Considered as

They're just started talk yesterday, but the next day they've become quiet again. If in the previous days they avoiding each other, then this time they looked like enemies.

Han Sung swapped seats with Yeon Hee. It seemed that the boy didn't want to start an accidental conversation with the girl.

Ji An didn't mind this exchange of seats. If possible, she would rather sit in the front row so that her mind is free from yesterday's events.

But of course, they couldn't erase what had happened. It just happened yesterday! Because that unexpected kiss—or rather their lips accidentally collided—made Ji An and Han Sung have insomnia.

"Hey, are you okay?" Yeon Hee whispered.

She looks up from her English textbook. She took a glance to Mrs. Min before whisper back. "I'm okay. Why?"

Yeon Hee makes her lip curl into a thin line. "You don't look good. You have that panda eyes, you know?"

She nodded. "Just a sleepless night because I'm ...." Ji An almost wants to say that she can't stop thinking about the accidental event, but she quickly changes the words. "...watched some K-Drama."

Yeon Hee was silent for a moment. She also glanced at the Teacher and whispered again. "If you don't rush to the Bakery after school, do you want to come with me to the new make-up store? They give a 20% discount."

Seeing the girl didn't answer right away, Yeon Hee continued her words. "And maybe we could stop by a cafe nearby, you know, we don't really hang out together lately."

Ji An finally agreed and nodded her head excitedly. Her movements were stopped due to Mrs. Min's announcement about the new group work assignment: acting out in drama.

"Ah, another drama assignment," Yeon Hee huffed. "I think I should show my acting skills again." She laughs at her own joke.

"The group will be divided into 5, that means it contains 5 to 6 members. I have already decided on the members of each group. Please stand up and seats with your group members while I call your names. Class-President, help me write down the names on the board for each group."

"Yes, Mrs. Min."

Then the teacher starts calling names for the first group whilst Jun Gook write on the board.

"Please don't let me in one group with Vampire." Yeon Hee whispered.

"He's not that bad, Yeon Hee." Ji An let out a tiny laugh as she didn't want to disturb Mrs. Min.

"Well, well, are you guys close already, huh?"

"It's not that—"

"Group 3. Hwang Yeon Hee, Kim Han Sung, Lee Ji An, Min Gi Hoon, Park Chae Young, Park Jo Min."

Ji An groaned and mutter, "Oh no! There's gonna be a grumpy grandpa Gi Hoon in my group." ['And Kim Han Sung!']

Yeon Hee scoffed. "Says who said 'He's not that bad, Yeon Hee.' You licked your own teeth." She mimicked her friend.

"It should be: licked your own saliva." Ji An rolled her eyes.

"Hey, girls~!" Jo Min come and take a seat beside Han Sung, who chose silence without looking at the back.

Well, in case if you didn't understand, from the beginning Yeon Hee didn't have a seatmate. The same goes with Ji An. They loved to had a wide space. But turn out that Han Sung chooses to seat with Ji An near the window. At first, Han Sung sat with Jin Seok at the front but within two days he decided to sit in the back.

Gi Hoon came and grabbed Jo Min's arm for the boy to stand up. Without saying a word, he sat in the chair earlier.

"You should've taken another seat!" Jo Min nagging at him. But in the end, he's the one who took another seat and place himself beside Gi Hoon.

Park Chae Young came to join with her own chair and sat beside Yeon Hee "Hi, groupmate ~" she said.

"Ah, we are lucky to have you in the group, Chae Young!" Yeon Hee said in joy.

Chae Young is the best in English. Ji An too, but not as good and fluent as that girl.

"Ok, Class!" Mrs. Min finish her lists. "One of the group members will come forward and take out the folded paper containing the drama title. Show to me, I will give you the Korean scripts and you have to translate it into English."

"I'll do it." Han Sung and Ji An stood together. They looked at each other and said in unison again while sitting back down. "You go."

The other members were speechless, surprised by the behavior of these two childhood friends.

"Um ..." Jo Min raised his eyebrows. "Which one of you wants to come forward?"

"I'll go then." Chae Young went straight to Mrs. Min. She comes back after show the folded paper and bring the script book.

There's some disbelief squeal from the other student. "Mrs. Min, is this gonna be our project?" They sounded doubtful. Even Jun Gook, who read his paper, looks shocked.

"What? What is it?" Yeon Hee widens her eyes.

Chae Young sat while putting the book on the table, so all the member can see the title :

-Little Red Riding Hood-

That's what the title read.

"Ar-are we gonna play the role of this kids fairytale?" Gi Hoon blinked his eyes rapidly.

"Yes, we are." Yeon Hee smiled broadly. "This is really challenging!" She squealed excited and Chae Young reply, "We've got better scripts than Jun Gook's."

"What books they get?" asked Ji An.

"Three little pigs."

While they burst out laughing, at that moment there's a loud groan from Jun Gook's group which contained Jin Seok, Ha Joon, Hee Seok and a girl; Park In Na, who said, "I'll just take on the role as the narrator! No complain!"


It was another Sunday morning. Ji An's English group gathered at the Bakery cafe. They sat in a circle at the short table and would decide their roles while eating some bread.

"Okay, let's get sta—" Jo Min has just started, but Ji An interrupts.

"I'll take the Granny role!"

"Oh no." Yeon Hee scoffed. "I know you want the role of Granny because it has a little dialogue, but please condition it according to our abilities who are not fluent in English."

"At least I'm volunteer become a granny. No one gonna takes that role, right?"

"Gi Hoon fits the role." Jo Min burst out laughing. Then pointed to Han Sung, "And you can be the wolf."

"Shuddup." Gi Hoon spat.

