
[Erza's pov] As I was copying the notes, I suddenly sensed the presence, someone was looking into my notebook. So I tried to see that person and guess what it was professor, he was looking into my notebook. I was surprised for a second, what is he doing here, is he here to check me whether I am sincerely studying or not?, anyways I decided to greet him, "Hello sir". He instantly replied " Hello miss erza". "Sir is there any problem in my notes?". "No...not at all, I was just checking", he said. "Ok sir, si...r!!", I stopped him as he was going back. "Yes miss erza., he turned back. " Sir are you free after the class? I want to ask you something", I hesitantly said. "Yes, I am free, you can come in the staffroom afterwards", and he walked away.

Soon the lecture ended, I quickly started to pack things. " What's the rush?", joy asked me. "Oh I have something to do, you can go further without me", I hurriedly said to joy and rushed to the staffroom. I reached the staffroom, I opened the door and started to search professor. He was sitting alone in the staffroom, no other teachers were present at that moment. I started walking towards him, he was wearing his glasses, I swear he was looking like an ancient scholar who was immersed in a deep thought, inshort he was looking very handsome. I approached him," sir...r!".

He immediately looked at me astonishingly, I guess I broke his thoughts. He then in his soft voice spoked, "Yes miss erza, what you wanted to ask me?". I was always surprised by the way he speaks, how he addresses me, like I was a lady of a big household, "Sir I wanted to ask you about small cat, how is she doing?", I asked. " Yes she is doing well, I have even taken her to veterinary, they examined her, and the results were good and she also enjoys her cat food", he assured me. "Thankyou very much sir for taking care of her, I am assured now and I am very happy for the cat as she got a owner like you!", I said and excused myself and started to head back. He stopped me by grabbing my wrist and said," Wait miss erza! don't you want to see the cat? you can come home with me and see how's the cat doing with your own eyes".

I was surprised by his actions, I couldn't think of anything else and with very low voice I said "As you wish sir". He said we could drove to his house by car and took me to his car which was parked at the campus parking lot.