
So, first of all, we downed our awful drinks. Sebastian pulled such a funny face afterwards! Rocksyn went dancing with a group of these other girls she knew and left us.

"Why don’t you go and dance?" Sebastian asked as he leaned in to make himself be heard.

"I don't dance. How about you?" I replied.

"I don't know, never have."

"They say you just go with the beat."

"How?" He requested. I called Rocksyn over and she ran over to us.

"Will you show Sebastian how to dance?" I asked her.

"Come with me." She laughed as she pulled him onto the dance floor. I knew she loved to dance. Think I'll go get some fresh air. I thought as I headed towards the back door. Cool hey? The club was on a beach.

It was quite a squeeze to get past all the dancers. I bumped into this one guy during the process.

"Hey watch it, buddy." He snapped as he turned around to face me. "Jane Randall?" He gulped.

"Uhh, Yeah. I’m so sorry about..." I began.

"Wow. Rumours are true. You really are so hot." He interrupted.

"How do you know me?"

"All the guys at Encore High know you." He responded as I shook my head.

"Yeah, look." He stated as he tapped a random person on the shoulder. "Sorry pal. But do you know this chick?" He asked this other guy indicating towards me while he spoke.

"N... Wait isn’t this Jane Randall? The hot 12th-grade chick?" He remarked. The first guy hit the second guy on the back and then belted, "Rumours are true!"

I turned back in the direction I came from and quickly hurried away.

OMW! That was so weird! I can’t believe rumours are going around about me! I scanned the crowd for Sebastian or Rocksyn but couldn't see any of them. I looked in the corner of the room and saw Freddy Rake.

Better not go that way. Freddy and I aren't exactly friendly towards each other. He totally hates me.

I walked over to one of the tables and grabbed a bottle of coke. It had this weird taste. I leaned back against the table and watched everyone dancing away. That's when I spotted Sebastian.

He was doing the sprinkler and then the disco move then the nay nay and all these weird dance moves I have never seen before. They didn't even go with the song, but he was dancing away and Rocksyn and a bunch of these other girls were all laughing at him, but he was enjoying the attention.

I decided to go join them even though I wasn't going to dance. While I tried once again to squeeze through the crowd the music changed into a couple’s slow dance. So, everyone paired up and I lost sight of Sebastian when a guy grabbed me from behind and pulled me into his arms.

"Freddy!" I exclaimed as he moved my body using his to the rhythm of the song.

"Hi, Jane. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for all those years I was such a jerk to you. Would you be able to forgive me?" He begged.

"Uhh... Sure thing Freddy."

"Awwh thanks, babe." He added as he leaned in to kiss me. I quickly moved my head to the side, so he kissed my cheek.

"What do you think you’re doing?" I asked as I pulled away from him.

"Don't be like this babe."

"I am NOT your babe!" I yelled.

"This guy bothering you?" Sebastian asked as he came to stand behind me.

"No, Freddy was just leaving," I stated as I turned around and pulled Sebastian with me. I've always wanted to say that.

I held Sebastian’s hand firmly in mine to make sure I didn't lose him. We went to stand in one of the corners of the club.

"You enjoying the party?" He inquired.

"It's okay. You?"

"Yes, it's okay. Best thing I've been too actually."

"Oh really?" I sarcastically said as I grabbed a beer from a guy who walked past, he didn’t mind and just carried on walking. I quickly downed it and turned to face Sebastian.

"Have you ever kissed a girl before?" I asked.

"Yes." He responded.

"How was it?"

"Bad. She was chewing bubble gum at the time."

"Shame." I laughed then added, "You wanna kiss someone now?"



"You." He replied as Ay Baby by Ms Cosmo started playing.

"I love this song! Let’s go dance." I remarked jumping up and down.


So, for the next three hours straight, Sebastian and I were on the dance floor. I broke about two bottles because of my dance moves. Rocksyn joined us while we fetched some beers.

"You wanna go outside?" She asked as I handed her hers. Rocksyn and I were so drunk, but Sebastian was so sober even though he had more to drink than us.

"Yeah." I nodded.

We walked out onto the beach. It a warm night and there were quite a few people outside too. I took my shoes off and put them next to Rocksyn’s under this bush type of thing, a shrub yes that's the word. Rocksyn and I ran into the water while Sebastian sat on the sand and watched us.

"Sebastian, come here," I called out to him.

"No, I'm fine." He shouted back.

We kept calling him and calling him, but he just kept objecting.

"Fine Rocksyn and I will just go deeper and deeper until you decide to come join us. Who knows what might be swimming around here at night?" I yelled back at him.

I started walking backwards and so did Rocksyn. I stepped onto a slippery rock and fell into the water. The water came up to my boobs and I just couldn't stop laughing. The drunk me wasn't afraid though. Sebastian then ran into the water to where we were and started helping me up. Rocksyn was laughing away.

Sebastian put his arms under me to pick me up, but I pulled on his shirt and he fell onto his knees in the water. He still had his shoes on! I also pulled Rocksyn into the water. We were all sopping wet. All three of us sat next to each other-still in the water- looking out to sea.

