Until they came past the borough of trees and bushes, the gang did not stop by for any rest, and in short order, they soon had reached the precipice of their demands.
A tall gate in front of the road that lead inside the canyon road petrified steely. Judging by the look at it, it weighs more than five hundred pounds, maybe more. There is no way that any of them might be able to open with sheer strength.
“I think we should around.” Van suggested. “It usually has backdoors.”
“Probably.” Laswell responded. “Maybe you’re right. We should look for alternatives. We’ll stick to it later, but if not… well, let’s just say we’ll have to blast through that door.”
There were no retorts and in agreement.
When Alastor were about to turned around, a person who were wearing a turban cloth sat on top of a flat slab of stone, fastidiously watching them over.
Alastor reached for his sword and drew it up close to the monk.