
I couldn't find Sebastian anywhere, so I had to walk home alone.

I unlocked my door and walked in. Music was softly playing from the radio and there were cups on the coffee table. I took them to the kitchen and went to my room.

I walked in and found Sebastian fast asleep on the bed. Which I didn't even mind. He looked so peaceful, so I silently put my bag into my cupboard and closed the door behind me.

I watched TV for a while then decided to go visit my aunt.


"Lydia your niece is here for you." The security woman said into the intercom, "Will do."

She turned towards me and smiled, "You may go up."

"Thank you." I smiled back and headed towards the elevator.

Aunt Lydia's office was on the 5th floor. I knocked on her door then let myself in.

"Jane darling!" She shouted as she pulled me into her arms.

"Hey Aunt Lydia, how are you?" I laughed as we walked over to her desk and sat down.

"All good. How are you darling? And let me say your new wardrobe fits you perfectly!"

"I'm good and thank you."

"How's the apartment? Hasn't burn down yet I hope."

"No, no it's still standing." I laughed.

"How's school?"

"Great. I was the only one in my class to get full marks for Biology today."

"Anytime soon you'll be working right here next to me." She laughed as she handed me one of the chocolates from her jar, then added, "I just recently built an indoor pool and gaming area in the house."

"That's so cool Aunt Lydia!"

"You should invite some friends over and throw a party." She insisted.

"I'll think about it."

"I almost forgot to tell you; I'm going on a date tomorrow night."

"Sweet man. How did you guys meet?"

"We haven't. It's a blind date!"

"Aunt Lydia!" I shouted and playfully hit her arm.

"Enough about me. What's going on with you and the other gender?" She asked. I told her about the guys from the club and Jarrod but left Sebastian completely out of the subject. She wouldn't let me go home if she had to find out about a random guy hanging around me all the time.

After work, she took me out to dinner then dropped me off at home at about 7'o clock.

"Thank you for everything Aunt Lydia." I kissed her on the cheek then jumped out of the car. I waved goodbye as she drove away then headed for the door.

Before I could turn the handle, the door flew open, and Sebastian pulled me into his arms.

"I'm so glad you're alright." He whispered holding me tighter than letting go. "Where have you been?" He demanded putting his hands on my shoulders, "You weren't at school, you weren't with Rocksyn, your school bag isn't here, and you never left a message... I'm so sorry I fell asleep."

"You needed your rest; I was fine just went to visit my aunt for a bit." I smiled at his concern.

"I must look like such an idiot, we aren't even ... I'll go run you a bath, I think you need it." He stated then turned and headed off into the bathroom.

I was a bit weirded out for a moment. I locked the door behind me and went to boil the kettle.

"All done." Sebastian strolled into the kitchen looking pretty pleased with himself.

"Thanks, I've already eaten so if you're hungry you must feel free to make yourself something." I smiled as I walked past him and into the bathroom.

I gasped as I walked in, there were lit candles around the bath, a bottle of Fanta, my book, the bath was full of foam and smelt like passion fruit. I closed the door behind me, got undressed, slipped into the bath and felt a world full of pleasure...


An hour or so later I decided to get out. You know when you stay in water for a while you look like a prune? Well, I looked two times worse!

I stepped onto the mat next to the bath and screamed. There was an enormous brown, hairy, eight-legged spider sitting on the towel, watching me! It had a width of 8cm!

"What's going on?" Sebastian shouted as he stormed through the door holding my gun.

Yeah, I have a gun, you know just in case.

He caught a glimpse of me standing there naked and quickly turned his back to me. "Sorry... wrap your towel around you." He stated.

"I... I can't, it's on it!" I whined. I looked towards the spider and it started moving towards me! I screamed again and ran towards Sebastian. At this point, I was crying.

"What the hell..." He started but stiffened as he felt me behind him.

"Don't look." I remarked then added, "Give me your jacket."

He took off this brown leather jacket. "Don't look," I repeated as he held it up for me.

"I won't." He mumbled.

I quickly put his jacket on. "Okay," I informed him. He turned around to face me and smiled.

"Now would you tell me why you were screaming as if someone was murdering you?"

He looked in the direction I was pointing and laughed.

"It's just a rain spider." I gave him an evil look and he shut up. "Come here, little fella." He said while moving towards it.

It ran down the bath towards me once again. I screamed, ran through the door and jumped on the couch.

Sebastian scooped it up with a piece of paper and threw it outside.

"There, there, see it's gone." Sebastian smiled as he held out his hand for me to take.

I took his hand and stepped off the couch, "Sorry about that. I HATE spiders!"

"Seems like it's not only humans that want to see you naked." He smirked.

"Haha very funny," I remarked as I headed back into the bathroom...


I soon returned and sat next to Sebastian on the couch. "What's on?" I asked as Sebastian passed me the bowl of popcorn.

"I've never made this before hope it turns out alright."

"It's delicious thanks. Sorry about the whole spider scene."

Sebastian turned to face me and laughed, "If that's how you scream over a spider, I wonder how you are going to sound when you are being murdered...or worse..."

He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "When someone is about to kiss you." He started to kiss a trail up my neck almost reaching my lips. I chickened out.

"Oh, look at the time! Night." I quickly said and literally ran into my bedroom. He'll most probably let himself out, he's done it before.

About thirty minutes later I was still awake, lying in bed. I heard footsteps near my door and pretended to sleep.

Sebastian opened the door slightly and sighed, then closed it once again...


The next morning, I woke up at five. I walked into the lounge hoping to find Sebastian, but he was nowhere to be seen. He must still be at his hotel... that's another thing I don't know! If he even stays at a hotel... I slapped myself in the face.

Ouch. That actually hurt!

"Urgh!" I exclaimed. I went to shower next. Today I was planning on wearing something sexy in case Sebastian was still cross with me because of last night... let's hope I'm that hot.

I wore that black lace top that shows my bra (I wore a white bra) with short denim shorts and a pair of those sandals that you have to lace up to your knee.

And off I went...

At school

Like since the time I stepped into the school building all these creepy-ass weirdos were staring at me! No jokes and I swear when I was at my locker this one guy literally touched my ass!

Then this David guy asks me out! Of course, I said no, but still. Last year I started a food fight by throwing my spaghetti on him because he tried to trip over his one nerdy guy... eish.

I almost sprinted home after school because I had enough of all the guys. I couldn't wait to see Sebastian again.

"You'll never guess what happened today!" I cheered as I walk into my apartment.

Everything was exactly how I had left it; it looked like all the energy had drained out of the room. The curtains were still closed so the room felt cold.

Looks like Sebastian is really pissed...

So, this is how my week flew by, nothing interesting happened, and if something did, I don't think it's good enough to be written...




