Telepathically Speaking

We were at someplace called Deluxe. I've heard about it before from some girls at school. It was also a clothing shop.

"Welcome to Deluxe. Is there anything specific you're looking for?" A woman asked as we walked in. Sebastian whispered something to her, but I couldn't hear what he said. She smiled at him and handed him a key.

"If you'll follow me." She led us to a private dressing room. It had a double couch facing towards a smaller room with a curtain covering it. Next to the couch was a coffee table with refreshments on it.

"I'll be just a moment." The same woman said as she left the room.

"Friendly service they have here." Sebastian laughed as he sat down. I sat down next to him.

"What did you buy at the other place?" I silently asked him.

"Two pairs of tracksuits and a black leopard spotted onesie." He replied. The lady- whose name turned out to be Sarah- came back with an armful of clothes, then left. I walked over to the pile of clothes and held up a black lace top. Wow, okay. So, when I wear this everyone can see my bra?

"Choose an outfit and go put it on. Then come back here so that I can see you." Sebastian demanded in a whisper as he stood extremely close behind me. I held my breath and quickly walked into the changing room. This day is so not going as planned!

I returned in the black lace top and these denim shorts, but I had no shoes on. "Pose for me." Sebastian chimed as he held up a camera.

"Where did you get that?" I asked indicating towards the camera.

"Bought it. Now pose." He dictated. I crossed my arms and just stood there. I was not going to do such a thing. He sighed and knelt down on his knees in front of me.

"Please, please, please pose for me, Jane. Pretty please?" He begged with his hands held up together. He reminded me of one of those puppies who liked begging.

I smiled down at him and gave up my resistance. If he had been anyone else, I wouldn’t have done it. I put my hands on my hips and turned a bit more sideways smiling. He took the picture and called out next. So, for all the outfits that were there, he took a picture while I posed. It was actually fun. Sarah returned, and Sebastian whispered something in her ear.

She smiled back at him and looked towards me. "What are your favourite colours dear?" she inquired.

I choked on my drink and quickly answered, Purple and black. It wasn’t long before she returned with a black and purple striped bikini. She handed it to Sebastian and walked away once again.

He held it out towards me, smiling. "Your last outfit of the day." He remarked. I took it from him and walked into the changing room.

Before I walked back out, I scanned myself in the mirror, I felt very self-conscience. Luckily, my skin wasn’t too pale, but I needed the sunlight. I took in a deep breath and walked out.

Sebastian took about five pictures then walked over to me. He traced the side of my stomach and then let his hand trace over my thigh. I watched his hands every movement.

"Have I told you before how hot you are?" He asked beaming as he tilted my chin up to look at him.

I flushed and smiled, "Yes."

He moved his hands down to my hips and started kissing my neck. I just stood there with my eyes closed enjoying the warmth of his mouth on my skin.

"Is there anything..." Sarah interrupted as she walked into the room. Sebastian stopped and turned to face her covering my body with his.

"No, we’ll be leaving now." He stated. She nodded and left. I moved my hands around Sebastian’s waist and hugged him.

"Thank you," I whispered and then went to get changed back into the clothes I arrived in.

Sebastian paid for everything while I waited in the car. He put the bags on the back seat and jumped into the car.

"Are you hungry?" He asked as he started the engine.

"Yes," I replied.

"Good. So am I." He remarked as we drove off. Sebastian took me to a restaurant called Vapour Café. I'm telling you this is legit art. We got out and walked to the entrance.

"Table for two?" A waitress inquired. Sebastian nodded, and the waitress led us to a table. We sat down as she handed us the menus.

"So, what would you like to eat? Its lunchtime." He stated. I opened the menu to the starters and scanned the page. 'A large portion of chips, spiced and blended with sauces.' Sounds good.

"I'll have the Vapour special," I said.

"And the actual meal?"

"That's it," I responded.

"You aren't afraid to eat in front of me, right?" He inquired.

"Of course not." I laughed.

The waitress returned, and Sebastian ordered two 'Godfathers Choice' burgers with chips and two cola tonics. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Since you know so much about me, why don't you tell me something about you?" I requested after the waitress left.

"What do you want to know?" He replied.

"So, how old are you turning this year?"



"16th of September."

"Do you have siblings?"

"Not that I know of. I left when I was 17 and haven’t had contact with my parents since then."

"What's your surname?"

"Don't have one."

"Your second name?"

"Don't have one."

"Did you have a girlfriend before you left?"


"Where were you born?"

"Next question."

"Which high school were you in before you left?"

"I wasn’t in high school. I was at university."

"Oh. Which one?"

"Dolhq University."

"Doll-h-q? Want does that mean in English?"

"It doesn’t have a meaning. Want to know anything else?"

"Uhh... What’s your favourite colour?"

"Grey. Like your skirt."

"Do you like animals?"

"Yes, mostly Fdwv."

"What is that?"

"It's a cat." He replied as the waitress returned with our food and drinks.

"Thank you, Miss.," Sebastian said to the waitress. She winked at him and walked away. He waited until I started eating and then he ate. When we were finished, and Sebastian paid once again. On the way home, we stopped at the beach.

"Why are you so secretive?" I questioned.

"Why do you say that?"

"You answer my questions so vaguely. I don’t know you’re so mysterious." I shrugged.

Sebastian didn't reply and we fell into silence.

It was late afternoon and there were very few people left. I was carrying my shoes as we walked along the beach. There was a light breeze and Sebastian kept looking out to sea.

