The Insult

Ji An kicked the blanket and immediately regretted being greeted by the sun's rays coming from behind the open window curtains. Squinting, she glanced at the alarm clock on the table next to the bed. After grumbling about waking up late from the usual time, she immediately got up to do her morning routine.

She doesn't have a good mood today. She wore light make-up, not caring about her puffy eyes. She also only tied her hair in a messy bun style.

After 10 minutes ready with a uniform and a bag —not forgetting to wear trouser pants under the skirt— she immediately came out of the room and down the stairs. There was laughter in the kitchen, wondering what fun was going on. When Ji An stepped into the kitchen, she was stunned at the unusual sight of Yeon Hee and Han Sung standing in front of the toaster.

['What? Why do they look so close?']

"Oh, Ji An. It's so unusual for you to come down late," Her mother was pouring orange juice. "Yeon Hee and Han Sung baked some white bread. Join them. You still have time before leaving."

"Hey, Ji An. This so-called-wannabe-baker-king cut the edges of the white bread too much. The bread got small and stuck to the inside of the toaster." Yeon Hee laughed at Han Sung, who only snickered.

Expressionless, Ji An went to the fridge, took the choco bar and banana milk. "I'll just eat this. I'll go first, Mom."

"Hey, hey, how about the bread— Wait, let's go together!" call Yeon Hee.

Ji An didn't respond. She walked out of the kitchen at a brisk pace, trying not to remember last night's incident if she decided to sit down for breakfast with Kim Han Sung around her.

After walking outside for 5 minutes, her mind was still disturbed. She recalled the scene where Han Sung was on the phone with Yeon Hee, then the scene of them seemed to be talking in a low voice and stopped suddenly when Ji An entered the classroom. And also when she found out that Han Sung—it seemed—was always picking up Yeon Hee to go to school together.

The last one, Ji An hasn't confirmed. But she was just guessing because they always got to class first before Ji An.

She also thought that Han Sung lingered after school hours were over only to come home with Yeon Hee, so as not to be seen by her and DS.

"Does this mean they ...." Ji An didn't dare to continue speaking to herself. She shook her head hard. "No, no. Don't make weird assumptions."

While gripping the banana milk bottle to her inner left elbow, she tore off the wrapper of the choco bar. Just before she could eat it, the collar of her uniform pulled back.

She's whimpered in shock because of two things. First, because she didn't know who pulled her into the narrow road. Second, because the breakfast snacks just fell off before she could enjoy them.

"Who the hell—!"

"You're Yeon Hee's friend, right?" The person released his grip, make her turn to face him.

"And who the hell are you?!" Ji An won't be polite because this person was rude to her first. She glared the stranger from top to bottom. Looks like a college guy, because this person is dressed casually with a t-shirt line with a long shirt and denim pants.

"And what if I'm Yeon Hee's friend?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well, I wanna ask you, kid." Say the guy, smirk. "I know Yeon Hee is stayed at your house. Why don't you go together? Did she go first with that brat boy?"

"Who's the freaking this brat boy?" Ji An tilted her head in annoyance.

"Black hair, tall, handsome—no. I mean that kid ...."

Ji An didn't listen to this person's continuation. Only one person on her mind fits the description earlier: Kim 'freaking' Han Sung. Yeah, he's a brat. So it's confirmed that he walks Yeon Hee to school together. She scoff, feeling betrayed by her best friend.

"... there's no way Yeon Hee has turned away from me completely. She dumped me one-sidedly. I don't accept being treated unfairly by that sl*t! And that rascal brat is so pretentious. I should have hit him black and blue—"

TSSCHAS! Like the sound of gunpowder cannons being ignited.

Ji An is really angry with her best friends. But this guy's words had gone too far. Her side lips twitched.

With gritted teeth, she cut off, "I think you are the so-called Jiseob, huh?"

"—Oh. I'm surprised you know about me. Did she brag how good my looks—"

"Yeah," She cut in, harshly. "You sure good like slug shit that I want to dump in the toilet."