The water was so refreshing and relaxing that none of us said a word. I listened to the sound of the waves and the background noise coming from the club.

"Sebastian, when are you going to kiss Jane?" Rocksyn asked breaking the silence. I broke out into laughter and felt suddenly drained, so I lay back forgetting we were in the water.

My head was underwater so that I couldn't hear his answer. My eyes were closed, and I felt like I was dreaming. Sebastian quickly pulled me back into a sitting position and stood up. He helped Rocksyn up next and then both of them helped me up. Rocksyn and I could barely walk so Sebastian walked in between the two of us and held us by our waists for support.

We reached shore and a bunch of people walked over to us.

"Hey, buddy need a hand?" One of the guys asked Sebastian. The guy reached out and took Rocksyn, so Sebastian could hold me up.

"Women you know," Sebastian stated, and the guy started laughing. The group consisted of two girls and three guys. It was obvious two of the guys were with the girls.

"Here I'll hold her." Another guy offered. It was the same guy I bumped into earlier. He took me by the waist and held me very tightly. I would rather prefer it if it was Sebastian.

This guy turned me around to face him and kissed me. Like proper kissed me but with no tongue. All I tasted was alcohol and cigarettes. Sebastian pulled us apart and punched the guy that kissed me. I'm not sure what happened next cause I fell asleep on the sand

The next morning the stupid alarm on my phone woke me up. I was back in my apartment in my own bed in the same clothes from last night. Rocksyn was in bed next to me. I had such a headache from my hangover. I got out of bed and walked into the lounge; Sebastian was awake watching TV. I walked over to the couch and sat down next to him.

"Morning how’s your head?" He asked. I put my head on his shoulder and groaned. He laid back against the couch and put his arm around my shoulders.

He made me finish his coffee, which was extremely strong, and gently massaged my head. The headache vanished, and I felt more energetic.

"What happened last night?" I asked as I heard Rocksyn swear from the bedroom.

"Don't you rem..." Sebastian began but was cut off by Rocksyn.

"Shit! My parents are going to kill me. Where’s my phone?" She demanded searching around.

"Rocksyn calm down. Your parents phoned last night, and you told them you were going to stay over for the night." Sebastian calmly replied.

"Oh. Sorry about that I can't remember anything from last night. I'm going to shower, Jane you coming?"

"Yeah coming," I responded.

Rocksyn and I quickly got ready for school, gulped down a cup of coffee, grabbed our school bags and headed off towards school. Sebastian was tagging along.

Rocksyn and I headed off in different directions after collecting our books from our lockers.

"See you after school." I waved back at Sebastian as I walked into Biology.

"Bye Jane." I heard him say. The teachers kept questioning me about who he was, so I made up some story about him being my cousin. They believed it but they said he wasn't allowed to follow me around at school.

"Okay, class. I marked your tests from yesterday and only one pupil managed to get full marks, Jane." Mrs Golden announced after everyone was settled. I got up to go collect my paper from her when a bunch of guys started applauding. I swear I went bright red.

"Calm down now class, Sarah..." Mrs Golden continued calling out the rest of the names.


I had just sat down in the cafeteria for break. My table consisted of Rocksyn, Frey and a few other girls I don't feel like listing. The girls were gossiping about what happened to them last night while I was just sitting there moving the food on my plate from side to side, barely listening, when Jarrod walked over


In eighth grade, I didn't take nonsense from anyone, especially guys. It was my second week at Encore high and I was waiting in line to collect my pudding when this guy bumped me. He never apologized and was laughing with his friends about something.

"Where are your manners?" I patted him on the shoulder and demanded.

"Who's asking?" He asked rolling his eyes.

"Oh, he's blind as well."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." He stuttered.

"You better be, or...What’s your name?"

"Jarrod and yours darling?"

"It's Jane." I snapped and threw my carton of milk on him. Ever since that day, he has kept his distance until now


"Hi, Jane." Jarrod said nervously as he scratched his head, "Could I please talk to you in private for a while?"

I glanced over to Gale who was blushing and smiling at Jarrod. It was so obvious she had a crush on him.

"Sure thing," I replied focusing my attention back on Jarrod.

I stood up and we walked into the hallway.

"There's been something I've been wanting to ask you for a long time now, would you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Even though I've been such a bitch towards you?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"You look hot when you're cross so..."

"Sorry, Jarrod but I'm actually taken," I lied, "but I do know who you should ask out."

"Really who?" He chimed

"Gale, she really likes you."

"Wow. Cool thanks." He remarked as he pulled me into a hug, "You'll always be first on my list though."

"I'll keep that in mind." I smiled as he walked away


It was the end of the day and Rocksyn and I were at our lockers. I told her about what happened with Jarrod.

"So, who has you?" She asked picking up her bag.

"What do you mean?"

"You told Jarrod you were taken, by whom?"

"Oh that. I was lying."


"Oh, my word! Rocksyn guess who just asked me out." Gale screamed running towards us.

"Jarrod?" Rocksyn guessed. Player alert.


"Tell me everything!" Rocksyn demanded then turned to me, "Bye Jane."

I waved back at her then set off to find Sebastian.