School Festival

Ji An took a slow breath as her right hand was trembling and sweating now. She knew that her actions would lead to a 'disaster'. She rubs her hands on her school sweatpants under her skirt before picking up eyeliner from the table. She carefully leaned closer and concentrated fully on drawing a mustache on Han Sung's face, the boy who fell asleep on the table.

She almost giggled as she half went to draw a mustache, and suddenly Han Sung's eyes opened.

"Having fun?"

"Akh!" Ji An screamed hysterically when Han Sung snatched the eyeliner from her hand.

He pinned Ji An to the wall, cupped her face with one hand, then he began to draw a line near Ji An left nostril and make it connect to her eyebrow.

"What are you drawing?! Let me go!"

"U-uh, after what you did to me? No, Bae." Han Sung mischievously smirk and drew a big round on her right nostril.


"Yeon Hee, stop laughing and help me out!" Ji An tries to escape from Han Sung's grip, but fail because of her weak strength.

Her bestfriend, Hwang Yeon Hee; a girl who was tall and beautiful but looked very charismatic, burst out laughing at the situation. It was a dare from her for Ji An to draw on Han Sung's face.

"I can't ..." She still laugh and holding her stomach. "Oh my god! Your face, Ji An! You look hot!" She continued laugh.

"Maybe I should become a Make-Up Artist rather than a Baker. My work looks better than yours, Ji An," Finally Han Sung let go of his grip and laugh too.

"I swear i'm gonna 'BAKE' your face at home later, Kim Han Sung!" Ji An take out her mirror and wet tissue pack from the bag.

Han Sung is her childhood friend. And currently works at her family's Bakery shop, named Lee Bakery. He wasn't from a wealthy family, so he immediately took the opportunity when Ji An's dad asked him to work at the shop.

At first, Ji An invited Han Sung to her family's Bakery when they were in the last year of middle school. Han Sung really likes their bread. And decided to ask if he could help the shop, he wanted to earn money himself, so as not to burden his parents who worked as laborers. He was very young, but he already wanted to work hard.

But then, an accident took his parents's life while on their way home from vacation, at that time Han Sung didn't come with them. It was a heartbreaking moment for him. Therefore, he lived with Ji An under one roof and still works at the shop until now. The other families of him are too far away, Han Sung didn't want to change the environment at suddenly.

Han Sung felt very relieved when Ji An's parents took him to their house. He didn't want to burden them either, so he paid like he was renting a room.

"Nah~ I'm gonna busy at the shop," Han Sung shrugged. "You should bake your face instead," He took out one ply of wet tissue pack. "I saw you liked to put eggs and flour on your face at home."

"That's a facial mask treatment, you fool!" Ji An tap the wet tissue to her cheek angrily. "And i don't use a flour—"


Ji An flinced at her English Homeroom Teacher who stand behind the desk at the front, Mrs. Min Yoo Hee. Since when did the teacher come?

"May i have your attention now, class?" She looked at all the students. "Good. And Student Kim, if you keep giggle at Student Lee, I'm going to make sure the two of you will have a wonderful 'date' on the school yard with a 100 run. And clean up your face both clearly. Thank you."

The other students chuckled. Han Sung frowned as he wiped away all the mess on his face.

"I see you guys didn't prepare yet for the High School Festival which will held in the next 3 weeks," Mrs. Min continued. "Is there already idea for the theme, Class President?"

"I-I'm sorry, Ma'am. Not yet ...." The Class President named Jeon Jun Gook answer with an awkward voice. "I'm kinda busy for the school dance competition. But soon i will report to you the class theme, Ma'am."

"Okey then .... Well, sorry for disturbing your free time, you guys can start to discuss now."

Jun Gook jogged to face the class after the homeroom teacher left.

"2-3 Class!" He started. "I'm really sorry and it was my fault for leaving our class festival mission. So, anyone have any ideas for our Class Theme?"

Some of student just shake their head, some gonna turn their head and ask the seatmate,"Any idea?"

"How about another level of Haunted Hotel ?" A girl added.

"It's boring, even tho we won the school's top prize for the costume that Yeon Hee designed, and her badass-sadako act that scared the twins from the next class." A boy with deep dimples answered with a chuckle.

Our class theme last year was Haunted Hotel Rooms. The concept just like an Escape Room game. So the students will be on a mission to get out of the room, when they get a hint and then failed to get an answer, the ghost came and chased them.

"Then you have to thank me, Kim Ha Joon." Yeon Hee flicked her long hair. "By the way, you were scared too and almost broke the set."

"Yea, she saved you there. Ahahaha!" Park Jo Min, a boy with cute eye smile respond to Ha Joon, who immediately answer, "I admitted that."