The guy's face changed, mad. "Watch your mouth, kid! You just the same kind like Yeon Hee sl*t—"

Before the man continued his filthy mouth, Ji An exerted her strength and kicked the direction between the man's two legs. Damn hard!

"That's for insult my two best friends, you bastard!" Then she elbowed him hard on the back until the guy fell to the ground in pain. "And that's for my shattered choco bar and banana milk!"

"Lee Ji An!"

"Ji Aness!"

A pair of hands embraced her from behind, holding her to attack the guy again.

"He's not worth it. Let's go!"

Ji An ignored him, she was still screaming, "Insult my best friends again, then I'll literally throw you down the toilet after chopping you up !!"

"Han Sung, let's get out of here."

When Ji An tried to kick the man, Han Sung lifted her small body and positioned her stomach on top of his shoulder, so that Ji An's face was facing upside down to his back.

As quickly as possible the three of them left the narrow road before attracting the attention of those around them.

"Put me down!"


"Put me down, You... fool!"

"Ji An, please stay calm," Yeon Hee run beside them. "We should take a cab or we gonna late for school. That crazy guy might follow us."

Han Sung nods while they run to the crossroads. Yeon Hee pulls a cab, she sat on the front seat. Han Sung put Ji An down and shoved her to the back seat.

"Oww! RUDE!"


The driver's face looks shocked. Yeon Hee mutters a sorry to him and ask to drive now while she tells the school address.

The tension becomes awkward when there's no one to talk inside the cab on the drive. But Han Sung broke the silence first. "What are you thinking? Why you hit people carelessly?"

"He's a bastard!” Ji An snap.

"He can sue you! Don't you think twice before doing it ?!" Han Sung snap back at her.

"He deserves it for being stupid and his dirty mouth is like a pea that I want to trample! If he wants to sue me, I'll sue him back!"

"Nobody will believe in a child of the age of corn like you! Judging from the circumstances, he could win the sue from the start!

"Don't mind about my business like you care!"

Han Sung was about to open his mouth again but closed it because the cab stopped suddenly beside the sidewalk.

The driver said sharply without turning his head, "I'm not asking for a fee, please solve your problem outside my car, kids!"

The three friends fell silent after the driver accelerated the car, leaving them on the road that was still quite far from school.

"Great. We're really late for school." Yeon Hee mutters, sigh. "Now what we gonna do?" She looked at her two friends who were standing apart.

"I'm not going to school." Han Sung stepped his feet, away from them.

"Where are you going?" Yeon Hee called out, annoyed.

"Gi Hoon's house."

The house is like the DS headquarters. Now it must be empty because the members are at school. With his current state, it would be better to calm down there.

"We're coming too. I don't want to run the field 100 laps because of late." Yeon Hee grabbed Ji An's arm, who refused at first, but then follow her in when she heard the run 100 laps.


Someone pressed the door password, but the door wouldn't open because the number was wrong. Gi Hoon was about to make his breakfast when he heard that beep sounds outside. He glanced at the peephole and immediately open it.

"What are you doing here?" He said in his hoarse voice. "And you supposedly know we always change the password after a month."

"What are 'you' doing here?" Han Sung asked back when he went inside. "Fall asleep at your computer again?"

"Yea, I need to finish my mini album for next month—"

"Hello there. Wow, you have a nice house, Gi Hoon."

Gi Hoon stunned at Yeon Hee, who following Han Sung inside. He was about to say something but his words got caught in the throat when Ji An appear at the doorframe.

"Hi." She greets.

Gi Hoon feel his cheek heated. Don't know why it happens just because of her greet. Or it might be because he was... surprised to have an unexpected guest?

Ji An closed the door and walk past him towards the living room, where her two friends were.

Gi Hoon returned from his trance and headed to the living room as well. He's standing behind the sofa where Han Sung is already sitting holding the game controller, ready to wait for the game's screen to appear on the tv.

He asked, "Are you guys having a revolt at school? Why are you skipping at the same time?"

