After last night of just fine dining and drinks Caleb was content on giving Avery the time of her life they’d booked a cab to go to the high end of London to visit the bars and clubs.

They’d got out of the cab in Essex and paid the driver he took her hand and thy walked together hand in hand down the main strip hitting the bars, by the time they arrived at the club they were already buzzing and could hardly walk let alone stand, but they were let in the big buff security guard who recognised Caleb from his meeting in the back with his superiors. He nodded and let them through, his gaze landing on Avery and smiled. She returned his smile following Caleb into the dimly lit club. ‘He was eye fucking you.’


He laughed hysterically. ‘Who me? never!’ He pulled her close. ‘Cause I know he’s not your type.’

‘And who is exactly my type?’

‘Bad boys like me.’

‘Cocky much!’

‘You love it, really admit it.’

‘Whatever bad boy let’s grab some drinks.’

He smiled pulling her through the crowded club, the music extremely loud and many people dancing sexual and dry humping one another. She scrunched her nose in disgust can’t these people get a room? She thought.

‘What do you want to drink sweetheart?’ The bartender asked snapping her out of her thoughts she hadn’t even realised her and Caleb reach the bar.

‘Sex on the beech.’

‘Certainly Miss and you sir?’

‘Scotch in the rocks.’

He nodded, doing them their drinks and putting them on the bar. Caleb handed him the money as Avery took a sip of the drink from her straw. ‘Come on let’s find somewhere to sit.’

She nodded. He took her hand and they cautiously made their way through the crowded club finally finding a few seats.

They drank their drinks, Caleb getting more as the night went on lining up the shots taking them back before they finally decided to go onto the hot and sweaty dance floor almost being crushed. He pulled her towards him sliding his arm around her to make sure he didn’t lose her on the squashed and crowded dance floor. They soon got into the swing of it dancing sexually his cold breath on her neck, sending tingling sensations through the whole of her body. They swayed along with the music getting deep down and sexy as the music changed.

They finally pulled themselves off the dance floor to get a bottle of water. ‘That was intense.’

‘You sure know how to get a guy going Avery.’

She slapped his shoulder. ‘Behave bad boy!’ She giggled.

‘I’m trying your just too damn sexy.’

She slapped him again.’

‘Come on.’

‘Where are we going.’

‘Dancing of course.’

‘Of course.’ She mimicked.

He smirked at her dragging her into the dance floor this time he chose to dance in front of her holding her their legs slid besides each other’s moving sexily to the reface music her arms falling over his shoulders his hands firmly placed on her hips as she moved gracefully.

A few dances later they were done and she excused herself to go to the ladies while he went to the men’s.

She found Caleb at the bar he passed her another drink. ‘This has to be the last Caleb.’


Ten drinks later they crawled out of the club hawling a taxi over to them they got in and told the taxi driver the address.

The taxi pulled away stopping in front of their destination. Caleb paid the driver before they both stumbled out of the cab closing the door stumbling over to he apartment block.

Avery and Caleb stumbled into the apartment they’d been drinking and dancing all night. They hadn’t had much chance to do this in the last two years they’d had so much fun tonight she’d forgotten about everything that was going to unravel when she finally returned home. ‘Shh you’ll wake the dog.’

‘You haven’t got a dog Caleb.’

‘The neighbours then.’

She giggled god he missed this, she’d finally forgave him for what happend with him, Matt and Noah and they’d finally become friends again. They’d even attended Matt’s wedding together; he wanted to invite Marcus as well but after Avery filled him in with what had happened he chose against it and his sisters wishes to have time to clear her head damn Noah.


‘Shh.’ She mimicked.

He laughed. ‘You’re still as hot as the first day we met.’

She looked at him. ‘And your still as handsome bad boy.’ she giggled.

Yep she’s drunk he was no better they’d had so much to drink they’d almost fell through the front door.

He pulled her close picking her up i his arms.

‘Put me down Caleb.’

‘I won’t drop you promise.’

‘Yeah. Whatever.’

‘Do You trust me Avery.’

‘Of course I do.’

‘Good.’ He said, stumbling across the hallway.

‘Put me down Caleb.’

‘I will just a sec.’

‘Where are we going?’



‘You trust me don’t you?’

‘Didn’t we just have this conversation?’

‘Do you trust me Avery Collins?’

‘Of course.’

‘Then shit up and let me concentrate. I don’t want to drop you.’

They stumbled into her room and he dropped her into the bed falling on top of her.

‘I thought you said you weren’t going to drop me?’ She asked, giggling.

‘I never mentioned dropping you on the bed did I?’


‘Well then.’ He said getting closer.

‘What are you doing ?’

‘I love you.’ He said pressing his lips on hers kissing her passionately before she had a chance of responding.