I stopped and picked up a mussel shell that still was attached to its other half. I held it up for Sebastian to see. A wave made water touch our feet. He walked back onto the dry sand and left me standing there. He pulled out the camera he bought and took a picture of me.

"It's getting late. We should go." He called out to me.

It was four o'clock when we arrived home. I packed away my new clothes while Sebastian watched TV. My cupboard now just had either really short or nearly see-through clothes and two long outfits.

When I was finished, Sebastian was outside with the owner of the car we borrowed. I sat down on the couch and noticed my school bag in the corner of the room.

Shit, I almost forgot I have a biology test tomorrow!

So, the whole night I learnt. Luckily, it was only 15 pages and Sebastian never came to disturb me. Except for the one time he brought me hot chocolate and some biscuits. I must have fallen asleep while learning.

The next morning Sebastian woke me up at 6:30. So I had to rush to get dressed so I could still have time to go through my work before we had to write the test.


So far so good. I was three quarters through the test when I got to THE page. I knew Mrs Golden-my biology teacher- was lying when she told us we don’t have to learn our extra notes! Now look we have a whole section on the work, and I didn’t even look through my notes!

How can I help? This voice that sounded like Sebastian's said. I looked around everywhere, but I couldn’t see him.

"Miss Randall eyes on your own paper please." Mrs Golden said so I quickly pretended to write.

It's me Sebastian we telepathically speaking.

Once again, I looked around to make sure he wasn't anywhere to be seen. Okay, this is weird. Uhh hello, Sebastian. I felt like a total idiot.

Where are your notes? I can help you. He replied.

In the dark blue file. I thought.

Okay got it. First question?

So, through that whole section, Sebastian helped me. I wouldn't call it cheating, because it wasn't like I was looking at my notes or someone’s test. I was remembering my work, well kind of.

"How did you do that?" I demanded as I ran out of class.

"You mean telepathically speak to you?" He asked as I nodded.

"Since I was born, I guess." He said as if it was so natural.

"So, you weren’t lying when you said you can read my thoughts?" I muttered. He just shook his head.

"Can you do it with everyone?"

"No, only with you."

"Only with me? Why me?"

"You better get to class." He insisted changing the subject. I was about to question him again when the bell rang.

You win this time Sebastian. I thought. He smiled at me and walked away.

I'll always win. He telepathically said. I turned around to look at him, but he was already gone.

_Later that day_

After school, I went to the bursar’s office to purchase tickets for a party at Kingston Beach Club for Sebastian and me. I walked out of the office and there he was. Oh, he looked hot! With his white t-shirt and dark jeans. I actually only noticed now that he always wore this black bracelet on his right wrist.

"What is that?" He asked indicating the tickets.

"A surprise, wait and see," I responded. I was incredibly careful not to think about it as well.

"Why do you have that bracelet on?"

"So, I can contact home... I mean to remember my parents by." He responded as we walked home. Wait did I just say the words we and home in one sentence? Anyway, I quickly went to shower and chose a sexy outfit for the party. I wanted to feel good tonight and Rocksyn was also gonna be there. Well, actually nearly the whole school was gonna be there. Technically it was a party to introduce the grade 8's to life at Encore.

So, I wore a black middle thigh-length dress that had this sparkly top that showed my back and sides. It looked like a piece of material that just covered my breasts and wrapped around my neck. I never even knew I had this dress! I also wore these 6cm black heels that I had to walk around in, in my room to get used to them.

I walked into the lounge to fetch my phone. "Wow. What’s the special occasion or did I just hit a stroke of luck to hang out with a sexy, half-naked girl for the night?" He smirked and had this voluminous smile.

"Thank you, but no. We’re going to a party." I explained while laughing.

"A what?"

"You don’t get out, much do you? Well, you'll see. Rocksyn’s gonna fetch us in five."

"Well since you're going like that, do I at least look good enough to hang out by your side?"

"Yes. You look hot. Now let’s go!" I exclaimed as Rocksyn hooted.

We arrived just before they locked the doors. It was now six o clock, so we quickly handed in our tickets as they let us pass. I'm sure one of the security guards were checking me out.

The club was huge! It had plenty of tables piled up with drinks and snacks and they even had alcohol! The teachers just let the matric board plan everything.

The head girl and head boy of Encore high walked onto the stage and welcomed us. A live band called Jamali was playing. Rocksyn pulled me and I pulled Sebastian towards one of the refreshment tables. I poured us a glass of whatever was on the table and handed one to Sebastian. He took a sip and almost choked on it.

"What is this?" He shouted over the noise.

"I'm not sure," I shouted back. Rocksyn made me stand next to Sebastian for her to take a picture. This time Sebastian wasn’t as tall as he usually is because now, I had my heels on. Then I took a picture of Sebastian and Rocksyn.

"I guess you weren't told about this party." Rocksyn laughed indicating his messy hair.

"Should I go change and freshen up?" He asked running a hand through his hair.

"Nope, it's hot. Haven't you noticed all the girls that have been checking you out?"

"Please Rocksyn he only has eyes for us." I giggled nudging her.

"Obviously like have you seen us?" She winked.

"Your beautiful Rocksyn." Sebastian smiled.

"Awwh thank you." She giggled.

"But Jane is the only girl I have eyes for." He smirked. Instead of feeling awkward, I actually felt good, happy.

"This is going to be such a fun night!" Rocksyn cheered.