Chapter 8 #Step 6 Solve the mysterious of the Chester House. (Unedited)

Staring intently towards her mother, Crystal decided it was about time she discovered what her family was hiding.

Why did mother accept a illegitimate child so readily? And why did Father sleep with another women, when his deeply in love with Mother!?

How did her father know that she did not have an affinity with magic.

Why does Walter dislike Crystal so much, just at their first meeting?

Why is her family getting distant?

And lastly...Why was Crystal abandoned?

"Abandoned you Say? How could that possibly be true!?"

Well from my keen observation on the novel, Crystal was indeed abandoned. Her family took no action whatsoever to stop her from turning evil. They just stood there watching their daughter turn into a lunatic.

Now the question at hand is, how does dotting parent's watch their daughter tear herself apart? The love that I experienced first hand, makes me feel guilty for the assumption's I'm making.

Something also intrigued me last night, before I left the kitchen I heard father mutter something rather confusing.

"Get stronger..."

Why should Crystal get stronger, is there someone after her? Is there a danger threatening her?

And why was the novel named "Live Priscilla Live"? There was just a drug addict heroine trying to unintentionally blow up the empire. Why live?

Were they referring to her harem of blind dogs, that followed her every where? Or where they reffering to her family. Or maybe the Vonder Chester's...

Crystal felt her head overheating and grabbed a biscuit from the table. Her mother sipped her tea with elegance as they sat in the rose garden.

"Mother, may I ask you a question?" Crystal nibbled on her biscuit.

Her mother invited her for tea, 3 days after Walter's arrival. In Crystal's personal perspective her mother was the epitome of elegance, but she has her moments where she acted like a kid.

But what confused Crystal is how The Original Crystal portrayed her mother. A weak stiff women, that got easily bullied. How blind was Crystal that she portrayed this strict and elegant women to be weak.

Her mother's eyes widened but then she smiled gently and said with a surgery sweet voice, "Yes deary," her black hair swayed as she cocked her head.

'Kyaaaa~ so adorable! No wonder father fell in love~'

Crystal cleared her throat and immediately put her sullen mask on, "Mother why am I not like other kid's..." Crystal purposely dragged out her question to make her mother confused.

Amber's face was confused but she gradually sipped her tea to reply back, "I don't know deary, you have to explain you problems better than that vague sentence."

"Why don't I have magic while other kids do?" Crystal started to act childish as she faked her tears.

Amber choked on her tea as her eyes widened in shock. Her hands trembled as her pupils shaked continously.

'Bingo, both of them knew I had no magic. But why hide that fact...' Crystal narrowed her eye's.

'I'm starting to think there's a whole lot of stuff going on behind the scenes, than they show in the novel...' Crystal sipped her orange juice as Amber regained her composure.

"There's a story I wanted to tell you, it's a family story that get's passed generation to generation into the Chester family," Amber crossed her legs and looked into Crystal's eye's.

"It seems your time has come, now listen carefully deary," Amber then placed herself into a comfortable postion and chanted a sound barrier around them, preventing any ease dropping to occur.

This "story" piqued Crystal's interest, she then started to listen Intently. Why? Because the original Crystal was never told such a story.

"The Vonder Chester's is an independent House, this prevented the emperor to invade the territory for multiple reasons," Amber sipped her tea with elegance once again.

'Is this a flippen history lesson? Mother your rather bad at telling stories!' Crystal slapped her forehead in annoyance inwardly.

"As legends proclaim within the Chester book, we Chester's has always prided ourselves in the Goddess of the universe that Blessed us with an abundance of power and wealth," Amber paused as she poured herself another cup of tea, "Of course it's a folktale, but some believed it's true. Disregarding the fact that it might be fake, we still put our faith on such an unstable folktale. Do you know why?"

Crystal froze and wondered, 'Why does mother know the folktale then?' but threw away the thought when she replied with a 'Uhm'.

Amber chuckled and proceeded "Reasons being that the Chester's are shackled within their own home. The goddess might or might've not cursed the Chester's."

Crystal widened her eye's. Why would the goddess curse the Chester's? And why were they so uncertain.

'But this is a story isn't it? Why does it sound like a history lesson tho?!'

"Such refined Beauty, would make any human crave for it." Amber's eye's dimmed.

"The goddess was angry at a bitter betrayel she received. The reason of betrayel lies unknown, as the Chester's reasoning fell on deaf ears."

Crystal couldn't understand her mother, she went about the story in a roundabout manner. Telling this to a normal kid would've made them brain dead about now.

A goddess!?


A curse!?


This melted Crystal's brain, and here she thought she might've gotten to the bottom of things, but she just opened a new scab. Her Mother hummed as she finished her 3rd cup of tea. She then tidied her crinkled dress and got up.

"I hope you found the answer you were looking for deary~" Her mother said in a provoking tone giving a slight smile as she skipped away.

The sound barrier eventually disappeared, but then Crystal gave off a shriek of frustration.

'Oh please! I did not get any answers! Jut more questions!' Crystal messed her head in frustration as she chomped down on the remaining biscuit's.

What are they hiding!

Crystal gazed into the garden full of helplessness as her eyes wondered off to the forest in the far end of her view.

Crystal mumbled under her breathe "If I'm not getting answers my way... I might as well go the hard way," Crystal smiled viscously.

"Cerberus," Crystal laid back in her chair as she nibbled on a biscuit.

"Yes my lady," The boy that was 2 heads taller than Crystal appeared behind her.

He had a black suit adorned with silver trimmings at the edges. Silver studs in his left, matched his silver eye's. In comparison to his name he looked blind.

But of course his hair did him justice, his murky blue hair slowly faded into black and his white skin complextions looked that of a dead person. Losing his baby fat and his body that slowly built up muscle, nearly made him enough to mistaken him as an adult.

"Go to the Information guild, you heard the story, find me the answer to my question. I'll give you extra life essences," Crystal tossed him 5 cold coins.

He replied in a mono-tone that hinted with a bit of excitement "Of course my lady."

He then disappeared in the shadow of Crystal, waiting for the shadows to engulf him.

"Tsk kid's they grow up so quick..." murmured Crystal.