Chapter 1 Life's A B*tch. (Edited)


She walks closer to the door as she overheard a conversation that's supposed to be confidential.

'Should I be listening right now?' The grown women ponders as her hazel eyes glanced through the cracks of the door.

The unknown figures looked suspicious, but curiosity will always kill the cat. She peered closer, as her hunger for information took over her body.

Her black rubber boots squeaked against the polished floor. She paid no mind to it.

The strangers stopped their talking as they abruptly looked towards the door.

Their cold stares made her spine crawl.

The women backed away from the door and dashed away.

She was scared.

She's always been scared.

She never took chances in life.

She ran through the hallway's as her black hair swayed through every motion.

She didn't look back.

She turned a corner through the dark highschool hallway and went into the Girl's bathroom locking herself in a cubical.

'What a stupid idea, I could've skipped the joint but I had to trap myself!' She bit her nails infuriated with her dumb self.

Her body quivered in fear as a cold sweat flowed down her back.

'HI and I'm in Crystal! Yes I'm not the "I know it all heroine" I'm actually a basic highschool teacher. If you did not see the previous scene....I'm in deep Sh*t.

Unfortunately through several events that led here, I...a pitiful bystander that just wanted a fricken raise has been suspected for attempted murder for a women I don't know!

Like dude I just wanted a raise so I could donate to the orphanage more! Leave me be! I was an orphan and the orphanage means alot to me so I sacrificed my dignity to get my lazy ass over to the highschool pleading the principle for a raise! But There's a flippen Dead body in my classroom.

How I don't know!

So I called the cops naturally! But guess what I'm suspected Cause it was MY classroom....

Grow the hell up!

Even a blind man can see I was framed!

So I naturally ran away from the scumbags and that led me to the following events you've seen already!

Why am I talking to myself...'

As Crystal was occupied by her thoughts a loud bang could be heard closely. It was the bathroom door.

Crystal was frozen in fear.

She sat down on the toilet seat as she placed her knees infront of body in a crouched position. Placing her face in between her legs, she shaked as the toilet seat started showing results of slight noises.

Taping could be heard outside the cubical doors to the far right of her. It was going to each cubical door, the taping never relented. But as she as it came next door she gulped.

It came closer until a shadow could be seen under her cubical door.

The taping stopped.

She was afraid and preferred the taping over dead silence.

They started tormenting her by slowly scratching the cubical door she occupied.

Tears filled her eyes.

She wished she never came to the Highschool!

She wished she never Decided to donate more money to the orphanage.

She wished she was braver.

She wished she lived her life without chains on her neck.

She wished so many things yet the will never come true now that she's in danger.

The scratching stopped as their footsteps began again.

She sighed in relief.

But She was soarly mistaken, She made her presence known. She looked down to the gap under the door and her skipped a beat.

It was a man looking directly at her in a bent down position.

She could clearly see his features.

His facial features looked distorted and unappealing to look at.

He smiled ear to ear like a Cheshire cat with his eyes bent into crescent's moons. Black eyebags under his so called eye's that shaped like slit's. A gruesome scene unfolded as blood ran down his cheek.

Crystal's heart skipped a beat.

Her faced paled at the sight of the nightmare inducing man.

She jumped in shock as the man got up and started kicking the door.

She slipped.

She fell face forward towards the door and the impact of the man's kick brought the door closer to get face as she got slapped face first. She bounced back at the impact but misfortune always liked playing with her.

Her body fell backward and smacked against the toilet seats corner. She fell towards the floor as her consciousness slowly slipped away from her.

The blood gushed out her head creating a pool under her.

The door finally broke down and the man looked down at her as his smiled grew wider.

The suspicious man laughed at her when he witnessed her embarrassing death.

A toilet seat killed her.

Great life's a b*tch.


She felt a heavy presences on her chest but it could be ignored with the massive headache she suddenly acquired.

'Wow I feel the weight of my burdens...such a sad scene for me.

Yea right!

I want to continue living Damnit!

I dont give a damn 10 sh*ts if I dont get reborned by a slim chance...but if I do whoever I see first will meet my fist and Fury!'

Crystal eyes were shut tight and took alot of energy just to open it but when she did something shined within her eye's and she stood up abruptly knocking her head against a solid object.

She fell back down where she previously lyed and grimaced in pain as she rubbed her forehead. Another attempt to see what's happening in front of her she open her eyes as she up from what seems like a bed. She looked on the floor and saw a women dressed in strange clothes.

'Is she a wait where even am I? Wait is that a knife shes holding!'

The women who looked back at her with terrified eyes had a maid costume on....kinda like those ones used in medieval times.

'And holy crap is that a real dagger....that could've ended my sad existence once more, and I wouldn't even know I had a 2nd life to begin with!'