Han Sung shakes his head. "I'm not into the wolf. I prefer the other roles but the wolf."

"Let's just decide the roles now." Gi Hoon looks like regret for coming here.

Chae Young adjusted her bean bag. "By the way, I've already read the script and your faces are reflected according to the roles. I wrote the roles in the back of the book."

"Okay, let's see." Jo Min takes a sip of his iced coffee.

Chae Young flip the book and they read the roles; Jo Min as red riding hood, Chae Young as the mom, Ji An as the owner of village shop, Gi Hoon as the bad wolfie, Yeon Hee as the granny, and Han Sung as the woodcutter.

"Why why why am I as the red riding hood?" Jo Min whining. "I don't wanna die in Gi Hoon's fangs."

"Chill, dude. You'll end up in my stomach."

"Oh, it was the Granny who been eating, right?" said Jimin. "Well, I'm saved."

"And why Yeon Hee as the granny?" Ji An nagging.

"Girl, this is the one for me."

"As you said the dialogues are short. You take this as your own advantage." These two girls argued just because of the dialogue matter.

"Guys~" Chae Young sighed, trying to calm them down.



"Is Min Gi Hoon boy still up there?"

Ji An closed her eyes for a moment. She turned and squinted at her mother. "Mom, don't do it."

"I haven't even done anything. I'm just asking. Oh my daughter so protective, hm?" The mom grinning.

Ji An tried to ignore it. She just finished slicing the whole rainbow cake and putting it on the tray which already contains several plates and small spoons to take upstairs.

She only went for a few seconds to put the knife in the kitchen sink, but by the time she returned to the front counter, the tray was gone.

Having a bad feeling, she immediately climbed the stairs. And sure enough, the mom was busy talking to Ji An's friends, besides Min Gi Hoon, and that boy... did he just give his best smile to her mom?!

"Oh well, I don't want to disturb any further, enjoy the cake, kids." The mom stands up, as she walks past her daughter, she winked.



Dinner time arrived. Yeon Hee had planned for a sleepover at Ji An's house and they will go to school together tomorrow. With Mrs. Lee, they have a cheerful dinner.

Ji An's dad is still busy making dough at the shop and reluctantly refuses to join the dinner. Meanwhile, Han Sung also chose to be in the shop. The boy is still avoiding Ji An.

"Hey, I love this color!" Yeon Hee tries the lips pallete that Ji An bought at the new make-up store.

"Hey, I do not even try it first yet. Oh! But the color looks good on you." They already finished the dinner a few hours before. It's time to heading bed.

While dabbing her lips in front of the mirror, Yeon Hee said, "I wanna ask you this, and after what I witness this morning at our group discussion, it makes me more curious."

Ji An scrunch her nose. "What do you wanna ask?"

"Are you sure there's nothing happening between you and Gi Hoon?" She said this because she caught Gi Hoon keep steal a glance anytime at Ji An.

"You sounded like my mom." Ji An rolled her eyes. "Nothing happened. We just... suddenly become friends because of..." ['Here we go, what reasons should I say to this girl.']

Yeon Hee waiting the answer, raise her eyebrows. "Well?"

She sigh. "I'm gonna tell you, but it's not the time. Let me... let me ask Gi Hoon first-"

"There, there! Why do you have to ask him first? Oh, my Ji Aness. You're the best for making people curious." She said jokingly.

['Well, you make me curious too about something between you and Han Sung.'] She curl her lips.

"So, mind to tell me why your mom looks excited met that grumpy Vampire?" Yeon Hee sitting on the bed.

"Don't ask me why." Ji An lay beside her bestfriend. "I don't even know my mom at that time. She totally looks like a... fangirl toward Gi Hoon since the first time she met him."

"You said it's only his second time come here."

"It is." Ji An sighed. She closes her eyes, almost falling into microsleep.

"I never expected that cute gummy smile of him."

"Agree." Ji An unconsciously answer.

"Oh, my Ji Aness!! Do you have a change in heart?"

She opens her eyes and state, "Of course... not..."


"No! ... Not! NO!"

"Okay, okay. Easy there." Yeon Hee's face made Ji An want to smack the pillow on her face.

She groaned. "I'm going downstairs to fetch some water."

"Oh, nice idea. Bring chips too."

"Naah, you're going to swell."

"It just chips!"

Yeon Hee's voice muffled when the door close. Ji An makes her way into the kitchen, but her steps halted. Han Sung at the sink, wash his dishes. Guess he's done the late dinner alone.

She wanted to turn around, but the boy had seen her. Finally, she walked quickly to the fridge. After taking two small bottles of mineral water, she hurriedly turned around wanting to leave. But Han Sung was already in front of her. She halted again.

"Hey," he said, putting his hand inside his trouser pocket. "I heard a loud noise in your room. Yeon Hee staying overnight?"

Ji An nodded. When she thought Han Sung was done, she moved her legs, but his next words made Ji An grip the bottles tightly in her hand.

"I think we should forget what happened during the heavy rain last time. It doesn't look good because we become awkward with each other." He scratches his nape and licks his bottom lip out of nervousness. "It's the best for us, I guess. Right?"

['You guess.'] "Yea.. " She answered slowly.

As silence fell between them, Han Sung continued, "So—"

"Right, it's the best too to think that 'never ever' anything happens between us." She emphasizes the words, nods briefly. "I'm going to my room. Good night."

She left Han Sung and in hurry go upstairs to her room. She put the bottles on the desk, didn't answer when Yeon Hee ask for her chips.

She pulled the blanket over her body and cried silently. Looks like she's just been considered ... as a friend. No more than that.


Sorry if there's so many Bad Grammar >,<

Hope you still enjoy the stories

-Autumn Notes