Chapter 4 #Step 3 Get a Sh*ty personality for free! (Edited)

'Ok so when I meant Swordsmenship I didn't actually think I would personally learn From father...its quite the experience...

Yea right!

Im having my ass handed to me and I get bruises everyday! Blisters appears on my poor maiden hand's. Ahh~ I, a gentle maiden shouldn't be handled roughly....Now tell them that!

I could have been eating in luxury and fancy dinning but no! They kept on preaching like that goddamn priest who keep's knocking on my door at 3am at night with the same line's everytime I complain, "Oh no deary you need to keep up with your diet, can't risk that training you put in," as they eat such fancy food infront of me while I got some abandoned carrot's on my plate that looks out of place!

They doing this deliberately to test my patience!

They're even giving me god damn lesson's that's meant for teenager's Goddamit!

I'm in a body of a 5 year old have some mercy...oh being in a body of a prodigy is such a curse.

Ohoho~ dont even get me started on etiquette...Kill me, that damn devil teacher sent from hell really likes slapping my calf's with that puny stick of her's.

And here I thought life here at the Duke's estate was easy going.

I can't blame anyone but myself I requested the class under the reason, "I just want to polish my skill's once more"

I highly doubt they believed it but they still granted my request.

I heard the Crown Prince banquet will be held in 3 months. You know all that sappy sh*t about true love...yeah its soon going down.

My newly soon-to-be aqquired brother will probably arrive within this month.

If you're wondering how long I've been in this world...its been 3 month's to exact.

I've only stayed in the mansion for my own interest. It"s pratically unsafe to go out in the world with no knowledge of the place. Its like asking to make mistake's on perhaps.

Within the time I was confined in the mansion I Quickly picked up on Swordsmenship as well as, the art of bow and arrow, horse back riding and stamina training.

They tried several time's to convince me into mana training but I rejected swiftly.

What's the use of mana training if I cant even use magic. But I was heavily incorrect after father taught me a few things about mana.

Training mana is like Mediating, not many do it because they rely magic and don't care for other factors.

Mana and Magic are 2 different things after I saw a clear example.

When using mana, it require's one to unlock their inner-self like Zen and that sh*t they say in Yoga class. So techinally you're being more open minded about your surrounding's etcetera, etcetera.

You can blend in with your surrounding's and be 1 with it. Mana is natural energy that nature and human's emit while Magic is a Bacteria that infest's on living thing's. Well that's making it sound scary but it's the best example I can come up with.

So techinally unlocking your mana is unlocking a 6th sense.

I just recently unlocked my mana...and boy oh boy do I feel like Sh*t. My senses are sharpened and I dont feel so good. To much noises and smell's! I feel nauseas.

Father said it will take some time to get use too so I should meditate more to get it more refined and use to it.'

Crystal sat on the cold floor as her eyes closed tightly shut in pain. Beads of sweat dripped down her tiny chin.

The cold room helped her concentrate better as it was located near the pantry. And was the idle place to train alone wear noone could find you.

Her eye's shot back opened and she gave a sigh in relief.

"Finally! I have become the ultimate goddess of 6th sense! I have mastered the technique Mana! Be proud my followers!" Crystal started posing to herself speaking with the air.

"I must sadly leave you my follower's for I shall report my progress to my Greek god of a father!" Crystal zoomed over to the ceiling door as she jumped pulling the rope which automatically made the trap door fly open.

Crystal jumped once more and arrived safely out of the pantry's basement.

"I have scored yet another Awesome point! Hahaha noone is as cool as I!"

Since crystal has arrived to the new world her personality changed along with her appearence. The reason being The original Crystal's personailty combined with her's making her a complete narcissist. Her orginal personailty was goofy kind hearted but Crystal Vonder Chester was a Natural b*tch without reservation and was always full of herself, but she had intelligence to back up her actions. The only positive trait Crystal Vonder Chester actually had, had to be how humble she was.

'As I said Crystal never used her wealth for her disposal and she never used her family name against people.

She never tainted her family name like that, the only thing I liked about her was this since she doesn't drag others into her mess.

Well I'm a different story! I always drag someone in my mess if I cant get out, so now that our personailties are combined I no longer do that crap.'

Crystal ran to the duke's study and heard a few "Good morning Young Lady." or " Young lady! Please do not run it's improper!"

As Crystal ran she smelt an unfamiliar scent within the mansion. Running with ease across the hallways as she wore a black pant's. She actually asked her mother to burn all her dresses as they were bothersome. Of course as the dotting mother she was, she grew worried over her daughter recent changes. As her dresses were burnt on request, she made 1 more request to fill her wardrobe with boys clothing her size. Of course her parents did this as they didn't want to catch the disappointment within their eye's.

Luckily Crystal assured her mother it's a growing faze all kid's go through, and her mother took the bait peacfully.

She took a turn as the smell grew stronger and bumped into something.

'OHHo Crystal you can't even detect an object within your path! Pathetic! You were bragging a few seconds ago about "Mana"!

'Shut up!

I can't sense things that suddenly appear out of nowhere I told you I just recently Awakened Mana!'

Crystal looked up and saw a boy taller than her overshadowing as he looked down on her.

"Hey you! Dont look down on me! Help this pure maiden up!" Crystal growled in defense of her purity.

The boy clicked his tongue and ignored her as he walked passed her.

"So that's the new smell within the mansion," Crystal said under her breathe but the boy could clearly hear her.

Crystal was not mad at the boy, after all she was quite rude. But of course she didn't mean to shout, it was probably a reflex the old Crystal Vonder Chester.

It happens from time to time when servants do thing's wrong, but of course Crystal apologize to them and explained with some fake excuse as they got more comfortable with her around.

Crystal finally arrived at the duke's study without breaking a sweat, the results of her efforts has finally bore fruit's.

Knocking on the door she heard a, "Come in Crystal." and chuckled at how sharp her fathers senses were.

She opened the door and heard a click as she turned the nob and soon a room full of papers and the smell of ink invaded her nostrils.

She smiled warmly at her father who lifted his head from the view of the papers he was signing.

"Father I have succeeded With my Mana training and finally honed it just enough not to feel nauseas!" Crystal bragged as her nose grew in pride.

Her father got up from his seat and walked over infront of Crystal. Her father as tall as he is made Crystal feel like a ant as she only reached his knee. He bent down enough to make eye contact with Crystal and he patted her head.

"Good job my Crystal, you're getting better than me." His clear soft voice was still deep and could attract any female deer insight or from afar.

Crystal got another Nosebleed...