Desperate Decamp

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These streets were silent generally but it's different tonight. Some shady people infiltrated in there. They had a malevolence aura and they were after a small group. They caught the fugitives and a battle has been started.

The residents of the city could not intervene. They even could not see them. The thing is they couldn't do anything even they knew the event. Because the intruders don't belong to their world and they have unique abilities that do not exist in this world. They took caution with these abilities to block any interference.

Pursuers and fugitives made contact. Both groups stopped for a moment because the way's been blocked by one of them. Label. He was one of the fugitives.

The pursuers were 7 people, their leader's Captain Heytu. He's a wise commander in his Mekrapia ( word equals to in their world). He's a strong-muscular body, 188 cm, and 92 kg. He has long-wavy-light blue hairs.

He was on the front. The other six pursuers have positioned at the back of him and they were ready for the attack. They're in advantage but they did not bear it. Because two deserters escaped. Now it's a 7 vs 1 battle.

"Why are you doing this Label?" Heytu says. "You were the most trustworthy soldier in my team. I do not want to do this. Please open the way."

Label wiped half of the blood on his lips. "Sorry capt... I'm loyal you still, I never betrayed your belief on me. But Jom sucks. I can not sacrifice my Eftandes ( means in their world) due to stinky lies of Jom Merks." ( word means in their world)

Label's a tiny young guy. He has short-gray hairs and he always wears hooded gray clothes. His family was killed by the unknown attackers ten years ago and he was blinded there also. He was saved by Heytu and got raised by him. Heytu trained him as a chain user. Label's hearing ability was improved because of his blindness and this improvement assisted him in using his chains.

Label blocked the narrow street with his tall chains and stopped Heytu's team. He gave enough time to escape the other two fugitives. But the current state was not good for him.

His chain-based weapon has twenty meters and it's monoblock. There're eight hooks on the chains. He always stabs them to the solid surfaces but he did not have enough time to analyze the street at the moment. He chose to use it another way by forcibly.

He aired the chains thoughtlessly to the street, stabbed six of them to the edge walls, and two of them on his own body. He sat to the surface, stabbed one of them on his right leg, and the second one to the palm of his left arm. He clutched the second one with both hands and pushed it with his all of his strength. This was his last action. He locked the street way. He's sturdy for giving the maximum delay to the pursuer group so he chose to die.

"Label," says Heytu. "You chose her. You know that it's very painful for me to kill you and she is not an Eftandes anymore. You killed your unit, our comrades, and escaped with her. Why she's more important to you than me? You're my son." Label could hear the pain in the Heytu's volume. They were like father and son.

"It was not a betrayal capt. You also should know this; I would kill that traito..."

Label's been beheaded. Chains fall to the ground within many metallics sounds... The streetway has opened.

Heytu was in shock. He's aware of his mission and he wanted to give him a proper death, but the last words of him were shocking, he should listen to the story. Beheading's also a big problem. This penalty is the type for the only treachery in his world. Heytu did not even unsheathe his Relic Sword too. He put a gloomy-looking to Naruj. "You disobedient rat!" he told.

Naruj has a wicked aura on Heytu's sight. Naruj and Akjan were not the members of Heytu's team. Mekrapia officers sent them to assist Heytu's team for this pursuit. It's also clear they put them as spies. Higher-ups sure Heytu's loyalty to Jom Mekrapia but it was needed too. It's an arresting or killing operation for a royal member of Jom, it's a very important mission.

Naruj put his double swords to their's sheathes. "Sorry Heytu but our priority is not him now. First, I'm not one of your lackeys, I'm here for only assisting. Second, his main aim was the delaying and you did not have enough courage to handle it!"

Many metallic sounds have been heard. Jelem, Yacbe, Taran, and Jolacum unsealed their weapons to attack this filthy man for humiliating their Captain, also for beheading their comrades. They knew that they might kill Label but beheading was much.

They should wait for Captain's reaction. They couldn't. Akjan took his knives against them to assist his friend-Naruj.

"STOP!!" Heytu shouts. "Let's finish the operation first. We should clear the area and go after them! Jelem, eradicate Label's body." Heytu began the cleaning operation.

Jelem did not respond, move or drop her eyes from Naruj.

"Do it Jelem!"

Jelem stood at attention. She closed her beautiful blue eyes. All acquaintances of Jelem always admire her prettiness. Her yellow hairs almost on her thigh. Her eyes have a very unique tone of blue, they're almost transparent. And with her perfect body, she shines like a goddess.

She took a deep breath, opened her eyes. Her pupils of eyes have been rotated vertically to the top and lost under her eyelids. Crimson veins have been filled in her eye gaps. Her aura oppositely changed from a goddess to an ancient fallen angel. The atmosphere has been massive around her. She lifted her left arm to Label's body. It's started to reek. His skin's been melted synchronously to his blood's flowing to the ground, his bones been turned to liquid. And they've been completely disappeared within 3 seconds. She closed her eyes again, waited for 2 seconds, opened again and her pupils have been returned to normal positions from the upper side to the center again. The massive aura has vanished too.

There's a phenomenon in their world. Some people have unique abilities as Jelem. Her ability is an unbelievable visual for the current world's natives. This phenomenon has existed in their world for a maximum of ten years. Fewer people were blessed with these abilities too.

Nobody knew the algorithm. Why they are the ones who have it? Is it biological stuff? Are these abilities related to some cults? None of the Mekrapias could solve these. Having the ability is completely random for them.

There was only one thing they know. Some deformations occur on their body when they used their abilities. That's why observing an active ability user may not be a good scene for many people. Some ability users show their abilities in the public. Some of them keep it secret...

Jom Mekrapia is so kind to ability users but society did not completely accept this new occurrence. Some cults have malevolence to these gifted people but ability users are under the protection of Jom Mekrapia. When a new ability user appeared, Jom sends them an invitation for attending their army. Jom also sends them enforcement if they need help even they do not join the army. That's why cults do not take any action in public.

"Taran; release us." Heytu gave the second command.

Taran took a deep breath too. A short clink has been heard. The transparent hemisphere which covered them before the battle has vanished. Taran can stop the time 50 square meters area around him. When he activated it, this hemisphere appears around him and nobody can see inside of the sphere in the meantime. The people inside it can get their action for a maximum of ten minutes. Nobody can get in or get out without Taran's permission, it's a very powerful ability. When the time finishes or he expels it, the hemisphere disappears and they continue their life as there was no delay. Ten minutes inside of the sphere equal to one second for real-time. Taran's deformation occurs on his skin under his clothes so nobody saw it. He calls his ability by

"Jacbe!". This was Heytu's third order.

Jacbe released her ability by targeting the team. Her ability is a very advantageous type for this mission. This skill can shade partial objects. They came from another world. They did not know anything about this new world so Heytu took all precautions. The clothes and weapons were the first degrees. When they came to this new world, they observed people in the shadows, got similar clothes with them, and shade their clothes and weapons by Jacbe's ability. And they do the same now. Nosebleeds and blood-spitting started. Her deformation is this. The amount of blood's not much.

Jelem, Taran, and Jacbe are the only people who have abilities in the pursuit team. Heytu even does not have any ability.

They should go on pursuit again.

Both sides wanted to solve this conflict but they're aware of their mission. So they postponed their fight. Both sides knew they will finish it later, Heytu also knew their intentions. But it's not important for him because he's sure that he'll be the one who beheads Naruj.

He started to move after the fugitives. The others too...