New friend

[Erza's pov] We talked about many things while doing our breakfast. We both loved anime , I was happy that I could share my interest with someone. We both finished our breakfast and went to our classes. We sat next each to other during lectures.

From that day, for almost every lecture, we sat next to each other. I started to enjoy joy's company. Being with him was fun. Well as for professor, he was absent for a week due to some personal reasons. I was somehow worried for professor, I don't know why? For the first time I hoped that he could return soon.

Joy was not only into animes but he was also very much into his studies. He was smart and also very kind. He helped me and cleared my doubts. I was very thankful for him to being with me, honestly I was very lonely, I just attended lectures and straight went to home. There was no fun at all. Other than Lucy, I didn't have any friends, so I was happy that I could spent my time with someone sharing same interest.

Finally we got the news, that professor will now be taking lecture, I was happy that I would be able to see him as I wanted to ask him, how is my little cat doing? Is she eating her food ? there were many questions I wanted to ask him.

It was the last lecture of the day now , as usual me and joy were sitting next to each other. " Finally today is professor's lecture, I was waiting for him to come , I have may doubts to ask him him", joy enthusiastically said. " Yeah yeah my friend, you only think about your studies!", I teased joy. As we were having our conversation, professor entered the class and after we saw him we stopped talking.

[Writer's pov] Professor started his lecture. "Ok so copy this notes, it will be useful for your exams", professor said. As all students were copying the notes, professor noticed erza, she was sitting in last row. For his surprise he noticed a boy with her, as far he have never seen a boy with her. He also saw that she was having fun with that boy, he somehow started to feel uneasy. While he was teaching, he saw both of them discussing something, so he went to the last row to check on them.