Chapter 9 #Step 7 If not the Easy way, you can Slave at trying the Hard way! (Unedited)

Multiple thumps and thuds drowned in the sea of commotion. The sound of old furniture breaking was oddly pleasing to Crystal's ears.

That is until a chair came flying straight to Crystal's Direction. Crystal leaned to the left dodging the speeding chair and sipped her milk casually.

'Ok, so I might've not known that some subjects cannot be spoken in public...but this just takes the cake!' Crystal felt the veins beginning to to buldge on her forehead.

Her grip on the wooden cup tightened, '!' Crystal downed the last of the milk and looked around the Room.

She currently sat at the bar of the Information guild, well she did sit at the bar of the information guild, until it turned into a battle Feild.

'You all probably want a explanation or re-cap, well here's one! I misjudged how fragile the Chester's Information was...and now I have a room full of crybabies slapping eachother, FORCEFULLY arguing who is in the right. Man this is a headache, I knew this wasn't going to be easy, but Mother and Father is making this harder.' Crystal pinched her nose bridge and walked out the entrance of the Information guild, dodging all possible debris.

'And here's the re-cap...'

1 hour before the information guild incident, Crystal planned to sneak out the estate secretly. Cerberus hasn't returned from his errand, and Crystal was getting impatient. She also wanted to see the outside world without any knights.

A lot of gossip has been circulating about the Male Lead's in the estate, but none of them accurate.

'Hey don't blame My memory! I'm not some natural born Genuis! I didn't inherit any remarkable abilities from Crystal, except her stinking personality, good reflexes and minimal of her actual genuis brain. It's the person that makes the smart's...not the body,' Crystal sighed as she wrapped a black cloak around her body, then flipped the hood on.

She opened her balcony door and stood at the terrace. She climbed the stone railings and firmly grasped at it to balance her small body. Crystal looked down and gulped as she remembered she was on the 4th floor, much more higher than the kitchen on the 1st floor.

But fret not Crystal will climb any obstacle that obstructs her path. Now the only thing is to get down safely while avoiding guards, without looking suspicious...

'Can I go back to sleep?' Crystal's pupils shaked at all the multi-tasking she had before her.

Crystal patted her chest and sucked the air in through her nostrils, calming her self before the flame of determination flamed back in her eye's.

'No, this is for my survival. Noone is going to help me find answers. I need to get them myself and solve them myself. I can't trust anyone.'

Crystal then looked opposite her balcony, and her eyes landed on a tree that reached the 5th floor. A few branches were close by. They looked thick and sturdy, just enough to handle Crystal's weight.

Crystal's eyes brightened considerably at the new opening she got, she reached out her hand to a branch stretching out to the maximum, and finally had her finger tips touched them. Taking this as an advantage, she groped the branch immediately and let the other hand follow in tow.

She flung her body towards the branch and she manage to get her body to hang on it. But sadly Crystal glanced down and saw she was 35 meters above ground level. She started sweating beads as a lump appeared in her throat.

Crystal's hands started sweating, and her grip loosed from the branch, her eyes darted towards the branch and gripped the branch tightly. Crystal calmed herself once again, and started swinging her body like a monkey exchanging her hands to move forward towards the trunk of the tree.

Once she arrived she scanned the large lawn, Crystal unconsciously gulped and felt her eye's tear up.

"What the f*ck! This is bigger than 3 sports field's! I find this unnecessarily large!" Crystal then covered her mouth and looked around too see if anyone noticed her scream.

She sighed in relief and patted her chest to calm herself once again and glossed over the ginormous lawn, 'This is not a lawn, it's a flippen gigantic sports stadium! Hell, I can't even see the end too it!' Crystal gritted her teeth and started her long streak of suffering start.

'Hi Crystal's not available, so I'll be telling you the basics of the Empire to make you less confuse over future event's!

There are 3 factions within the Kingdom, the Neutral, the Arcadian's and the Stargarian's. The Neutral naturally stays out of the Empire's affairs, and stays out of political matters as much as possible. The Arcadian's are those who supports the crown and will be backed by the crown if matters come to worse.

Stargarian's on the other hand opposes the crown, they do this act if they know the filfthy workings that the Empire hides. Or which others would do for their own gain, to become the Emperor or Empress themselves. Most of the Stargarian's are greedy leeches, and is very rare for a Stargarian to be doing these deeds for the good of the kingdom.

1 example of a Stargarian is the Vonder Chester's. It is unknown what problem's they seek with the Empire. It certainly isn't wealth, since they're practically drowning within in. It has to be past conflicts that drove them to this wedge.

Unfortunately due to the immense wealth and power the Vonder Chester's has, the Empire can't do sh*t to them. Like the OP characters in Manga who you can't kill, for uncultured people's example, annoying cockroaches that you can't kill with Raid. You need a sturdy Iron shoe to eradicate them, but no it's still alive and slipped through your fingers, running its mary way back to it's home.

Yes indeed annoying, and now take that example and involve it into a flying cockroach, that's way too fast for you to catch, and flaunts around you face.

Very annoying. The Empire's probably going to start a war soon if the Vonder Chester's make 1 wrong move.

And exactly who did that wrong move? Of course our beautiful villainess sidekick, Crystal Vonder Chester! A peace treaty agreement has been signed between the royal family and the Vonder Chester's several generations ago, when the Empire was first established. After all those years, Crystal Vonder Chester led the Chester Dukedom to their demise

The heroine house Marquis Reeder-seed was apart of the neutral faction, of course before a Flamboyant Prince came along and charmed the drug addict. And like the disease she was, she forced her father to become a Arcadian. When I read about the Prince for the first time, I honestly thought he was homosexual for a second.

His flashy entrances, his arrogant and stingy attitude along with his feminine personality, made alot of people assume he was gay. Not to mention the men suitors...'

Crystal narrowed her eye's as she stood infront of the intimidating gate. Hound faces carved within the steel with their ruby red eye's, as their vicious fangs warned those who dare intrude-

"Wait a damn second," Crystal has finally figured out something really strange. She looked back and forth frantically and gritted her teeth.

"How the f*ck is this place so secure, that I'm literally jumping over the fence!? They're toying with me! The audacity of these B*tches!" Crystal stomped her foot multiple times as her anger rose like hit malton.

"They f*cken knew I'm sneaking out! Am I a joke to them!" Crystal stomped her way to the ginormous silver gate and murmed curses under her breathe, "It's quite simple to figure out they're watching me honestly! How has the Emperor not evaded the Duke's territory if the security is this weak! I would've been chopped clean the moment I went out the window!"