
Women of few Words

A mantle of silence fell over the city.

It was the November 7, the chosen date to pay respects to the people who died in duty and to those who were victim of the vicious assault of mobs last month. The police wore their standard uniform, deep blue and white gloves. They raised their white gloved hands to salute and their hooves echoed as they march. They line and moved their rifles up and someone shouted. They fire three times before returning back to their proper line.

But the GEMS operatives knew better than that. The number of victims were estimated around 600 people and there were more hundreds missing persons for the last 10 years. Orion stole a glance at officer Bella. She slightly nodded at him.

They already addressed some of the information, but they presented themselves as CIA. There is no way that they will introduce the true agency to them – it would spell trouble and high likely the people from the government agencies will keep their eyes in this city.