Chapter 5 #Step 4 Aqquire a Diary To soothe My Depression! (Edited)

Crystal sat at the Dinner table looking at her Carrot's in despair while she gazed at her mother's luscious meat.

She drooled at it for some time, before her father decided to clear his throat.

Her gaze hesitantly left the meat as she looked up to her Father with pitiful eye's.

He avoided her eyes immediately in guilt.

Her mother looked at her father with a raised eyebrow as he avoided her gaze as well.

"Today we have a special permanent guest Crystal..." her father cleared his throat once more.

This intrigued Crystal's interests more, and her thoughts about food quickly vanished.

"And who might the guest be Father?" Crystal said as she cut her carrots and cabbage elegantly.

'Score! I look like a badass about now dont I!

Watch me eat the...carrots...dang it, I still cant erase the shame of eating carrots with a fork and knife!

Who Does this Crap please answer me!'

Crystal cried internally of shame.

Her father was hesitant but then said, "Come in Walter you may enter"

Crystal placed the carrot in her mouth as the name Walter ringed within her ear.



'Walter you dumb B*tch get your act together, 1 of the male leads is hijacking the area!' Crystals self conscious finally screamed at her and she spat out the carrot piece out.

Flying at high speed's it traveled toward's the dinning hall's walls and bounced right back at her smacking against her head, letting the momentum take her as her chair fell to the back resulting her to fall as well.


Sh*t wasn't prepared for this.

Crystal stood up from the fallen chair as she rubbed her forehead that ached a little. She looked over to the door as she saw the 1 and only Walter, the second male lead.

Crystal's mother got up in surprise by her daughter's sudden action's and speed walked to her side.

"Deary is there something wrong? Are you ok?!" Crystal's Mother's face was on the brink of tearing up. She rubbed Crystal's forehead to reassure her baby girl.

'Yes there is something wrong!' Crystal chocked on her saliva for the words to not escape her mouth.

'I Haven't gotten enough protein in weeks! How is there nothing wrong! Im rotting like a carcase with that damned Cabbage and Carrots! This should be Imperial law, No it should be illegal!'

Crystal distracted her thought's away from thinking about the storyline...she knew the second male lead had unique magic.

It was specialized to read mind's especially.

All protagonist or co-protagonist are op and all the mob characters had to feed on the remainders.

Crystal's father eyes were widened the entire time, he suddenly snapped out of his stupor and asked worriedly if she was ok.

Crystal took advantage of their worry and made the famous puppy eye attack "Mother, Father I'm not gaining any muscle or protein by just eating vegetable's...please Im begging you."

She gripped on her father's pants in desperation

Their heart's melted...almost, they averted their eye's away in guilt.

Why must their baby girl develop muscle! They still want their squishy and adorable baby girl!

Her father decided to change the topic and move his view to Walter who was waiting silently by the door all this time.

"Crystal meet your new brother Walter will be living with us permanently..." he moved his gaze back to Crystal afraid of how she'll take the new's.

Crystal had a nonchalant expression. As she gazed at Walter she lifted her hand up for a handshake. Not focusing on his appearance at all.

He had a confused look on his face but then understood as he connected their hands and shaked it.

Crystal smiled and said "Good evening Walter how should I address you?"

"Walter is just fine," he spoke curtly.

'Beef, Turkey, Sponge cake hell even pudding...I'd kill for that right now...mhm maybe I should run away from the estate for a while and get some food im secret.' Crystal chuckled secretly.

Walter was shaking, and Crystal knew why resulting a grin to appear on her nonchalant face and he stopped abruptly.

They let go of eachother's hand's and Crystal turned to her Mother and Father as she kissed both of their cheek's and skipped out of the room happily. They all watched her back and her father sighed.

Crystal skipped in the hallway as she whispered under her breathe "Cerberus"

Someone appeared from the shadow's 3 heads taller than Crystal.

"Yes my lady" a boy voice spoke on the edge of maturity.

She countiued skipping but began speaking, "Bring me the latest cake at the Misha salon, Im pretty sure it's available today. We could share once you have obtained it," Crystal threw a bag of coins at him and he caught it naturally.

"Oh go to the blacksmith and asked if these sketches are doable with his skill as a weapon we will personally bring the material's in a few months or year's. But make a few wooden prototypes." She added as she handed a piece of paper toward's Cerberus.

"Do as you wish with the change," she finally looked back and smiled from ear to ear.

"As you wish my lady," the voice once again said in a mono-tone.

Crystal finally arrived at her room and breathed out a sigh. She opened the door and ran to her bed as she plopped down. Crystal looked over to her left and rolled over by the edge. She peeked under her canopy bed and saw a small chest with a lock on it, she swiftly grabbed it and took a key out of her breast pocket unlocking the jewl engraved box.

As she heard a click her eyes shined as a book was revealed. A titel stood in bold letters "It's a Diary you Idiot"

As she flipped over the page's a few titles caught her eye's "Get a life idiot" or "Intense training from The Greek god Of hell" she chuckled at the book...

Personally she hated Diaries but soon she learnt that Crystal Vonder Chester was keeping 1 and it would eventually be discovered by someone. And naturally all her dirty secret's were set into light.

Crystal is going to do the same but of course the bored women she is, will play her own mind game's with them not letting them ever take control.

This is why she hate Diaries it's like asking to be exposed. Hanging all you're dirty laundry infront of people saying "Buy 1 get 1 free" yeah no sh*t, women are such air heads here.

Crystal grumbled as she took a pen out of her jacket's breast pocket and started writing like the wind pouring all the hot water on the blank page's.

Crystal's stomach Grumbled out of hunger screaming, "Feed me you vegetarian B*tch!"

'They're Starving me within the estate I tell you! It's child abuse damn it.' Crystal inwardly screamed back at her stomach.

Crystal was a natural foodie she loved food within all shapes and sizes.

Once Crystal poured all of her plastic fake heart onto the page's of the new diary entry she stood up to make her journey to the kitchen.

It's a dangerous journey...everyone is a spy of her father's, she made a grave error last time walking in there with no defense...but now she's prepared.