"Ask the corn girl." Han Sung snickered. He started playing the game.

"Corn?" Gi Hoon turned his head towards the other two girls.

"Such a brat." Ji An mumble in annoyance. She turned to go to the kitchen.

"Ji An..." Yeon Hee followed the girl with her whining voice.

"Lovebirds fighting?" Gi Hoon sneered. But his voice didn't sound like him when he said that. He felt weird again.

Han Sung scoffed. "I don't know what are you talking about. And neither I want to talk about it. I came here so I can clear my mind."

Gi Hoon nods. "Okay. I'll leave you alone."

He makes his way to the kitchen, hesitantly to walk in when the two girls look tense talking about something at the dining table.

Naah, he's hungry, he can't wait or ask them to go away. Not when Ji An is here. Oh, did he become soft suddenly?

"...really angry at you. Why do I have to find out about your break up story from that mad guy? "

['Who's the mad guy?'] Gi Hoon interrupt in his mind. He took out a ramyun noodle from the shelf and placed them on the table. He put a pot filled in water on the stove, waiting for the water to boil.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you that we're already broke up. I can't stand Jiseob's behavior." Yeon Hee rubbed her face.

"What did I say about dating college guys, huh? Have you ever listened to me? I know not all college guys are bad. But unfortunately, you had one!"

['Uww, such nice words, girl.'] Gi Hoon felt his side mouth twitch, holding back a grin.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I will never ever disappoint you again."

Ji An sighed. Now she's rubbed her face. "This guy such a creepy stalker. He knew whereabout you when he saw me alone. He pulled my back collar before took me to the narrow road—"

Gi Hoon clenched his grip on the ramyun and made a loud cracking sound. "He did what?!"

Ji An and Yeon Hee turn their head in unison. Clearly didn't realize that Gi Hoon with them.

"Oh, you make ramyun? Make it more, I didn't have my breakfast yet." Ji An beams a smile. Then her face turns mad slightly. " Aah! It reminds me that my choco bar and banana milk fell because of that crazy guy!"

Gi Hoon keeps listening to the story while took another 2 packs of ramyun.

"Ji An, I'm sorry you have to deal with someone like him because of me. I didn't want you to involve in this matter, I'm scared he might hurt you. That's why I ask Han Sung to accompany me at morning and after school. I thought Jiseob will finally retreating when he sees me with another guy..." She sobs a little. "And now he knew that you're with me .... Oh no, it's my fault."

"Don't beat yourself up. I'm sure I gave that person a clear warning. He picked the wrong person to look for trouble." Ji An patted her friend's arm. "Did you see what I did to that crazy guy?"

Yeon Hee suddenly chuckled amidst her sobs. "Yeah, you elbowed him until he fell to the floor."

"Not before I kick his 'thing' hard! Hahahaha!"

['Ouch!'] At that instant, Gi Hoon felt a pain in the lower part of his stomach. ['She's really ... tough.']

"Oh... my Ji Aness!!!" Yeon Hee's laughter broke.

They chuckled together. Gi Hoon can only shake his head and smiled while putting the spices on top of the boiled ramyuns.

After a few minutes, the ramyun is ready. Gi Hoon put the pot on the table while Ji An brought some bowls and chopsticks. And they started eating.

"Han Sung! Come and eat ramyun!" said Yeon Hee, loud.

"He doesn't want to be disturbed." Gi Hoon said briefly.

"Huh? Is he still sulking?" Yeon Hee stirred before eating the ramyun. "That was the second time I saw him angry. I didn't know he could lose control like that. Usually, he's calm, right?"

"I'm used to it. When was the first?" Ji An asked with her mouth full, making Gi Hoon amazed that she could speak clearly.

"When that crazy Jiseob was about to punch again at my face—OH!"

Yeon Hee stared in horror at Ji An, who slamming her chopsticks on the table and shrieks, "He punched you?! Don't tell me ... that's why you got bruises that day ?!"


ramyun = korean noodle

-Autumn Notes