was Samantha! I saw Samantha attacked and pinned down another girl on the ground and was shouting and beating the girl with slaps on the face, also I saw she was about to punch her too.

"Gosh! there goes me trying to make this a peaceful day." I sighed and made my way inside the cafeteria to give a smacking on Samantha's uncontrolled temper. I was getting near when I saw Samantha's face softened and let go to the girl she was about to punch to death and went to hug another girl, who I assume is crying right now.

"It looks like Sammy found a friend."