The Unexpected

"So, when will that Gi Hoon boy come to our shop again?"

"I don't know. Why are you asking me this, mom?"

"He's your boyfriend, right?"

Ji An groaned at her mom. They're having breakfast together, minus Han Sung.

"Mom! I've told you, we're not a thing!"

"But there's must be something, right?"

"Yes, but it's not like what mom's thought."

"Did I miss something?" Ji An's dad's head perked up from his bowl.

"Two days ago, on Sunday, I've met this cute boy at the shop, he is in the same class with Ji An," Her mom started. "I never saw this boy before. They're so lovey-dovey—"

"We're not lovey-dovey." Ji An rolled her eyes.

"— the way he squished Ji An's cheek it's so cute. How lucky you are, Ji An. Mom totally whipped!!"

"Mom, he pinched me!"

"Why don't you introduce him to Dad, Ji An? No boy will date my daughter without my permission!" Now his dad acts like a protective one.

"Why should I introduced him when we're not in a relationship?" Ji An facepalmed. "Dad, don't believe what mom said. Gi Hoon is just a friend who stops by." Hmm, are they already friends?

Her mom pulls her dad's attention and ignores what her daughter explains. "This Gi Hoon boy is also Han Sung's friend. So I'm sure he's a kind boy, like our Han Sung." Mrs. Lee squeal in joy.

"Well then, I'm not doubting that boy anymore. Still, you need to introduce him to us properly, Ji An."

She gets tired to explain. She let out a fake ha-ha-ha laughter.

"Speak about Han Sung. Where's the boy? He didn't join us for breakfast these days?" ask Mr. Lee.

"Han Sung said he will have breakfast with his friend on the way to school. Her house kinda far from the school—If I'm not wrong to remember it from what he told me."

['Her?!'] Ji An almost choked on her drink.

"So 'her', huh?" Mr. Lee noticed. He chuckled and turned his attention to his daughter. "Do you perhaps know who his friend is, Ji An?"

"No." She answered curtly. "I'm done. Gotta go. Bye mom, dad."


Dynamite Squad were playing rock-scissors-paper games in the class while there's still a half time of their recess left. It was Jin Seok vs Jun Gook, and the loser gonna get a hard flicked on the forehead, and treat some free foods.

"Noooo!" Jin Seok reacts because he loses. He didn't get the flicked yet but already cry out loud.

"Get ready~!" Jun Gook flicking his finger, try to boost his energy.

"Hey, don't get hard on me. I'm always the one who treats you foods..." Jin Seok pleaded.

"Not my business." The class president boy give his friend really a hard flick.


"Ahahaha, his forehead freaking red!" Hee Seok laugh while holding his stomach.

The other students who watch them also laughed. Meanwhile, Ji An only sighed with her head rested on the table and stare at DS with an empty gaze.

"Are you okay?" Min Gi Hoon waves his palm to get her attention. He sat on Han Sung's seat.

"I'm okay but not okay. I'm trying to be I'm fine...but I'm not..." she babbling randomly.

"Oh, a nice quote there. I should write it."

Ji An furrowed her eyebrows and watch Gi Hoon took out a small notes book from his blazer uniform pocket.

"What are you doing?" She raised her head.

"Writing of what you say. By the way," Gi Hoon put back his notes book back after done writing. "How's your progress on writing the lyrics ?"

Ji An didn't hear him. Her mind busy thinking about this morning convo with her parents. Her .... [Who's her? The only 'her' with Han Sung these days was Yeon Hee. Something is going on between them.']

"Hey, are you done with the lyrics?" The grumpy Gi Hoon pull her attention back.

"Half done it. I might not finish it if you keep bother me to do it in hurry."

"Okay, okay, I will not."

"Hey, where's Han Sung?"

Ji An's ears perked up like a rabbit when Ha Joon mention the name.

"He told me he went to the library. Teach Yeon Hee some math problems." Jo Min answered.

['Math's problem, huh? I've bet it just a lie—Oh my!! Go away bad minds!'] Ji An shakes her head.

