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Many people prefer this shopping mall's square in this season of the year. The weather's too hot and the square's an open space area in here. Many coffee shops were on each side of the main road and gigantic umbrellas have been placed to cloud customers and guests. Some people were sitting on the floor who did not find a vacant seat.
Dozens of people were walking in the main hall of the square but 2 people were striking. They're walking by only looking to the floor. They're also aware of the gazing of the people around them. These two people's only intentions are being out of sight but it's not possible because of especially the tall one's prettiness.
These two ladies walk on their way by babbling. The thing is; the short one talks mostly. She's 22 years old, 165 cm, wears a yellow dress. The skirt part of her dress's long. The color of her hair's scarlet tone of red. She has brown eyes and thick eyebrows.
"How long will we walk here aimlessly Ysueri-Efta, it's very boring. Where the fuck's it?" Yjum says.
"..." Ysueri did not answer
"My beloved Ysueri-Efta?" she repeats.
"I told you this a million times, call me by Nerei, only Nerei, do not add anything."
"And I told you a million times too my beloved one, I'll never do that"
"Keep your voice down Yjum, why are you doing this. You're talking without breathing. We'll search this area until observing any signal. How can I know that, we know nothing about here, we know nothing why we're here, we know nothing about these people, we even don't know their language. That's why we should be silent. Everything happened very quickly. That thing told us "go and find your purple answer".I even don't know what's this "purple answer" too. A light? a weapon? a person? What kind of assist is this? We came here because this is the most colorful place in this world until now. A purple shop may be our answer in my opinion but I'm not sure. If nothing happens within 20 minutes we'll get in that shop and try our chance" by showing her finger the coffee shop at the right end of the hall.
"Ok, my lady. It's worth a try." says Yjum by lack of satisfaction.
The tall one's name's Nerei Ysueri. She's 28 years old. She has very long scarlet red hair. This's a very unusual scene for the other people in there. She's 190 cm, has a very fit body. She wears a blue shirt and black pants. Her hairs were tied on her waist. But these were not the most unusual details. Her eyes were yellow. They're probably lenses but it's an amazing scene with the color and length of her hair.
"Last question my lady..." Yjum breaths deeply. "Label?"
"Yes, Yjum. He probably died. He helped us and sacrificed himself. He never fights against his commander by killing intent and Heytu is one of the most loyal commanders to the Mekrapia. He doesn't have any ability also he's strong enough to kill many gifted ones. Heytu probably added some gifted ones to his team too. And I hope Naruj is not with them like we heard. If it's true we do not have any chance."
"I'll never allow them to touch you, my Lady." Yjum says. Her eyes fulled by the grudge. She's the most loyal person to Nerei. She easily gives her life for her. They have a very long story. She also tried to stop Heytu's team but Label did not allow her. He told her she's more important to Nerei than him because she's not blind. It was painful for both of them but it's true. They were on the same side for a very limited time but she did not lose hope for him. Although she knows that the chance is very slim.
A man appeared on Nerei's way. Yjum reacted quickly but Nerei held Yjum's arm. "Relax little friend." the man said. "I want to say a lovely hello to your siste..." The man was talking but they did not understand anything. This world's language is completely unknown to them. When they came to this world, they got many troubles on this point. Their clothes have belonged to another world so; many of this world's people treated them unpleasant. They did not understand earthlings' speeches but the situation was clear from the looks. The situation was not good.
They evaded all communications, found a closed confection shop in the desolate streets, and tried to rob it. It was not a very successful robbing, some natives saw them but these witnesses did not try to stop because of their strange clothes. They called the police after Nerei's team escaped with the clothes.
Nerei and Yjum ignored the stalker and started walking again. First step...Second step...Third step... A shocking wave has appeared by ringing a sound in their ears. A transparent hemisphere was waving and growing. They tried to run away by quick steps but it was late.
Taran closed the space and they completely are surrounded by the pursuers. There're approximately thirty people inside the sphere. Taran turned the current world's natives into living statues. It's another function of his
Akjan, Naruj, and Yacbe're before Nerei and Yjum, the others were behind. They both were hearing the sounds of their steps who're coming from behind. Sounds increased until the very close and stopped.
Heytu came to one meter next to Nerei's back. "Your journey finished here Nerei. Do not try to move!"
"I'm waiting for you to finish your sentence by "my Eftandes", Commander Heytu!" Nerei replied.
"You're not an Eftandes anymore Nerei and I'm not a commander too. You know it."
"I know nothing. And you're not too. The difference between us this, you think you have the knowledge...I don't"
"I don't too, Nerei, I'm only following absolute orders. You ordered your own unit to butcher your own tribe. I've never witnessed something like that. I was there. You will be damned in the rest of your life and after death."
Something moved...It's only for one second. The pupils of the eyes of the native man have moved for one second who tried to communicate with Nerei before they reached them. Taran is sure that they've moved. But how? No, it should be an optical illusion. He used this ability too many times in their world and this never happened. And the pupils are not moving now. It was a very tiresome operation, they did not sleep for 36 hours. It's very normal to see little visual tricks for them. Taran focussed Heytu and Nerei again.
Taran's 28 years old. He is middle-length as 170 cm and app. 80 kg. His one ear was cut in a battle 3 years ago, also his hearing ability's good. He has brown hair and a sparse beard, his eyes are brown also. He chose wearing black clothes that day like he preferred all the time.
"You and your bloody Mekrapia will pay this, fuckers!" says Yjum. "I'll save my Eftandes from your bloody fangs here and I'll really butcher your all team and superiors when the time came"
Heytu took a deep breath "Disable them and evade killing." ordered his team. "They're going to be judged in..." He could not finish his words.
Dark raindrops have appeared on the visions of all Heytu's and Nerei's teams. Their vision turned to normal after three seconds but the atmosphere has been foggy and very heavy for them. It's like they're shouldering 100 kg or more. They started to kneeling slowly. They even can not lift their heads. Their knees crashed to the ground and kneecaps of all have been broken. All of them wailed with the pain.
The fog's disappeared. They're totally free but they can not move and they can not stand also. They all put their hands to the ground to prevent them from falling completely. The pain in their knees was troublesome. They are breathing very loudly all. Taran was the first to detect because it was his barrier. Something's getting in. He lifted up his head. Someone's getting in. Taran was watching by shocking. This's impossible.
A hard voice has been rebounded: "How did you come here, you miserable ephemera!"