Chapter 2 Step 1# Taking anger out on a Assassin. (Edited)

Crystal already came to the conclusion she had reborned, out of habit since she's read manhua's, mangas and novels of isekai especially.

She was that closet nerd that you didnt expect to do such deeds.

It wasn't anyone's fault noone found out, she was just that good at hiding it.

Crystal looked at her surroundings since it was dark but...oh boy she just went back in time.

The walls had intricate design's that looked like it was made out of...wait is that Gold!

The white paint had traces of lace which gave an elegant touch within it.

The flooring was marbled and shiny it made a peasent like Crystal dare not dirty it with her lowly feet.

A Royal blue fluffy carpet streched under the canopy bed as a Royal blue quilt riddled with gold lacing traveled through it.

Her eyes darted back to the maid women thing and narrowed her eyes.

She smirked evily, 'It seems I'm a noble by the room...and this maid woman assassin thing is terrified...That mean's...'

Crystal raised her fist and stradled the maids lap.

The maid women thing eyes widened in disbelief. Crystal slapped the Dagger out the maid's hand and pressed her against the floor by her wrist.

The moonlight overshadowed her face giving a devilish aura as she smirked.

She whispered in a sweet voice...that even she was surprised by such a delicate voice leaving her mouth, "What shall I do to a naughty child like you, mhm?"

The maid assassin thing started trembling under her grip. It did not last long as she tried swaying her arm in a attempt to hit Crystal, but of course she dodge this easily from the position she was in.

Crystal decided to counter the weak attempt of a smack with a fury of punches just as she promised herself.





1 smack after another..until the maid lost conscious.

'Pew that was a tiring but satisfying showdown...what!? I cant smack random people? Oh please shut up she deserved it...I nearly lost my poor maiden life!' Crystal gripped her heart dramatically at her thoughts but then froze...

'What do I look like and why's my voice so soft...Please dont tell me I reincarnated into a boy's body.'

A body length mirror stood near the window where Crystal spotted eariler by examining her surrounding's. She sprinted to the Mirror without hesitation and crossed her fingers in hope she's atleast got good looks.

"What? I'm one of those pathetic life forms that fawn over look's I bet you do to! Sh*t Im talking to myself again..."

As she shut her eyes tight she slowly opened them and her eyes widened like saucers.

"Who the hell is this Fairy! I think I'm turning into a pedophile!"

The girl that stood before Crystal was the epitome of beautiful! Her hair that Reflected the galaxy Above, and doe shaped eyes that resembled a deer. The Clear crystal purple eye's with wisdom buried deep within.

Full plump lip's with a tint of pink and a buttoned nose that looked adorable.

Infront of Crystal was a girl around the age of 4 to 5. A little girl...

"Yea right I'm stuck in a kid's body! No wonder my view felt strange!"

The child's skin was pale and she had a small frame, small hands, small feet and a small face. Everything about this kid was small!

Crystal looked to the left and wonder where she was but then a memory flashed in her head...Crystal Vonder Chester.

A child doted on by her parents...but she was too smart and arrogant for her own good.

A character from a novel precisely...Live Priscilla live!

The genre was Romance of course but it was a harem full of egotistical men. The story didn't sit well with me for several reasons...the Heroine was a white lotus b*tch in my eyes personally. She's way to innocent for me to comprehend and needs a wake up call like gosh!

Do you think that the food you're feeding on does not come with hard work?! In a society where I come from hard work is required so I cannot second the thought of the lazy life. Her ideals are weak and is practically a scam!

She always let her obsessed concubine's handle the work as well as clean up after her...I cringed so much while reading the novel that I nearly dropped it several times.

If she needs a dictionary I would borrow 1 that includes the word LIFE MORALS.

Tsk tsk anyway the story goes like this exactly.

Priscilla a illegitimate daughter from the marquis lived a rather luxuries life that a normal illegitimate would never dream to receive.

Of course this affected the legitimate daughter of the marquis as she ended up with the short end of the stick.

On the crown prince's selection for his fiance, he chose the Marquis house as he gained interests in such an innocent creature.

Many were attracted to her innocence as well as beauty, when I say many I meant its raining men.

Reasons why they were attracted? "In such a society where everyone wear's fake mask its refreshing to see such an innocent face... " blah blah blah.

Now you're wondering, "Oh mighty Crystal and what do you have to do with this Storyline?"

Excuse you b*tch I'm the flippen villainess Number 1 henchman and...might I say 1 of the Male leads sister! Have a heart.

Why has fate caught me in such a sticky bind.

Crystal Vonder're wondering oh~ so you're from a low born noble family?


Absolutely not.

Im from the Dukedom of Chester. Yes thats right and you're wondering isn't Villainesses supposed to be from Dukedom's?

Well my friend let me tell you something...our precious Villainess is actually the neighboring countries princess.

"Whoa Crystal such a fricken enlightening sentence!"

Yes now where's my Noble peace prize! I've been joining kingdom's in my sleep!

Crystal Vonder Chester is heavily dotted by her parents that is until the illegitment Son came banging down on the door. Well not literally The duke of Chester that was her father Reymand Vonder Chester, introduced him to Crystal and her Mother that ruled beside him, Amber Vonder Chester originally known from the Viscount House Peony.

They married out of love. Their love never faltered even when the illegitment son came in.

Obviously Crystal couldn't accept this new child roaming around her house...the attention she received halved as the son named Walter stole it.

She decided to fight back and that's when she decided to bully him. He eventually got fed up and blah blah blah what a clichè. Because she went dark and joined forces with the villainess and we know what happens with the next actions.

They died.

Thee END.