"How about we sell food and drinks? I suggest we can re-use some of our costumes from last year, and turn them into concepts for chefs, waitresses?" suggest Kim Jin Seok with his eyes flickered in joy as he revealed his idea. "Of course we have to get rid of the part that has the fake blood. Or Yeon Hee can make another clothes for us."

"Oh, nice idea! I like food," Jun Gook widely smile. "How about pasta?" Some students muttered in agreement.

"Oh, Pasta restaurant? I agree!" Park Jo Min yelled in joy.

"And i know who exactly can do the cook! Jin Seok and ..." Jung Hee Seok, a boy who love to smile, looked at his backseat. "Gi Hoon."

The class cheered and turned also to the boy who resting his head on the table like he was sleeping. Or maybe he's actually sleeping.

"How about we collaborate on the role of chef, Gi Hoon?" Jin Seok said from the front seat. The boy who was mentioned just muttered, "K."

"Min Gi Hoon can cook?" Ji An ask her seatmate.

Han Sung nodded his head. "You didn't know?"

"I thought all he could do all the time was ... sleep everywhere."

"That was harsh," He chuckled. "Gi Hoon is beyond expectations. He can cook, good at playing basketball. He's also a music producer-Ah!" Han Sung lowered his voice. "It's a secret. Nobody really knows about it except us. Don't speak it to the other."

'Us' means his friends who are in a group called Dynamite Squad or short as DS. They are Jin Seok, Ha Joon, Gi Hoon, Hee Seok, Jo Min, Jun Gook and Han Sung himself.

"A music producer?" Ji An ask in whisper. "Is he?" Ji An reacted fast at the last sentence about music producer. Apart from being a beginner in the art of make-up, she is also interested in music. In fact, she can play guitar and composed some short melody on her notes in her spare time. Han Sung knew this, sometimes Ji An asked him to sang the short song. Instantly, Ji An wanted to ask Gi Hoon's opinion on hearing the song that she made recently.

"Okay, let's write down the roles." Jun Gook turned his back and wrote on the blackboard. "First. Chef, Jin Seok and Gi Hoon. Then... sous chef, assistants, waiter / waitress, Managers—Ah, we also need to hand out our restaurant flyers later. Any volunteers?"

Some students raised their hand. Jun Gook wrote their names on the blackboard.

"I want the role as Manager!" Jo Min raised his hand excitedly. "I'll invite other students to come to our class at the front door with my charm."

"We can't, Jo Min," Hee Seok nudges his seatmate. "School dance competition. Remember? Maybe we only have time to help organize the class."

Jo Min slapped his forehead lightly, "Right..."

"Maybe we could, if we got to the order of appearing first in the competition. Or maybe not," Jun Gook muttered but hesitated. "Ok, for the design team leader, of course it'll be Yeon Hee. And make-up team leader will be Ji An."

"Leave it to the experts. We'll make our classmates look handsome and cute!" Yeon Hee said, high five with Ji An who sat behind her. "Who wants to join us?"

Some girls and boy raised their hand.

"Those who want to join with them, don't forget to give me the names on notes, okay?" add Jun Gook.

Suddenly Ji An raised her hand. "Oh! Oh Jun Gook, can I take more roles?

"Sure, if you want to."

Ji An smile widely. "I want take a mana—"

"I'm helping out with the role of manager!" Han Sung raised his hand.

"I was gonna say that ...." Ji An furrowed her brows. "Why suddenly?"

"No reason because i wanna try it." Han Sung shrugged.

"You're not just following me, huh?"

"Why are you so confidence, little rabbit?"

"Don't call me a pet name, Han—"

"Cut it out, guys," Jun Gook sighed. "I'll put your name as manager too, Ji An. Don't start bickering, okay?"

"I love you, Cookie." Ji An jokingly calls out the cute version of Jun Gook's name.

"What the f... lower ...."

"Did you just try to swear at me, Class president?" Ji An gasp and widened her eyes. "I feel hurt." She playfully acted like she was stabbed in the heart.

Jun Gook blushed and stuttering,"N-no!"

Han Sung was feeling amused, "He turned you down, Ji An."

The Class President lowered his head while the other students chuckled. He cleared his throat. "Sorry. Okay, let's continue to fill the role again."

"Ah, unfortunately, I take the chef's role. Otherwise, I would have taken on the role of manager with my handsome face." Jin Seok said self praising.

Some girls are squealing. Yea sure, Kim Jin Seok is handsome, and the other member of DS too of course. These girls are literally drooling over their good looks and charms.

In the meantime, the division of roles has been completed. And the class began their mission without a hitch in the days that followed until the day of the festival.

This festival will be attended by students from other schools. Of course this makes them excited. Not to mention there will be a dance competition event which is mentioned by the class-president. Let's hope their school events go well.


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-Autumn Notes