Gi Hoon stared silently. When the bell rang, sign of the recess was over, he got up and put his palm on Ji An's head to stop her movements while saying, "Get on your mind. And don't forget to write the lyrics."


Han Sung glanced at his seatmate. The girl didn't glance at him since morning. Usually, it was always Ji An who liked to glance when he ignored her. But this girl was just sitting there, either focused on her teacher or she was just daydreaming.

['Does she take revenge on me?']

Lately, they don't talk anymore. Han Sung felt guilt. He can't spill any info so he just stays silent. And surely that causes misunderstanding. Looks like he must make it right.

He wrote something on the edge of the paper, which he then tore off and shoved towards Ji An.

The girl read it and write in seconds, then shoved the paper back to him. Han Sung frowned as he read the answer under his offer.

[- It's my day off. There's new arcade opening. Wanna go there?-]


It means No.

The girl must be so mad. He writes another word and shoved it again.

[-How about we fetch strawberry ice cream and play this harvest moon games at home ? My treat♡-]

He doesn't know why he added a love sign. Just hope the girl gives a good answer. He read the answer and his smile rose.

[-Ok. But i want mint-choco. You Fool!-]


"Are you done yet?"

"No." Ji An still looking for her mint-choco ice cream in the ice cream freezer.

Han Sung sighed. "Just hurry up." He went to the cashier to put his basket. They decide to buy snacks and sodas too while playing the games later. Then he just realized the weather outside.

"Oh, great. It raining."

"Umbrella section over there."

Han Sung went in the direction the store employee meant. He saw only one yellow umbrella that was in a tall round basket. When he was about to reach it, someone had already picked up and went to the cashier.

He realized the figure. "Hey, Jun Gook!"


"I was just about to take it."

"And I got it first, bro. See ya!" After paying for the umbrella, Jin Gook smiled mischievously and walked out of the store.

"Ah, really...." He turned to the store employee, who answered without being asked, "Sorry, all the umbrellas have been sold."

"I give up!" Ji An appeared next to him. "I'll just choose strawberry. Come on, pay it."

Han Sung grumbled in his mind. ['If you don't delay, we'll get an umbrella or maybe go home before it rains.']

"Hey, don't tell me .... You didn't bring your wallet?"



There was no sign that the heavy rains would stop and they had finished the snacks they bought.

Ji An felt her legs go numb from squatting. "With this weather, it will be more comfortable to lie on the bed, reading comics and drinking warm chocolate."

Han Sung silently glared at her. But he also regretted not being able to pick up an umbrella quickly.

Ji An stood up and stretched out her hand, the raindrops splashed on her tiny palm. She hummed the melody that appeared suddenly and repeated it. In her mind, she was very proud that she could immediately get a new melody.

"Ah, I have to record it." Just as she was about to turn around to pick up her bag that was placed near the door of the store, suddenly her body was pushed forward. And...


"Akh!" The heavy rain made her whole body wet. Ji An heard the laughter of the boy behind her.

['He just kicked ... my butt ?!']

Han Sung laughed while holding something in his hand which was pointed at Ji An. The boy records his prank with the cellphone.

"YA*! Kim Han Sung stop recording me!"


Ji An tried to reach the cellphone that was held high while making a small jump. She too became tired. ['Damn ... Why he have to be this tall?']

"Yea ~~ that was very interesting. Hahhaa!"

Ji An only thought of one way to knock Han Sung down, which is by hitting his head with her forehead. But instead of forehead, their lips met.

DUAAR! It sounds like there's thunder there, but... it only in Ji An's mind.

It was just an accidental kiss. The unexpected one. But it made them freeze for a long time until they heard the clink of the store doorbell.

Han Sung moved first, he stepped back and saw the rain subsiding. A perfect timing. "I-I think I'll g-go to the shop. See you later." He turned around to take his bag and left Ji An, whose soul was drifting somewhere.


YA or Ya, if in Korean, it's the same as 'Hey!'

-Autumn Notes